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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. Huh. Joan Bennett was the star of a five episode a week soap opera? Lordy.
  2. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    Now that I finally have my first haircut since January, I am much less grumpy. Voters have registered Independent for as long as I can remember, the mid 1950s when Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson were the nominees.
  3. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    My masters degree and undergrad degree were tests and papers. But, I was also going by David Leavett's "Term Paper Artist" about writing papers for blow jobs. Only undergrads. One professor cancelled the final exam for the students because the phoney papers were so good.
  4. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    You are out of touch with how professors view cheating. Read "The Term Paper Artist" again.
  5. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    Not true. As recently as four years ago I audited politcal science, literature and history courses at the University of Pennsylvania. And I talk to the students a lot. There's something to talk about because I do all the reading.
  6. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    College is far more complicated than just writing papers. Private or public college or university.
  7. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    No documentation as usual, just hysterical blatter from mysterious sources on the fringes.
  8. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    Trump has a college degree from Penn. The University may not have been so highly thought of then, but still. Come on.
  9. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    You are totally obsessed with wars, far more than most people who actually were part of wars in Europe, Asia, the Middle East. Even Tulsi Gabbard endorsed Joe Biden, for god's sake.
  10. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    Is he dyslexic?
  11. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    Max Blumenthal? That's the best you can do?
  12. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    More nonsense from dubious sources. More than 300,000 citizens of Cambodia lost their lives when President Nixon officially widen the war to Cambodia. I am sure the United States was involved there before Nixon. But not Pol Pot involved. Pol Pot was a mass murderer
  13. I haven't watched it yet only because cable is not working. Yes, time was not on the side of many black infantry. White infantry men had time to write "eat me" on their caps. Rolling Stones' "time is on my side" in war meant survived another day. Often misunderstood in ivy league courses on Vietnam.
  14. Buddy2

    Putin/Trump 2020

    Your posts are getting a bit bazaar. Try to perhaps mix in more main stream media, like CNN.
  15. Could you remind me who Matt is? Does he have a well known last name, or a number?
  16. Buddy2


    The beaches are packed in Croatia with Serbian tennis players.
  17. I had great teachers too. Mrs. Shirley Cowdrey in 6th grade. She particularly emphasized math, turning math into interesting games. And whenever she had a critical comment, it was balanced with praise. And she was our teacher all day, every day.
  18. But, you have gone off subject. And it is not the fault of @Lucky
  19. Confusing because the Haynsworth nomination was in the Fall of 1969, I believe.
  20. Senator Patrick McCarran of Nevada was a Democrat but still friendly with Senator Joseph McCarthy and especially Francisco Franco of Spain. In the Senate, he was often referred to as "Senator from Madrid." When he visited Spain, Senator McCarran was greeted like a head of State. Comment: I remember McCarran, and wondered how he compared to the current "known" fascists, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Kamela Harris. The answer: not at all.
  21. This is not the first time Brazil has been controller by a right wing government, often involving the military. The same for the Philippines and Eastern Europe. Still, your main focus seems to be the United States and Biden and Harris. And not so much Trump. Biden would be another Gerald Ford, a nice guy who has a wealth of government experience. I am always confused when people viciously attack Harris. Tulsi Gabbard comes to mind, but Tulsi did endorse Joe Biden. Good for her.
  22. Those comments come off as a bit unhinged. I spent time in Spain while Franco was still alive (1973). As we know, Spain was a real fascist country then. One had to be very careful driving from Southern Spain to Madrid because there were thugs in the local police forces. Less so in the Basque country. Playboy was sold minus naked women in Madrid. I was glad to return to the United States.
  23. Black voters disagreed in 1964 when they overwhelming voted for Johnson. And they disagree again now in 2020, this time about Joe Biden in the Democratic Party primaries.
  24. Johnson also implemented civil action programs in South Vietnam. The purpose was to bring needed medical attention to children in small villages. I know because my best friend worked in a village and did amazing things for the young people in his assigned South Vietnam village, He wasn't an officer, but persisted with the battalion Lieutenant Col. Until successful. This is not something I know from reading, or watching television or an opinion, I was there. And we still close friends over 50 years later.
  25. On the other site, you wrote about seldom talking to your mentor, Dean Rusk, about Johnson. Reading Robert Caro's books on Johnson would help you understand Kennedy's attempt to use LBJ more effectively on civil rights. Robert Kennedy didn't agree. You may want to look at how politcal scientists view Johnson and civil rights.
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