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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. I am amazed by the number of new people that have joined Daddy/Deej's forum in the last few years. For better or worse, as long as that site can put up four, five or six new escort reviews every day their forum will continue to flourish.
  2. On donations to Daddy, I contributed some money, and never received a response from Daddy. So if Daddy is a con man, he's not a very good one. I would never make a second donation, something I mught have done if he had responded.
  3. Tough question, because I barely know some of the women and Brett or Dave. John has done a good job of flying under the radar. People don't know that his job is rocket scientist. Three who shouldn't win: Russell, Shambo, Jaison, but could.
  4. Scott has a larger than life personality. He has posted often about his life, and it's been fun to read about his growing up over the last five plus years. Yes, there are times when Scott could be annoying, but mostly he was (and will be again) adorable. He's become a public personality on several message boards. This site's great value is that those who have read this thread know what the accusations are against Scott. Why is that bad? We can all imagine (and have probably all heard) gossip about Scott's recent life much worse than the actual facts as detailed here.
  5. "If you had been the one arrested, you'd want support from people....." I completely agree. If you know Scott as a friend, acquaintance or fellow poster on a message board, the kind thing is to provide as much help and support as possible. Again, I want to recognize the owners of this site for opening up this subject for public discussion. I was aware of Scott's situation, but did know how to contact him until I came here.
  6. Once Michael Musto wrote about Scott's arrest in The Village Voice, a legitimate source of news, this site did the right thing in allowing open discussion. I am sorry that Lucky disagrees (over and over again), but he seems to be the only one. Has anyone contacted Scott, or visited him in jail? I am not looking for anything beyond basic information -- for example, is the contact information correct as posted on one of the many blogs?
  7. Why is the party such a big secret? I am not trying to keep an argument going, but the party was held on the west coast. Even those who live relatively near Palm Springs but have full-time jobs or other commitments might not have been able to make it. I know that wasn't the intent, but it seems that you have to be wealthy or retired to be part of the 'in' crowd (or live in Palm Springs). Just something to think about.
  8. I am a fan of Daddy's and the other site, but he does complain endlessly. I would be sad to see the MC shut down, but would anyone's life change except Lucky's?
  9. > >My modern era prototypical president is John F Kennedy. However, whatever his views, popular or not, he had >the grit, steel, and brinksmanship to lead us through a Cuban >Missle Crisis when lesser men might have committed us to a >very long winter. Isn't a president also judged on domestic policy and relations with Congress? Johnson turned much of Kennedy's legislative program into law, particularly in the areas of civil rights and the war on poverty (head start, medicare). True, historians and political scientists will be arguing about Kennedy's and Johnson's places in history for centuries. Kennedy did not have enough time; Johnson screwed up in Vietnam. However, LBJ's biographer, Robert Caro, who is often very critical of Johnson, still calls him the greatest civil rights president, next to Lincoln.
  10. Too bad the deeply closet Thomas Mann did not write his own "Maurice"-type book to be publish after his death. We do have Mann's "Death in Venice," hardly a gay liberation work. After Oscar Wilde's troubles, it was daring on Mann's part to publish a novella on homosexuality in 1912. Further, "Death in Venice" has prospered as a film by Luchino Visconti (1971), an opera by Benjamin Britten (1973) and 2.5 hour dance by the Hamburg Ballet (see provocative photo in New York Times' review of February 9. 2007). It's difficult to imagine that the novella will ever be out of print, especially with new translations being published. Agree about "At Swim Two Boys" and "The Swimming-Pool Library." Vidal's book is wonderful. I am not a fan of Armistead Maupin, but to each his own.
  11. Twinklover: >>P.S. I hope my Jewish clients, many of whom I love dearly >as >>clients, never try to hire you as an escort. They >negotiate >>and initiate negotiations about my legal and business fees >all >>the time. It's expected, and not taken as a sign of >disrespect >>for me or my services. I have not posted yet in this thread, so here goes. I'm with Scott on this. As I understand it, Scott's rates are based on the services the client requests. In other words, the client who requests vanilla sex, gets a lower rate. Negotiating is fine in many cases, but Boston Guy is taking it to an extreme. Twinklover's P.S. on Jewish legal clients ("I hope my Jewish clients, many of whom I love dearly as clients, never try to hire you as a client") is really insulting to Alder. One can speculate that was the OP's intention right from the beginning.
  12. > His "Two Americas" campaign seemed designed >to split the country, not unite it. There are two Americas (talk to people without health insurance), and Democrats do not talk about the division much because they do not see many votes there. (I understand that Lucky already knows this.) As Lyndon Johnson ponted out his Great Society, especially the Civil Rights legislation and war on poverty, would lose the south to the Republicans for several generations. I am not a huge fan of John Edwards' but he did take chances in 2004 and seems to be willing to do the same in 2008. The big problem for Edwards, Giuliani, Romney and Obama is their lack of foreign policy experience. We have already seen with Bush (and LBJ) where that can lead us.
  13. Just an hour ago, Ozzy and Yul spoke and I was impressed all over again. I did not realize that Yul graduated from Stanford and Yale Law School and worked for Senator Joe Lieberman. Ozzy was my favorite because of his incredible performances at the Immunity Challenges, but there was no talk about going back to school, just buying cars. Great season, with plenty of bad guys and some really nice people.
  14. This a quality site in every respect. It is amazing what the people in charge have accomplished in less than a year. The people who post all seem like decent people. It is an honor to be a member.
  15. >Of course if you two would like contribute more to the site I >am sure we all would be happy. :+ You have contributed more to this site than I have. You win. I have started a few threads, one called "Escorts as Best Friends" which was based on a review of Benjamin Nickolas The thread received many responses. I believe I was successful in turning the client's review of Ben into a more universal concern. I like you and enjoy reading your comments. However, we disagree strongly on posting in this forum. I believe this site should pretty much stand on its own, with few references to the other site. You disagree.
  16. T: You have started many interesting discussions on this site. I really appreciate your dedication and initiative. Can only speak for myself, but I am tired of discussions about Daddy's site or how bad Benjamin Nicholas is. Unlike Escort Speak, MER has establsihed an independent identity. Is there some reason that you can not take your disagreements with Daddy to his site, not here? I am only speaking for myself. Perhaps I am a minority of one. This thread in particular is pointless because you can not identify the escort. I have no interest in searching Daddy's reviews to find what you are talking about. Buddy
  17. "Ben Nicholas and Scott Adler are both very good at marketing themselves, but not as good as Talvin DeMachio. Talvin charges top dollar for a limited experience but he pleases his clients." Great observation. Whatever you think about Ben Nicholas and Scott Adler, both have made numerous comments on both forums and their respective blogs. Clearly, the goal is to impress possible clients, but they have also revealed much about themselves both good and bad. Talvin DeMachio seldom posts, except to annouce his busy travel schedule. He choses to communicate with his clients through his newletter. That's fine, but it is a style that doesn't interest me. Talvin gets all the benefits of the travel section, while making very limited contributions to any discussions. Who knows anything about Talvin, except his clients?
  18. Thanks, Conway. After your comments, I need to have several reasons to visit Boston not just Jason Rylee. In the interest of full disclosure, I recently missed a hour appointment with Bruno Gaucho. It was totally my fault & still feel very bad about it. At least, I called and e-mailed Bruno to apologize. (Comment to escorts: It's a good idea to respond to apologies even if just to say I am still angry at you. If Bruno had responded -- in any way -- I would have moved heaven and earth to hire him for a longer appointment to make things right)
  19. I had given up on flying into Logan after the big dig made finding even the Mass Pike a problem for a visitor. I graduated from Boston College so always knew renting a car at Logan was a problem, but at least at one time understood the problem. Thanks for the Jason Rylee link and all your comments on escorts above in this thread. Jason has made me reconsider Boston. Perhaps if I fly into Logan on another day (not Friday afternoons/early evenings) I will be able to figure things out!
  20. By 9:11AM EST on Sunday the picture is no lomger up. Too bad. Also: Lucky had the last laugh on all the "When is Lucky going to die" comments on Rico's blog. Good for Lucky.
  21. Whether or not the rape scene is true turns out to be one of the least important parts of the book. We have more in common than I realized: in addition to serving in the military we also grew up in the same Massachusetts rural, comservative community. Reichen hated growing up in a trailor park. He's still very angry about those years to the point of naming the two bullies who teased him in the 7th and 8th grades. He also declared that they must be gay, without providing any evidence. The book may surprise the two men's wives and many kids. I admire many things about Reichen, particularly his leadership while at the Air Force Academy against the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" military policy. He is a superb organizer ( and self admitted great friend) and by senior year led a group of 60 men who were able to have active gay sex lives despite the military staring over thier shoulders' at every moment. Reichen decided to attend the Air Force Academy because of his love of flying, given to hm by his beloved grandmother. Reichen did well in all the basic training and advanced infantry training requirements. By his 2nd year, Reichen was openly showing his contempt for the rules and regulations at the Academy. The comtempt may have been routed in his opposition to the DADT policy, but extended far beyond just that. As ridiculous as many of the rules and regulations are, Reichen never understood that there was a basis logic to the training rules, if not the gay policy. He may have been the worst trainer of underclassmen in the Academy's history, usually becoming buddies with the guys. There' plenty of sex in these sections of the book. At times Reichen's arrogance is just amazing. Senior year he started dating a friend's ex a few days after they broke up. Yet, he has no idea why the friend is so upset that he almost ruined Reichen's great sexual protest v. the DADT policy. Yes, Reichen loves airplane, but that seemed to be his only reason for choosing the Air Force Academy. Okay, he's only 18 at the time. He never looks back and discusses the fact that the Academy was the wrong place from him from day one -- far beyond the sexual issues. Give Reichen credit for purring all the good and the bad in the book, just not sure he understood the difference.
  22. SilverDollar's review of Bruno was one of the best I have ever read. I have also tended to write reviews of escorts with whom I had a great time. It's much more difficult to write about an appointment that doesn't quite work out & capture exactly the reasons why it did not work out. Cheers to SilverDollar.
  23. The following was just posted by the New York Times: "Mr. Jones took a polygraph examination in connection with other interviews and partially failed, local broadcasters said. They said the examiner said he would like to do a re-test because Mr. Jones was exhausted at the time of the first test." I have mixed feeling about an escort outing a client, although in this case Jones' actions are somewhat understandable. I am concerned that Jones partially failed a polygraph test, Let's see what happens the second time around.
  24. Benjamin, I need to read the book immediately, because of my interest in Riechen's military experience not because I particular like (or dislike) the author. I appreciate your thoughful response, but reserve the right to comment again after finishing the book. Reichen's "Here's What We'll Say" is difficult to find. The library, Barnes & Noble and Borders do not have it, but the local gay and lesbian bookstore has four copies. I just reserved a copy and will pick it up either later today or first thing tomorrow. You were lucky to get an advanced copy. B
  25. In the latest '15 Minutes", Ben writes the following: "Gay reality star and D-lister Reichen has once again gotten the spotlight to swing his way thanks to a tall tale involving a sexual assault. Seems this muscular mess wrote about a past ‘rape’ in his new book with great detail: The only problem being that he ended up leaving a hickey on his assailant’s neck as well as ‘cumming in two minutes.’ Funny, that doesn’t sound like any rape I’ve ever heard of. If Reichen plays his cards right, he may be able to sell his life story and film rights. Granted, it’ll be produced by Falcon, but it’s exposure just the same I guess." Now I like Ben more that Reichen Lehmkuhl, but having served in the military I know that what Reichen describes could happen in our homophobic air force, army, navy etc. Rape happens, but the daily gossip and spying is nearly as bad. The DADT policy is not working and may be worse that the days when it was an open secret as to who was gay. I can't stand Bush and believe that the war in Iraq is a huge mistake. I am not questioning whether or not Ben had "other priorities" than the military like Dick Cheney. Good for Ben for not getting involved in the military. And yes, I know that many people believe that Reichen is a fame whore. But I would be interested to know if Ben talked to anyone in the military now, or discharged recently before writing the Reichen item. Even if the 'rape' is slightly exaggerated in the book, my guess is that Reichen faced more homopbobia in the Air Force than Ben has in him entire life.
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