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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. From the picture it appears there has been much more surgery than previously disclosed. The breasts are much more developed than just harmone treatment. And, it appears the penis has already been repositioned as a vagina. Personally, I aplaud his changes. It takes a lot of courage to go public with something as personal as this. I hope this isn't just a publicity stunt. But. as a born-again-skeptic, I question the motiviation.
  2. Nope. I have zero interest in this.
  3. OMG!!!! One of the hotest pictures I've seen.
  4. His profile indicates birthday unknown. But, I'd probably volunteer to blow out his candles.
  5. Am I the only one that has no clue what you're trying to say? It totally escapes me.
  6. Salt Lake City (my 1st home) has updated their food courts in the past year. I'm really impressed with the change. They've done away with a lot of the national chains and now offer more "local" options. These are places I ususally go to when not at the airport. I also like the choices at Portland (my 2nd home). They've recently ehanced their selections with "food carts" which is a local food attraction. Probably the worst airport food I've seen is San Diego (my 3rd home). One of the food places I frequent 2-3 times per month, changed their menu, raised their prices, but did not UPDATE THE MENU!!!!!!!!!! You're still given a menu with the old prices and most of the food is no longer available. My complaints have fallen on deaf ears and I'm convinced that they don't give a damn about their customers.
  7. I haven't visited this site for a while - too many personal priorities. But, I'm so sad to hear that we've lost both Jackhammer and FosterChow. I enjoyed reading their posts and personally appreciated Jackhammer's salute to the vets.
  8. I'm paying about $3.85 per gallon for FRESH salmon. That's about what it costs me in gas when I go fishing and catch my own.
  9. Well, I clicked on the working link and my virus protection software went wild. Not sure the link is to a safe site.
  10. Maybe I'm the only one that has no clue how the pix has anything to do with Obamacare. Can you explain things to those of use who don't understand your intent / humor.
  11. Unfortunately, I think most programs will move to the cloud. The problem I see is that it assumes you'll always have internet access. And, that internet access will have to be fairly robust. So, what happens when you don't have an internet connection and you need to modify an Excel document. When your only access to Exel is on the "cloud", you're screwed. I fully understand that the whole idea behind the cloud is to eliminate software pirating, But I'm not comfortable trusting a program that doesn't reside on my computer hard drive.
  12. OneFinger

    Tuc Watkins

    This guy has been on my radar for some time. Didn't know he was gay but that does explain why he appealed to me.
  13. For what it's worth, here's my predictions: Best Musical = Kinky Boots (although I'm afraid Matilda will actually take it). Best Play = Lucky Guy Best Revival Play = Trip to Bountiful Best Revival Musical = The Mystery of Edwin Drood Best Leading Actor - Play = Nathan Lane in The Nance. But, wouldn't be surprised to see Tom Hanks get it. I personally felt The Nance but a much better play. Best Leading Actress - Play = Holland Taylor in Ann Best Leading Actor - Musical = Stark Sands in Kinky Boots (my personal favorite - he's a real sweethear). But, I think the actual winner will be Bertie Carvell in Miltada. Also wouldn't be upset if Billy Porter in Kinky Boots got it. His performance was wonderful. Best Leading Actress - Musical = Stephanie J. Block, The Mystery of Edwin Drood Having just returned from NYC, I've seen many of the nominated plays. Much more exciting for me this year.
  14. Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with The Nance and Kinky Boots. If I read your message correctly, you already have tickets and really think you'll enjoy both shows. Bette Midler in I'll Eat You Last is another one to consider. Some in our group saw Ann and really enjoyed it. I also believe they said the theater wasn't full. So, you might be able to pick up some cheap, same-day tickets. Please, keep us up-to-date on your NYC experience.
  15. I typically hire while in NYC. But, I had a traveling companion this time and it really wasn't practical. Plus, I'm not so sure when I would have had time to work it in. Did a lot in a very short period of time.
  16. Went to the link. Quite frankly, I have no clue what you're talking about.
  17. There are a group of us from SLC that often travel together on gay cruises. My traveling companion on those cruises heard about a gay group in SLC that was going to NYC and asked if I was interested in joining the group. So, this tour was part of that group. But, in addition to me (from PDX) we also had people joining us from San Diego and Orlando. The tour director is an actor from SLC and had lots of contacts in NYC. He works through a travel agency in Texas. I wouldn't mind going on this tour again. It was not a real structured tour. Lots of time to see and do things on our own. Plus, some in the tour were pretty heavy drinkers while others of us didn't want to spend our time in bars. So, we did a lot of dinners and exploring on our own. But, the package included hotel, subway ticket, 4 shows, museum tickets, airfare, transfers, etc. Much easier than arranging it on my own. And, there was a good mix of people in the group. Most were gay but there were some gay-friendly straights that attended.
  18. I am having a good time. Matilda is another play that was really good. I believe they brought the entire cast from London over. The children were very talented and I hated for the show to end. I suspect this will be getting several Tony nominations. Bette Midler in I'll Eat You Last was fantastic. It was done without intermission and lasted about 90 minutes. Not a bad seat in the house (and we were almost against the wall). However, the set is a replica of a living room and you felt like you were right there next to her. FYI, if anyone else is planning to see this, don't be late. There is no seating once the curtain goes up. The final play we saw was The Nance. This is a MUST SEE. It's in the oldest continually in-use theatre (built in 1903). Unfortunate the seats and leg room haven't been updated since it opened. But the theatre is very ornate and it was like stepping back in time. The play is about a "nance" (an actor who does commedy routines between burlesque acts). Nathan Lane played Chancey Miles who was an openly gay nance in the 1930's. The story revolved around his life, relationships, job hazards, and gave a very compelling look at gays during that period. There is one scene where Miles' lover is seen full frontal nude. OMG, I nearly fainted he was so cute. I am so grateful we added this to our list. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to see everything we wanted. One on my list that I didn't see was Ann (a one-woman play about Ann Richards). Several in our tour group did go and they rated that as the best play of the tour (above Bette Midler and Kinky Boots). However, I'm not disappointed with our choice of plays. Just wish we could have added one more. I was a little concerned about safety and security in NYC. It wasn't a problem. We traveled anywhere we wanted on the subways. Felt very safe in Times Square. Even enjoyed some time walking around Central Park. In short, this was a wonderful and much-needed vacation. I love Broadway and had an enjoyable time. Now, back to work so I can save for my next trip.
  19. Well, I'm now in NYC and thoroughly enjoying myself. Got tickets to Nice Work if You Can Get It (to replace Hands on a Hardbody). The play was very, very enjoyable with Matthew Broderick. Music and dancing were great and seats on the 8th row were fantastic. Was talking to the usher before the show started and mention this was a replacment for Hands... He said that he saw Hands just before it closed and he LOVED it. Couldn't understand why it was closing early. Really enjoyed the Book of Momon (my 2nd time seeing it). Caught more of the subtle / indirect references in the play. Although I was a little disappointed in the actor that played Elder Cunningham. He wasn't as polished as the actor I saw in the touring company. Since all of our tour group was from Salt Lake City (or formerly SLC), we all felt this was a "must see" play for us. We weren't disappointed. The next day we went to Kinky Boots. This is a play you don't want to miss!! I loved the story and the music by Cindy Lauper was great. It's was one of those plays you didn't want to end. Very strong cast and you could feel the unity and support they gave each other. After the play we had a meet and greet with some of the actors (including the Stark Sands). Although he is very beautiful on stage, I was overwhelmed with his warmth and personality off-stage. Very outgoing and friendly to our mostly-gay group. Last night we saw Lucky Guy with Tom Hanks and a plethora of other well-known actors. I enjoyed it. But, a couple of people in the group were very critical of the writing and performances. They actually left at intermission. Glad I stayed and even bought a poster that was signed by the cast (fundraiser for AIDS). This afternoon it's off to Mitilda and then Bette Midler in I'll Eat You Last. Should be a good day.
  20. RATS!! Got an e-mail today that Hands on a Hardbody is closing this Saturday (13 April). So, my tickets are no good. But, they are refunding the money. Appears the play tanked. Not sure if it was because of reviews or lack of sales. Not sure if I'll try to find a replacement once I arrive or just have more time to explore the city.
  21. OneFinger


    I also wondered what happened to him. I received a rather "strange" PM from him on the "other site". But, later learned his ID on that site had been hacked. Never knew if it was really from him or someone else. Wish him the best and certainly understand the need to take a break from things. Have recently done that myself.
  22. Going to NYC in about a week for a tour. In addition to the musiems and tourist stuff, I've got tickets for: Book of Mormon Hands on a Hardbody The Nance (Nathan Lane) I'll Eat Your Last (Bette Midler) Kinky Boots Lucky Guy (Tom Hanks) Miltilda Think it willl be a good tour.
  23. That's exactly what I think. There's been a lot of gay rumors about Manti for quite some time. This makes total sense.
  24. Really appreciate the info on this event (including the personal e-mail that I received). Unfortunately, this is another year that I'll miss. Hope that I'll be able to attend in the future.
  25. Thanks for posting about this play. It's one that's being considered for my NYC trip in April.
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