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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. Quite ignore in calling it The China Virus, Mr. Trump
  2. Marion Anderson? Gracie Fields? "God Bless America?" America The Beautiful?"
  3. I don't remember because I was just three years old. My mother, grandmother and uncle remembered always that my grandfather died that day. My grandparents still lived together, but apparently rarely talked to each other. (My grandma was born in Scotland - she had Eight children.)
  4. Even on the day of the assassinations in South Vietnam, Kennedy seemed confused and out of touch.
  5. President Kennedy was party to the assassination of Pres. Diem of South Vietnam in early November 1963. Yes, Diem was a petty dictator, but the subsequent leaders were just as bad and often worse and holding the South together.
  6. Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson were far more consequential Presidents than John Kennedy.
  7. Until recently, the St. Louis Cardinals had a long history of major African American stars (Bob Gibson, Ozzie Smith, Willie McGee). Even now when nearly leading baseball in covid19, the emerging star is pitcher Jack Flaherty who was adopted by a white single mother.
  8. I assume Donald Trump was studying day, night, weekend, and holiday in college during the civil rights marches in the 1960s. He may have missed the efforts of Kennedy and Johnson. Alternative reason: was not an advocate for African Americans or Hispanics
  9. President Trump has decided to retire to the Villages in Florida ( between Orlando and Ocala). Good for him, the president wants to be close to "his people" like John Travolta, Scott Baio and his Roger Stone. Michael Flynn has responded with an appropriate, "lock her up."
  10. Doctor Stella Emanuel is the world third leading advocate of apple juice cure for coronavirus, also endorsed by the late Herman Caine and Four St. Louis Cardinals baseball players
  11. Jared and Ivanka declare an off year in none government earnings: Only five billion dollars to 10 billion dollars.
  12. My mother's blue collar family was helped by FDR backed programs, especially her parents. My mom was the youngest of eight children.
  13. At least we can't blame Trump directlyabout covid19 knocking out the Florida Marlins and the old-school St. Louis Cardinals baseball teams, just a few more players testing positive and the the season will be over. But Trump is responsible for leaving millions of people without renewed assistance during the pandemic. And for calling covid19 the China virus. And the post office delivery
  14. We have wasted too much time on Larstrup/Liam All you had to do was read the comments of @TotallyOz
  15. For someone who claims to have done so much for Blacks, Trump wasn't praised by anyone at John Lewis's Funeral yesterday.
  16. Yet another question at the end of a comment. Why?
  17. Not everyone wants to constantly read complaining about "snake venom over there." Try to move on to Oz, the read hero as a site owner.
  18. But, you still have friends at the other site where you were well liked my many people, including me.
  19. You could have spoken up about Larstrup/Liam but did not to save threads about the organ (and other names for the organ thread). Now Liam is posting on the other site.
  20. Good, I shall keep you informed on Liam.
  21. Adam, your friend, Liam, has started Organ 2 on the other site, a companion to his other thread Organ 1.
  22. Opera isn't new, around for centuries. The Broadway musical is relatively new.. Showboat and Oklahoma Broadway performer are far better actors/actresses And I enjoy opera too in New York, Chicago, Vienna, Munich, Paris, Prague and Sydney
  23. Interesting that one thinks Richard Rogers, Irving Berlin, Stephen Sondheim, Leonard Bernstein, Jule Styne composed second rate music. Perhaps Cole Porter George Gershwin were second rate too. Gershwin told Merman to never take a singing lesson.
  24. RIP Rene Carpenter The most sophisticated wife of them all.
  25. There have always been gays in the military, including many, many high rank officers, @Lucky
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