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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. Even after Amy Klobouchar is out and about to endorse Biden why can't you give her credit for her showing in New Hampshire?
  2. Buddy2

    Pete Butts Out!

    Amy Klobouchar, Pete Buttigieg are endorsing Joe Biden tonight in Texas. Harry Reid is also with former Vice President Biden.
  3. Buddy2

    Pete Butts Out!

    Even Elizabeth Warren is seventy years olds. And she doesn't have a clear path to the nomination, except chaos at the Democratic National Convention.
  4. If it is cold weather virus, as our president says, we could check Australia. It is still late Summer there. Not that Trump is a credible leader.
  5. Buddy2

    Pete Butts Out!

    Perhaps Buttigieg wanted to give his voters a chance to vote for former Vice President Biden. He clearly is not a fan of Senator Sanders.
  6. Buddy2

    Pete Butts Out!

    Sad to see Pete drop out. Superb man and candidate. He is thanking his Mom right now in South Bend on CNN.
  7. Pete Buttigieg is paying s visit to Jimmy Carter tomorrow in Plains, Georgia tomorrow morning (Sunday morning).
  8. Yet again this afternoon, President Trump is downplaying the possible outcomes of the coronavirus. He does seem to have sidelined his prediction of a "miracle" when warm weather arrives this Spring.
  9. What's are whiny little bitches?
  10. Churches and charity can only do a partial job with the homeless. It has usually provided better to partner with local, state and federal governments to be more successful. I worked in a city program to supervise and fund local CDCs and non profits to provide housing counseling to low and moderate income residents buying their first houses. The city paid for a home inspection by a certified home inspector, not city workers. I worked in local government for 22 years and greatly liked my job.
  11. Good Grief, you disagree with long delayed civil rights passed through Congress and signed after years of horrible discrimination again black folks especially in The American South and big cities in the North and Far West. Are you in Show Business too?.
  12. Johnson passed three civil bills into law from November 1963 to January 1969. Do you disagree with the legislature from the 1960s?
  13. I agree. A President Sanders is much better than a conservative Republican president. But, he is not Franklin Roosevelt or Lyndon Johnson. Johnson was one of greatest Congressial leaders of the Democratic Party. Senator Sanders is one of the greatest speakers, but doesn't have much legislative history or success. I am sure Speaker Pelosi and the next Demoratic Party speaker can carry the load. However, what about the Senate? Pete, Elizabeth and Amy are right about the filibuster.
  14. Could a President Sanders win a Democratic Party Senate to pass health care. Unlikely.
  15. I watched Senator Sanders on the CNN Town Hall also. I wouldn't describe the audience as so enthusiastic as others have. The CNN Town Hall audiences are always enthusiastic. As to Sanders' praise for Castro, it shows he didn't learn much from the 2016 presidential campaign. He wasn't the leading candidate in '16, so it may have been easier. I like Sanders a little but I don't believe he can defeat Trump. He is yet another candidate like McGovern and Mondale, who lost big to sitting Republican presidents (Nixon, Reagan) who should have had a much more difficult time getting re-elected. Lyndon Johnson defeated Barry Goldwater by a higher percentage in 1964, but LBJ won fewer ststes
  16. I hope Senator Warren joins Mayor Buttigieg is taking Senator Sanders to task tonight. Forget Mayor Bloomberg. Sanders may have been correct about Fidel Castro on education, but Castro was also a totalitarian dictator. If Sanders can't tell the difference, shame on him.
  17. Representative Gabbard and Mayor Buttigieg have distinguished military service, but Tulsi is to be especially honored by serving in a field hospital in Iraq before becoming an officer. That's an extremely dangerous assignment. I wouldn't vote for Gabbard for president, but I did contribute to her campaign.
  18. Didn't you dismiss Buttigieg and Klobouchar?
  19. Unfortunately, Senator Warren's path to the nomination is blocked by Senator Sanders (and Sanders' supporters). If as reported, Sanders thought about challenging President Obama in 2012 in a primary contest what happens?
  20. It's no secret I once worked with Bobby Seale in Philadelphia when he was part of Philadelphia Unemployment Project.
  21. I am quite impressed with Senator Amy Klobouchar on CNN town hall. I liked Mayor Pete as well earlier.
  22. Of course, Hillary Clinton would at least think about vice president of it was offered. She didn't want to be secretary of state, but ultimately agreed when Barack Obama kept asking. On SOS, I am quoting the recent Richard Holbrooke biography by George Packer.
  23. In the far away Pennsylvania primary, I will vote for the candidate who is not Senator Sanders, Mayor Buttigieg or Senator Klobouchar. Klobouchar staff problems don't bother me compared to the president's treatment of Tillerson, Sessions et. al.
  24. Senator Klobouchar attacked Pete Buttigieg on the "I would rather watch cartoons" quote even though it was taken out of context. She is a third term United States Senator who knows her way around elective politics.
  25. It appears the Demoratic Party voters are not looking for another Jackie Kennedy, but Amy Klobouchar did finish first or second do there's that.
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