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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. That's my personal take on things. Never met the guy so my opinion may be unwarranted. But, I'm very skeptical about several things on that site. I still go there and participate in the forums. But, it's with the belief that Daddy (and others) have ulterior motives. It's certainly not the same since HooBoy died.
  2. At work I don't "advertise" the fact that I'm gay but I certainly wouldn't deny it. Since I work in a construction environment, there is an implied attitude that gay is not acceptable. My company provides medical insurance (at no cost) for domestic partners. There is at least one gay co-worker has put their partner on his medical insurance. So, I have no concerns if my employer figures out that I'm gay. My immediate focus is on my co-workers. There are some that I don't think would be comfortable around someone who is gay. So, I keep a low profile at work. Not ashamed or uncomfortable with who I am. Just practical knowing that some people may have issues.
  3. Always nice to know that my posts are being viewed and appreciated. My work life has been rather stressful for several months. I started coming here and posting again as a way to remember what I really enjoy doing outside of my work life. This place has really become "therapy" and a diversion from my "real" life.
  4. I can't tell you how much I miss the Hooboy days!! I started going back there about 3-4 months ago. But, there are some forums I never visit and I've had to put some poster on the "ignore" list. Totally missed the donation request. I routinely donated when Hooboy was alive. Haven't done it since ownership changed.
  5. Have not used this service before. But, I think I'd go for the 4-hand massage. I think interaction may be possible when multiple people are involved. Please, let us know your experience.
  6. OMG!! How much I wish he was on my next flight. Keeping my onefinger crossed.
  7. OneFinger

    Hello im King

    With an attitude like that I'm not surprised you are desperately in need of work. Add me to the list of people that WON'T be contributing. Have you been in the business long? IMHO you won't last long with your obvious lack of people skills.
  8. OMG!! Who is he? Where is he? Can he be hired??
  9. I can't imagine all the grief and legal expense this caused these poor people. I wish there was some way for them to recoup the cost.
  10. I'm going for the blond (#3 from the left) or the last 2 guys on the far right. Love those Aussie guys.
  11. Very good article. Thanks for posting it. But, at the end of the article, there was a very troubling suggestion by Graham and Orin Hatch (R-UT who is 81 years old) could be a consensus nomination. OMG!! Hatch is the last person we need as one of the Supremes.
  12. Unfortunately, I'm assuming the Senate will block anything that Obama does. And, I've got to agree that this is one of the most "unusual" political times. I can't begin to guess who will be the final candidate on either side. These are very strange times.
  13. OMG!! I'd give my left nut if he'd cum visit me tomorrow.
  14. Not sure if he was a boytoy. But, there's no doubt in my mind that he's an asshole. Maybe he's got a multipurpose asshole. One use for his politics and one use for his personal pleasure.
  15. Just watching the 2nd episode with Tom Arnold. He's driving me CRAZY. His speech is so fast and I want to grab him by the throat and tell him to SPEAK SLOWER!! I get the impression that his mind is going at warp speed and he has problems with his mouth keeping up with his mind. So far, I'm finding this to be an impressive program. Will probably keep this show on my radar.
  16. Thanks for the post. I plan to check this out. Could be interesting and he is VERY easy on the eyes.
  17. Having seen him nude on Broadway, I can verify that he has definitely grown up and has an ass I'd love to experience.
  18. Fort Liquordale!!! I have some very fond memories of being there when I was in the military.
  19. OK, I'll ask a stupid question. Where are you located? Your profile doesn't indicate where you are.
  20. And the answer is...... Curious minds want to know.
  21. Here's a video of some cute high school boys doing Jingle Bell Rock (Mean Girls style). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYneDzAnlVc
  22. Just found this wonderful Christmas song / video by Steve Grand. I'm in love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlpnt-6HQZo
  23. Very good info.Thanks for sharing it.
  24. I also read this on TowlerRoad. It make me sick to read about the misuse of church funds and the alleged cover-up. I guess that's my I claim my religous preference as Born-Again Skeptic. I'm way past the point of trusting ANY organized religion. IMO organized religion is only there to fleece their obedigent sheep. Last time I checked I wasn't one of the sheep.
  25. This is great!!
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