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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. The more I learn about this guy the LESS I like him. And, the fact that his Mom is his "wingman" is disturbing. He, and his family, need to shut up and quit talking. How many big endorsements is he going to get with the "revelations" he's putting out there this week? But, on the other hand, if he does get the endorsements inspite of himself then it broadcasts where I will NOT be spending my money.
  2. Ditto. I apparently missed earlier posts about this event. Would have flown in for the event but not at the last minute.
  3. I found this to be a total "snoozer". Didn't hold my attention at all. And, Sir Paul was absolutely horrible with his performance. Saw pictures of the Queen when Great Britian was marching in. She was picking her nails. So, I can only assume she was less than impressed with it. But, on a positive note, the video of her with 007 and the "skydive" into the stadium was GREAT.
  4. I really don't care if Oz starts another site for BoyToy. But if he replaces this site with BoyToy, that will probably cause me to depart from here.
  5. Am I wrong in the understanding that you've bought the BoyToy site that's where this site is going? Perhaps I've missed something in the discussion. But I was under the impression that this site was going to be BoyToy without reguard to other input. Is this site going to become BoyToy?????
  6. Don't like ANYTHING associated with boytoy. Unfortunately, it appears that's not a concern for the admins. What would it take for you to rethink your decision??? And, yes, I'm serious about the question.
  7. Ditto. I really miss Hooboy and his contributions. It's just not the same without him.
  8. Couldn't have said it better!!! Time to move on.
  9. My thoughts exactly. I'd sure be fucking him myself.
  10. Yes, I read his "gone fishing" post. Didn't see his last MB post. I just know his site wasn't acting "normal" for the past few days. I made an assumption that he was fixing the problem. But, is there anything wrong with someone taking a vacation? I go nuts when it's all work and no play.
  11. I read most of the letters and they are very moving. IMHO, the BSA is in deep trouble. Can't believe it will be around in another 10 years it they don't change their stance. FYI, I come from a very long line of Boy Scouts. My two nephews (who are Eagles) told me today thatthey are writting their letters and giving back their awards. It is wonderful to see their support.
  12. Was on that site earlier today and was operational. However, for the past few days I've had problems with the site not recognizing me after logging on. I've been required to manually refresh the page. I suspect he's having hosting problems. Not sure I'd read more into it than that.
  13. Charlie, you have precisely described my feelings. It does sound like a site for pedophiles. I can't imagine having a site like that in my browser history and tracked by my ISP.
  14. I HATE it when sites change their name. Makes no sense to me unless you named it "The Other Site". That's one I''d embrace. Quite frankly, the name and logo change leaves me cold. And, there's only one logo that I felt had any kind of meaning for me. Most were medicore or awful. As you can tell, I'm not big on change.
  15. The Mormon Church has at least 1 BSA troop in every congregration. I believe they collectively have one of the largest numbers of scouts and scout leaders. But, there is an interesting twist on BSA leadership and gays. Scout leaders in Mormon troups are "assigned" by their local Bishop and BSA rubber-stamps these appointments. However, the Mormon Church also accepts gays providing that person is celebate and not in a relationship. Well, one Bishop in Salt Lake City recently assigned a celebate gay man as a scout leader. The BSA Council has adopted a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy when it comes to leaders assigned by the Mormon Church. If the scout leader doesn't "announce" his same-sex attraction, the BSA isn't asking (in Utah). However, there is still a requirement for all scout leaders to pass a background investigation. So, known sex offenders (for example) would not be allowed to serve.
  16. I still maintain a land line at one of my homes. It's a phone number that can't (yet) be ported to Google or other internet phone number. My family has had this phone number since 1967 and it's the only number some relatives have. So, how can I keep that number without a land line?
  17. Great info. Thanks for posting it.
  18. ,,,I was taught that patience is a virtue. But, since I've never been virtuous....
  19. I'd bet next weeks paycheck that Joe is gay. But, Nick is the one that really turns my crank. I don't think he's the most talented of the brothers but he's definately the cutest.
  20. Wow, first I heard of his passing. He wasn't the most talented actor but had some memorable characters.
  21. I never knew the theme song actually had words.Wonderful to hear Andy singing it. He will be missed very much.
  22. Lucky, have you started smoking crack or did I miss something in the past couple of days???????? I hope this is your idea of a joke. But, it's not nice to pull this shit on old people like me. I'm having a hard time figuring out what's reality and a joke.
  23. OMG!!! I love the artwork. Wish I had an empty wall to add it to my collection.
  24. OK, I'll ask the dumb question. What is social media?
  25. Since I'm not a bottom, there's no way he's going to top me. I'd fuck him in a mirco-minute and the same with eating his ass. But, I think he's probably straight so I'm not holding my breath that he'll contact me.
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