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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. Nice to see the snow in New Hampshire. Amazing that Amy Klobouchar has raised 3.5 million dollars since the debate. She has improved as a candidate. She may have problems in Nevada and South Carolina. Poor Elizabeth Warren though. Sad.
  2. "It's high time the Dems get focused on how to punch this fucker back.". I stand with Michelle Obama on this. Not Speaker Pelosi who will be 80 years old next month. And Senator Sanders will be 79 years old on election day this years. The Democrats historical win when they run young candidates for president, like Obama, Bill Clinton, Carter, Kennedy. Only Truman and Johnson were older, but they were already president. I do reluctantly agree that it is better to confront a bully directly on the Internet. It is worked for me often and in real life too. But, it takes a lot for me to do it. And I am surprised by anyone doubting Speaker Pelosi listening to the squad in ultimately deciding on Impeachment. Pelosi has already said she is retiring in 2022. - a significant concession
  3. I am concerned that the Sanders' voters will dismiss any candidate but Bernie if Buttigieg or Warren are nominated. Major Problem.
  4. You give up too easily.
  5. I believe Pelosi made a mistake in deciding on Impeachment for whatever reason. Whether it was forced on her or not by AOC, she is responsible. And she has been negligent in not preparing much younger members to take over in leadership positions in the House. To repeat, six months ago I thought she was the second coming of Sam Rayburn, but not now.
  6. Until recently I would have put Nancy Pelosi with Lyndon Johnson as a great Congressial Leader, not now. Yes, she kept all the Democratic Party Senators, a major achievement. But, what else? Trump is just as strong, even stronger.And ripping up the speech was a Trump like decision. She is much better than that.
  7. I am not so sure Nancy Pelosi is doing a wonderful job. Aren't her leadership team members almost as old as the speaker?
  8. Excellent response. My doctor frequently minds me.
  9. I attended the Australian Open in 1994. Relatively sleepy for such an important event, but still extremely enjoyable. I agree with John and Martina about Margaret Court. But, she is very unlikely to change much given her age.. It is disgusting that Court has a role, even though a small role, in the tournament. Not much more to say, except maybe they should have been more aware of the rules of the Australian Open. They are hardly new to the tournament.
  10. I spent a year in Vietnam, including a week in Hong Kong (1968/1969). To my critics: what's up?
  11. Definitely cancel. I have spent more time in Asia than Europe. That's enough.
  12. I have been posting photos on the other for quite a while taking some long breaks occasionally. I am more concerned about what constitutes a successful photo than anything else. Glad I took drawing and painting courses at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts for s year. I did it because I was in love with a artist who was younger, but not all that younger. Yes, it is often a bit more difficult now. Thanks, Rock Hard NYC
  13. What a sad comment concerning Philadelphia. Wow. Perhaps you might do some basic research on the wealth of Cezanne paintings here, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Barnes Foundation.
  14. I am surprised by the lingering resentment about the move into larger More modern building in Philadelphia with much better lighting, much more accommodating hours and above all light and also scholarly events concerning the collection.
  15. I can actually see the Barnes Foundation from my living room windows. As I wrote, the museum is just across the street. As important, I would absolutely miss being within a short bus ride from events at the University of Pennsylvania. And being able to use the University library. That would drive me crazy.
  16. Philadelphia has several world class art museums and universities. I live across the street from the Barnes Foundation, with one the best collections of Cezanne, Mattise and Renoir paintings in The world.
  17. You seem to be unaware of the ridiculous posts on the other site hoping and praying for Palm Springs weekend to arrive sooner. As to Philadelphia, I love Australia far more than Palm Springs, and have already donated several times to brush fire emergency wildlife funds in Melbourne. If I was seven or eight years younger I woul be in Sydney or Melbourne now. I mentioned it to point out some guy destination's especially Sydney, offer far more than desert locations in the US.
  18. Nobody cares. Palm Springs is too parochial.
  19. The event has become laughable only because some members take it soooo seriously.
  20. By now, I think of PS Weekend fans as throwbacks to EST true believes. And I am completely serious. I can barely count the number of people who tried to sell me on the multiple benefits. Luckily, I have a casual friend who lives near to Palm Springs and Rancho Mirage. I am aware of the annual music festival and the weather in Spring.
  21. Isn't Zuma a public beach?
  22. At least Beverly Hills is a short drive from the Pacific Ocean. Sad for the half a billion animals killed by the fires in Australia. Horrible.
  23. I would change the events to allow members to get to know each other first. Realize it would spoil the weekend for most rbut it wouldn't matter to me. Palm Springs would not be in the top 200 places on my list to visit. Far behind even St. Petersburg, Russia at White Nights.
  24. By January, the anticipation is electric and reaching it's peak. Members booked months ago, even added a few days of "fun" after others leave. Several members live close to Palm Springs, but never attend out if embarrassment for the long, long, long build up. It effects me only because people don't understand why there are many other places I would rather visit. (Not that I care.)
  25. It is a. Bit Sad to look forward to the Palm Springs Weekend 2020 almost from the moment Palm Springs Weekend 2019 ends - according to the comments on the other site.
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