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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. This year I'm flying back to my Utah home and spending Thanksgiving with my niece and her 2 boys. They are currently taking care of my house while I'm in San Diego. I love roast turkey and the leftovers for sandwhiches. But, none of them like roast turkey. However, a local meat market sells breaded turkey steaks that we all love. So, this year we'll be having our usual turkey steaks. I wish these turkey steaks were available in San Diego. It's one of my favorite meals. I am a little nervous about flying back to Utah. During my last flight to my Portland home on Halloween weekend, I developed blood clots in my lungs. Doctor says I'm good to go but I sure don't want that to happen again. Keeping my onefinger is crossed and hoping that the doctor is right.
  2. So, who was he as a twink? Any before / after pics?
  3. The kilt is an interesting look. Not something I'd normally like but it works on him.
  4. Do you have a location preference?
  5. What if I'm Apple instead of Windows??
  6. Keeping my one finger crossed and hoping for the best. I've always enjoyed his posts.
  7. Thanks so much for the link. It is overcast where I'm at. Glad I won't have to miss it. \
  8. I've had a top secret clearance for years (no shit). So why can't I see it?
  9. I don't see the sand box. Is it still in existence?
  10. Fantastic article. Thanks for posting it.
  11. I'm not sure I understand what a BT retirement is. Lucky and I have had a very odd relationship over the years. I hoped (and was afraid) to finally meet him at one of the Palm Springs events. But, haven't had a chance to attend yet. Any info on his current situation?
  12. I was recently transferred to San Diego. Currently living living in a 250 sf apartment for $825 per month. Thank god my job isn't in NYC. Couldn't afford it.
  13. I'm very glad the USA has nuclear weapons. I also hope we never have to use them. But, perhaps the most "leathal" weapon today is the electronic / magnetic bomb. If one is detonated over a major city it would render most cars, banks, computers, power systems, and infrastructure inoperable.
  14. OMG. I had no idea that air traffic controllers could be contractors and not a "real" ATC.
  15. But, it still allows the supporting organization to decide for themselves whether or not to allow gay leaders. The Mormon Church is one of the largest supporting organization. This decision still allows the Mormon Church to not allow gay leaders. The decision "sounds" great but has little teeth in reality. I don't think this will have a significant impact. Hope I'm wrong.
  16. I paid the $85 fee and got TSA Pre-Check. Don't have any problems at the airports. Well worth the money.
  17. Ditto. I'm not a big Bieber fan but I want to see more than just as ass.
  18. Being born and raised in Utah as a Mormon, it doesn't surprise me with their reaction to the ruling. But, I was surprised today to read that the Mormon Church made a substantial donation today to the Utah Pride Center. The donation was to support the Pride Center's work with LGTB youth. I never would have believed that the Mormon Church would financially support a gay organization. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=35323432&nid=148&title=lds-church-makes-donation-to-utah-pride-center&s_cid=queue-4
  19. 4th from the left. He really turns my crank.
  20. I would LOVE to blow out the candles.
  21. He's way HOT!! But,he's also way too intimidating for me. I'd never consider hiring him.
  22. I just recently started looking on these forums again so I'm kinda out-of-touch. Who is Grandma?
  23. He's a total dick.
  24. I love this. Would love to see him in person.
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