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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. I was coming out of a class at Boston College. There was some sad conversation, and I drove 30 minutes home. Living in Massachusetts, I had met all three Kennedy brothers, in a strange way that helped a lot. Also, I had just bought "Joan Baez, In Concert, Volumn II" I played the record constantly that weekend. To be fair to Pres. Johnson, he passed many of Kennedy's bills that were hopelessly tied up in Congress. --see Robert Caro, "The Passage of Power" (2012).
  2. I saw Streisand in Philly, the first stop on the tour in 2006. She was staying at the Four Seasons for a week just two blocks from my house. A friend was staying at the Four Seasons as well. So everytime I stop in, I knew there was a chance I might see her. I did see Streisand in her two Broadway shows, both during the Boston tryouts before New York.
  3. Was that LA appearance a special concert? I believe the last time Streisand toured was 2006, not 2008. Pretty sure I am correct, because knew it was the last time I could afford to see her in person.
  4. Not sure I agree. I remember seeing Chris O'Donnell in an Arthur Miller play quite a few years ago. I thought he was very hot.
  5. Did anyone see Pat Carroll perform in the one-woman play on Stein in the 1980s? It may have been just one person on stage, but the set was wonderful, as was Carroll. Having seen the play, I almost feel as if I actually saw Stein on that stage.
  6. I agree about The Tree of Life, but the other films are standard critic favorites especially Vertigo and Citizen Kane
  7. I am surprised at all the complaining, given that the actual airfares to Europe and South America are so high, and frequent flier ticket are free, except for some fees and taxes. Last summer I flew to Prague on Lufthansa in June on frequent flier miles. This summer I flew to Stockholm on Continental in August on frequent flier miles. I saved over a thousand dollars on each trip. Yes, airlines have made frequent flier mile travel more more difficult and expensive. But, I have found that if I call the airines several times, I eventually get someone who will wave fees, or allow a stop over in a city that was originally just a plane change. Lufthansa is especially willing to cooperate.
  8. I was in France, Italy and the Czech Republic last June. I am traveling to Sweden and Germany in a few weeks. I have not agreed with a lot of comments in this thread, but my first-hand information is more tha a year old. So I have been silent. I look forward to seeing what's happening in Germany and particularly Sweden before posting anything.
  9. "Well, when I went to New York to see some Broadway and off-Broadway shows, I posted about them here and no one responded. And I do miss the theater discussions over at Daddy's. After all, I started the theater forum there. So I made a decision to post in that forum and put my toe in the water there." You have done a great job here, but even if your efforts were less impressive, I see no reason why you can not post on both sites. I have read your theater comments on Daddy's site & believe you can a lot on all kinds of entertainment matters to those discussions on Daddy's. You have been very honest about what has occurred over the past twelve-thirteen months. That means someone to me & I hope everyone else who posts here.
  10. Buddy2


    I have kept most of my friends from grade school, high school, college, grad school, Military/Vietnam and work. It's difficult enough to keep in touch with all those people without adding new friends. I HAVE established a few friendships with local people who post on Daddy's site and several local escorts. I do appreciate the work done putting together the Palm Beach weekends, etc.
  11. "House of Boys" played at a recent LGBT film festival I attended. I did not see it, but the word-of-mouth opinion was mixed. Here are the films I did see with my rankings. Remember: just one person's opinion. "Judas Kiss" B- "Jitters" B "Eating Out - Drama Camp" (most people liked it more than I did) B "Absent" ("Ausente") A "Going Down in La-La Land" A- "Longhorns" B-/C+ "Gun Hill Road" won the Jury Award "Eating Out - Drama Camp" won the Audience Award
  12. ['Lucky' ] You would guess wrong.
  13. Since Doug69 wrote a long very detailed expose of Nicholas' plagerism on Daddy's site several years ago, you can rule out any Jimboovyo connection. That expose plus other posts by Doug69 would be the exact reason members of Daddy's site would go to him about the tennage girl club who swoon over and over about a half dozen escorts over there. If you were engaged in a tough argument, my guess is that you would want Doug69 on your side, Lucky
  14. Travolta has been a member of the Church of Scientology for thirty-five years, so whatever the Church's current position may be in 2010...I still do not know because your citation is in question because of footnote problems...is not relevant.
  15. I agree. I attended an est orientation in the 1980s by mistake. Est was a more gentle second cousin to Scientology. But, I saw the mind control techniques first hand during that orientation. I refused to sign up (as everyone else was doing), and was surrounded quickly by six est members who attacked me for not wanting to significantly change my life by borrowing money to pay for est training. Luckily, I drove there, and they could not stop me from leaving and driving home. That was just an hour or two, but one of the worst experiences in my life. Travolta has been a member of Scientology for as long as I can remember. How could he have avoided using mind control methods to encourage people to 'cure' their homosexuality? He could not, and remain in good standing.
  16. I could not possibly disagree more. He is a member of the Church of Scientology, a religion that is militantly anti-gay and lesbian. Travolta has been a member of the church for decades, and holds a high position. Certainly, you must know that if a well-known celebrity bishop in the Catholic Church is as openly gay as Travolta has been, it would be a story.
  17. I intended to congratulate you on A-Rod's 600th HR. But, I see by your second sentence that you have swallowed all the Kool Aid in Yankee Stadium. Are you really comparing Sosa, McGuire, and to some extent, A-Rod with Hank Aaron, Willie Mays and Ted Williams, who would also have hit at least 600 HR, but for tours of duty with the military in World War II and Korea? Whatever "help" Aaron, Mays and Williams may, or may not have had, does not compare with steroids use in baseball over the last 20-25 years.
  18. LOL Maybe the thread would be more successful if you also mentioned baseball players in the flyover states once in a while. St. Louis' Albert Pujols has hit 392 home runs in his career as of last night. Pujols is thirty-years old, five years younger than A-Rod. Last night's home run was his 26th of the 2010 season (his 10th season). In his first nine full seasons in the big leagues, Pujols has averaged 40.6 HRs a year. Pujols is only hitting .300 so far this year. But, his lifetime batting average, including this year, is .331 vs. Rodriquez's lifetime batting average of .303. Rodriques is better in the field than Pujols; A-Rod is also more sexy. Both men have the same number of World Series rings. And Albert is far less controversial than Alex. That's not to take anything away from A-Rod. He is still the best player in baseball. End of rant, Lucky.
  19. Buddy2

    HOOBOY and OZ

    Thank you very much for the answer. You confirmed what I thought may have happened, but did not know for sure until today.
  20. Buddy2

    HOOBOY and OZ

    Everyone I ever met who knew HooBoy liked him. I never had the good fortune to meet him, or even communicated with HooBoy by e-mail. Now I have to get more serious. I was concerned (as were others who read and/or posted in the forum) about HooBoy during the last months of his life -- again even though I did not know him beyond the forum. He presented himself as a person with health problems who traveled constantly, but had little respect/interest in doctors or medical insurance. It's been a while, so I am not sure that I have it 100% correct, but it's pretty close I think. Was that drama as well? Did he take better care of himself that his postings in the forum would indicate?
  21. I remember a lot of arguments about whether Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" should be classified as fiction or non-fiction. No one disputes that Capote changed some of the facts of the case. Was Capote really in love with one of the killers, or did he get close to Perry to gain information for the book. Either way "In Cold Blood," which was published in 1966, has many elements of a love story between two men.
  22. I did hire twenty-one year old Billy Brandt in his prime -- around Labor Day, 2000. He had only one video release at the time --Falcon's "Absolute Arid." He was very attractive and sexy with a magnificent ass. I remember that his big turn on was getting spanked, the harder the better. It was something new to me, but I could not resist that ass (see photo). It was a two day adventure. He had recently moved close by. We talked for an hour the night hefore on the phone about many things, but driving directions were not his strong point. He called me three time on the way to check in on where to turn, etc. And he brought his girl friend with him, who ended up spending the next four-five hours in a nearby bar getting drunk. He was too unpredictable to escort on a regular basis. Too bad.
  23. Great idea, Lucky. Count me in as well.
  24. Buddy2

    HOOBOY and OZ

    I would reverse it. Hooboy as Garland and Oz as Dietrich. I am old enough to remember both ladies when they were alive. Dietrich was the perfect example of German efficiency, not at all like Hooboy. Hooboy was a great person, but his life, as detailed on his site, was one drama after another. I particularly remember a day-long attempt by Hooboy to post escort reviews on a Thursday (Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S.) from London. Hooboy posted almost hourly with the latest problem.
  25. Agree and would add Kevin Williams, John Davenport and Mike Henson from the William Higgins' 1980s video "Big Guns."
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