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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. I was slightly let down by "The Departed," but you are right about Leo. Leo has never been as sexy. A twink no longer; he's developed his body and his acting. Matt Damon isn't bad either.
  2. Wow, I guess Alexander the Great did not have health insurance either.
  3. I was in an accident 18 months ago that stopped me from hiring and writing reviews. It also gave me much time to think about all the money I was spending on escorts. Now I hire fewer guys and have fallen out of the habit of writing reviews. Perhaps I am not the only person who just decided to do other things with his money, yet still participates in this forum.
  4. Marc, I am also going to disagree with you somewhat about Russia, although my trip was to St. Petersburg not Moscow. I visited St. Petersburg for nine days during the last White Nights celebration. Perhaps having 20 plus hours of daylight per day made the city seem saver that it really is. But, I walked everywhere and visited as many clubs as possible and never had a problem. Few Russians speak English. I eventually gave up on restaurants and just ate in the hotel for the last few days. Moscow may have been more difficult. On Brazil, I was in my late 20s during my first visit to Rio.That was so long ago that I got to see the great Brazilian singer Baden Powell in a Copa nightclub. At that age, you take chances you would not take in your 40s and 50s. Rio was safer back then, although still dangerous. Truly if I did not know the basic geography of the city very well, I might have hired a guide myself when I returned to Rio recently. Well, maybe not.
  5. My comments are sparked by the good recent reviews for Danilo, who is a guide/travel companion in Rio and San Paulo. I posted in this section because Danilo is not an escort. I have been to Rio twice, San Paulo once, Brasilia once. I understand Danilo's great value in the saunas and as a nice guy to hang out with. But, besides the saunas, the best part of the trips for me was figuring things out on my own. By doing that, I got to ask plenty of questions -- Brazilians and other tourists were always willing to help. The excellent Rio bus system allows you to see the major tourist sites cheaply and safely. I spent hours in the various music stores in Ipanema listening to every type of Brazilian music and getting advise from everyone near by. It was a great way to meet Brazilians. It was also easy to start conversation on the beach in Ipanema, especially on weekends. Brasilia was tough at times, because of the language. Again, it was also a wonderful adventure in a very foreign city in the middle of nowhere. Is this just a matter of personal preference? I get satisfaction from finding things out for myself and building on each day's experience. Am I missing some basic point that leads people, even seasoned travelers, to hire guides?
  6. Since you also have a blog (a much better blog), you are in a position to speak with some authority. I was just guessing, more surprised by the lack of activity than anything else.
  7. Hey, there may not be many posts on a given day. The good news is that we rarely talk about the other site anymore.
  8. "Corey"'s work schedule is remarkable similar to Rico's; Corey has not posted in almost a week. On the basis of very few posts, "Corey" appears to have the same opinion as Rico. That may change if Corey is every heard from again.
  9. Buddy2


    >The point here is that both Clinton and Foley engaged in >inappropriate relationships with young people for whom they >should have been a role model versus a paramour. Gerry Studds >was different than both, though in my mind equally disgusting, >in that he actually engaged in sex with someone under the age >of consent at the time of their sexual act. > >Foley and Clinton are unethical and unacceptable. Studds and >Barney Frank very likely engaged in criminal acts. The age of consent is 16 in the District of Columbia. The page whom Studds was involved with was 17. Frank was not involved with any male pages. His problem was an escort 'friend' turning tricks for money from Frank's DC apartment. To me, Studds' and Foley's behavior is far worse than Clinton's or Frank's. In fact, Frank doesn't even belong in this discussion.
  10. Buddy2


    Foley spent endless hours ' mentoring' each new class of pages. He cried during a farewell speech to one group of pages. For years, it was an open secret among the pages that Foley was someone to stay away from. Whether or not this grooming eventually led to sex, the behavior was totally inappropriate. Foley was old enough to be a grandfather to the most recent group of pages. Yes Bill Clinton is no shining beacon of behavior, but at least the women he was involved with were all older than Foley's pages. You just had to drag Clinton into this, didn't you. If you were really interested in a serious discussion, Garry Studds was the name to bring up. Given your obsession with Clinton, I could less less about your 'contempt' for him.
  11. Buddy2

    is he???

    Great comments! I checked out your website and my space information. I liked you before from reading your messages on the two sites over the past months, but now even more since I know about your drag experience and that Lolita is one of your favorite books. Loved the pictures on the website. You have just become my new screen saver.
  12. Buddy2


    I lived in Barney Frank's congressional district outside of Boston for several years. I met Barney during several campaign appearances in the district. Just me perhaps, but I didn't think Barney Frank was sexy or hot in any way. Congressman Frank would make an interesting travel companion. He's interesting and charmingl; no one would ever be bored. People may not know that Frank had a highly rated talk show before running for Congress. Again, this may be a matter of what I find sexy versus someone else's opinion.
  13. Buddy2

    is he???

    Posted early this morning: The Hooville Village News is closed. This is a sad day for independent, truthful and gossip-free jouralism.
  14. Buddy2

    is he???

    > >Just when one thinks Rico cannot sink lower, he finds a way. >But he has made more than one enemy, and some notions of >retribution seem to be stirring. Whether anyone has a way to >enact these, only time will tell. As expected Rico responded in kind in his blog, threatening anyone who attacked him. The entire population of posters on the two escort review sites are cowering in fear. Rico was surprised that his drag pictures of Trey were greated positively on this site. Yawn. I would hire Trey in a minute also.
  15. Yes, someone who saw Jim McGreevey on Oprah remarked on all his spiritual references. Someone must have told me to cool it or he thought that's what Oprah wanted to hear. McGreevey only mentioned religion once at Penn and that was to say he and his partner attend an Episcopal Church in New York City. The only good thing I can say about McGreevey is that he is probably telling the truth about the 'affair' with Golan Cioel. Cipel, who seems even more in the closet than McGreevey, denies being gay or ever having sex with the ex-governor.
  16. I saw ex-NJ Governor Jim McGreevey speak earlier this week at an event sponsored (sort of) by the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) LBGT association. The professor who introduced McGreevey seemed torn as to what to say. The audience (fully of great looking male students) was very friendly during the Q&A. Many bought his book and got McGreevey's signature. There were no tough questions, perhaps because McGreevey admitted up front that he would still be in the closet but for Golan Cipel. In preparation I saw McGreevey on Larry King's show last week. McGreevey came off well. At Penn, he gave a rambling 20-minute talk, which most ex- politicians would have done betterl. He just isn't a very good speaker. I just do not believe that his second wife was unaware that McGreevey was gay or that Golan Cipel was the only aide with whom he slept. I know what it's like to be in the closet, so I'm wondering why I don't have more sympathy for the man. It would have helped if McGreevey had come across as something more than a political hack at Penn. Any thoughts?
  17. My friendship with an escort whom I had hired for several years ended when he started dating and then became partners with a semi-high profile local attorney who wasn't pleased with his boyfriend's former job & even some of his non-client friends. I was upset, but also knew had badly he wanted a real relationship and this relationship has endured for over four years now. Benjamin Nicholas puts his heart and sole into his career and clients. If he's not the number one escort in the country, Benjamin is in the top five. From reading his reviews, he often picks up the meal tap and even treats long time clients to free weekends at his home. That's amazing in the escort world. But Benjamin has not gone through his post escort period yet. The people who have posted have all had various experience with former escorts, some great and some not so great. I believe that Benjamin is totally sincere about keeping in touch with clients who have become friends, but his life may change and that may not be possible.
  18. " If you want a true friendship with an escort, make sure you move away from money at the key to the fr8endship." You couldn't have written a truer sentence. As an aside, this subject didn't get much response, but at least i was able to mention Benjamin Nicholas' name without the sky falling down.
  19. Has global warming had an effect on client/escorts relationships? I have noticed that clients more and more often refer to escorts whom they are currently hiring as friends or good friends. Several days ago on this site, a reviewer stated that the escort whom he was reviewing had become his best friend. (See Benjamin Nicholas review) I know that this subject has been discussed many times before on the several escort review sites. Before I started hiring escorts, I talked to Aaron Lawrence and the manager of an escort agency in New York City about the ground rules. They both warmed about unreasonable expectation by clients, particularly after the client/escort relationship ends. That was seven or eight years ago. Have things really changed? If so, I am also concern about the pressure this puts on responsible escorts, like Benjamin Nicholas, whose lives move in different directions after escorting.
  20. I also want to congratulate daddy and wish the new site good luck. Let's also move on from speculating on HooBoy's heirs and closest friends. Rico got it right: Whatever HooBoy's wishes may have been for the future, they mean nothing if he did not leave a will.
  21. What a bunch of losers. I give valuable fashion tips and priceless hotel recommendations and everyone ignores me. What do you expect from those who shop at Walmart and think Montreal is a foreign city. Only two of my e-mail friends contacted me with a welcome home. Both had the bad manners to mention Villa Fetrinelli's unfortunate connection to Il Duce. Let them post on the message center from now on and stop bothering me. They are off my list, both have been identified as spam to my Internet dial up. Well that lousy vaction will soon be a memory now that i have returned to my busy live in the city. I am glad I cancelled my Starwoods membership just before leaving Cala di Volpe in Sardinia. I'll be staying at Holiday inns and Motel 6s from now on, since my budget is a little tight. Maybe i should travel to Italy in January, not August. Better yet, Montreal is a wonderful place to visit in the winter. I wonder what a stip club is like.
  22. Thanks for the fedback. To be fair to the Times, I don't know how many other messages were waiting in line for a moderator's approval. I do know that dozens of other messages were posted while I waited. The subject was women players' clothes at the US Open, not trainers' leg rubs of men players. A year or two ago, I am almost certain the Times would not have posted my message without a strong agument from me -- that is progress.
  23. I am I the only person who thought that Escortspeak no longer existed until i read you message? Am I correct that Escortspeak is now a yahoo group? What is your position on moderating on the Internet in general?. Yesterday I wrote a response to a New York Times blog suggesting that very cute US Open Tennis player Richard Gasquet leg messages on court by the trainer seemed almost like a sexual high to Gasquet. The message waited in line for hours "waiting for a moderator" but was finally posted on the Times website. Should I had been upset if the Times refused to post my comments about Gasquet? If they had not posted it, I was really to object strongly with the argument that women in sports are allowed to be sex object, but not men . What would you have done?
  24. I'm less than a week older that Mick Jagger. We were both born in July, 1943. Six months ago I would have laughed at the visial aides at rock concerts. Now I find myself momentarially forgetting people's names and song lyrics. I do remember the old line for straight guy: "I wouldn't kick Mick Jagger out of bed." We should change that to include "Mick Jagger and whatever he's using to stay hard these days."
  25. Given Tampa Yankees unusually curt reply to your comments, I would have immediately written a review of the sweaty bike rider and submitted it to this site. If you have decided not to write a review, my question would be why. Do you and Tampa Yankee have a history of conflict? On the other hand, escorts quote different prices for a variety of reasons. In addition, you apparently did not hire the escort, so you really could not write a review anyway.
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