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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. There's been a lot going on in my life lately and I simply don't have a lot of extra time to respond to threads. I still visit daily and enjoy reading. But, it does take time to post and then hope you don't end up having to explain or justify your quick comments. Back in the 1980's I worked as a decoy "john" in prostitution stings. A friend was a local cop and they needed a fresh face that the female street walkers wouldn't recognize. So, I agreed to wear a wire and allow the women to come up and proposition me. Once they were in my car and we were on our way to a dark side street, the cops would pull me over on a "traffic violation" and then arrest the prostitute. Looking back, I'm not sure why I ever agreed to help out the cops. Sure wouldn't do it again.
  2. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Heading out West again soon???
  3. As one of those that flew today (9/11), I appreciate the way these situations were handled. I don't think the military jets were an extreme measure considering the history of this date.
  4. One thing I've considered is getting a generator that runs on natural gas and automatically kicks in when the power goes out. I have a small portable generator that I use on my recreation property. It's great for a small trailer but not at all practical for home use.
  5. I'll actually be flying on 9/11. It's not going to be a long flight and the cities aren't a real popular route. Hopefully, nothing will happen. I am curious to see some of the many programs / remembrances. It was such a monumental event that I welcome a look-back with the benefit of 10 years of additional data.
  6. My personal cell phone is a LG Accolade. I don't have a data plan for it, no text messaging. I just use it as a basic phone (can't even download pictures from the cam since I don't have a data plan). My work cell phone is an HTC. It's wonderful and I really like it.
  7. Elmhurst College put a question on its admissions application that won’t appear on any other school's application. "Would you consider yourself to be a member of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) community?” That optional question makes Elmhurst the first school in the country to ask applicants about their sexual orientation or gender identity, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. Full Article So, would you answer that question on a college application? Is it really any of their business?
  8. OK, I'll ask the stupid question. Why can't you start a new thread?? Hopefully your status here is not in jeopardy.
  9. I started posting here after a site "lockdown" on the other site. 4Aces went out of his way to post a very negative remark to my initial post. IMHO he did very little to encourage or welcome participation on this site. So, I blocked his posts so I wouldn't have to put up with his attitude. I've never met the guy and he may well be a wonderful person. But, his brief interaction with me left me with no desire to ever met him in person or participate in his petty, childish posts.
  10. That's the one. Click on the pix and judge for yourself. But, IMHO, it's the head of a cock. Sear's explanation is pure poppycock.
  11. Hotel tonight was started by a guy that used to work at Hotels.com. Hotel tonight is a great place to find a good deal. Highly recommend it.
  12. You don't remember the Sears catalog (about 1974) where the head of a cock was peaking out below a pair of boxer shorts?? I was in heaven viewing that catalog.
  13. What have you been smoking?!?!? You actually think I have contact info for 4Aces?? He's the only person on this site whose post I actually blocked so I wouldn't have to read them. No clue how to contact him.
  14. Not sure which blog you tried to contact him on. But, if I remember correctly, he was in the process of changing the name. Perhaps you tried contacting him at the "old" address.
  15. The drunk kid was in training for the Olympics in skiing He's since been taken off the list and is no longer being considered. So, looks like he pissed away his opportunity of a lifetime. Read All About It
  16. Personally, I also see no reason for combining them. I really don't care for the drama or heated opinions that I've seen in similar forums on "other" sites. If they are combined, then I agree with some kind of flag or indicator so I can know to avoid those posts. I love the civility that currently exists in this forum. Not sure why you'd want to put that in jeopardy with something that has the potential to upset the personality in this forum. There are many discussion groups that I intentionally avoid on this and other sites. Combining politics into this group would certainly make me think twice about participating. After a frustrating day at work, the last think I want are political posts infiltrating a place I come to for enjoyment and escape.
  17. What a wonderful story. Thanks so much for letting us know about heroes amongst ourselves.
  18. OneFinger


    I've met several people that post here and it's always been a wonderful experience. Just wish I could travel to some of the dinner meetings. Would love to meet more guys that post here.
  19. OneFinger

    Code Name

    Could I still be OneFinger?? I'd hate to give up that name.
  20. Producers Backtrack - Cord Still Wanted on Glee Looks like so many Gleeks got upset after reports surfaced that Chord Overstreet was being dropped from the cast of ‘Glee’. Now, producers may want him to remain recurring after all… for now. TV/Line reports that Chord is indeed still wanted on the show even though he was not promoted to full-fledged regular as were Darren Criss and Harry Shum Jr. “His option to be a series regular was just not picked up at this time,” a source tells TV/Lime’s Michael Ausiello. “If Chord wants to appear on Glee, the choice is his. The Glee writers like his Sam character, and have plans to write for him. He and his reps have been told that he is welcome back to Glee, and everyone hopes he will show up on August 10 when filming begins.” The insider points out that it took Shum “two years to become a regular,” adding, “If Chord has a great season, which we expect he will, then he will become a regular like Harry, possibly as early as January.” He’s 22. http://www.malecelebnews.com/?p=10715
  21. Those calcs were actually for the first 2 muffin mixes and were my best guess. I really like how easy these are to make.
  22. My support group meets face-to-face once a month but we have a daily check-in forum (similar to this site). Lots of good exchange and support. Plus, it helps having co-workers on the same program. I'm getting lots of support from work, friends, and family.
  23. Before I started my program the doctor had me on a 2,000 or less diet to prep for the "starvation mode". During this phase I cut out all soda / carbonation, liquor, caffeinated drinks, sugars, candy, breads, potatoes, pasta, etc. When starvation mode started my meals consisted of 2 oz of clear liquids (such as broth). But between those "meals" I could sip as much water as I wanted. The clear liquids was for an entire week. Then I went on 2 oz per "meal" of soft foods (cottage cheese, string cheese, sugar free jello, etc). That lasted for a week. On the third week I could start using protein shakes and similar stuff. But my intake was still way below 1,000 calories. I don't believe I actually started in to taking 1,000 calories until about week 5 or 6. On week 4 I started introducing salads, some roughage, fish, etc. But the portions were still less than 8 oz per meal. The whole idea behind the doctor's plan I used was to shock the body into ketosis. I had to measure my ketosis level daily and keep it in the moderate range. But, even though I was not taking in a lot of food I was on high vitamin doses and had blood work done regularly. Four co-workers and one of their children have gone through this program. One guy has lost 150 lbs and was at his goal weight in about 6 months. I've lost 125 lbs and am at my goal weight (in 9 months). A female co-worker started 2 days before me and has lost 120 lbs. She still has 25 more pounds to go. A male co-worker started the day after Christmas and he is down 125 lbs and has another 50 lbs to go. His daughter started a month ago and has lost 25 lbs. FYI, this is NOT a program I'd recommend without strict supervision of a weight loss doctor and nutritionist. It includes a very strict diet, exercise, vitamins program, group counseling, and similar stuff. My doctors have remarkable success and they are the only ones in the entire state that were covered under my Blue Cross medical plan. There are people in my support group that have 10+ years keeping their weight off.
  24. I track everything that goes into my mouth using: My Fitness Pal When I was in my weight loss mode, I tried to keep my intake to 1,000 calories per day with at least 80 grams in protein and 64 oz of water per day. I now reached my goal weight and try to keep my calories to approximately 2,000 per day. So far, I've been able to keep my weight within a couple of pounds of my goal weight of 190 lbs.
  25. Here's a couple of easy, low-cal recipes using Flax Meal 1-Minute Muffin 1/4 cup Flax Meal 1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder 1 packet Splenda 1 teaspoon Cinnamon 1 Egg 1-2 teaspoons Butter Mix the dry ingredients in a large coffee cup. Add egg and butter; mix well. Microwave for 50-seconds to 1-minute. Muffin pops right out. Basic Muffin in a Minute 1/4 Cup Flax seed Meal 1 teaspoon Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional) 1 tablespoon Splenda 1 tbs buttermilk blend 1 tbs flour Dash of Salt 1 large egg (Instead of an egg I use the powdered eggs - works great and very mobile!) (Remember - you have to add 2 tbs water when you use the powdered egg) For Chocolate Cake* Add *2 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder 2 tbs applesauce Mix all in a cup and nuke for 1 min. 20 seconds (my microwave...your milage may vary). Pumpernickel Rye with Caraway seeds 1/4 Cup Flax seed Meal 1 tsp Baking Powder 1 tsp Splenda (you need just a LITTLE sweetness) 1 egg (Instead of an egg I use the powdered eggs and add 2 tbs water) 1 Tbs rye flour 1 Tbs buttermilk blend 1 tsp Caraway Seeds Mix all in a cup and nuke for approximately 1 min. (depending in your microwave). Slice into 4 or 5 slices, slather with hot mustard and delicately fold a lovely slice of pastrami or corned beef on top. A slice of Swiss cheese and a quick pass under the broiler are optional. * Add 2 tbs pumpkin and instead of cinnamon use pumpkin pie spice. I think the extras in there like ginger and clove add alot more zing than just cinnamon alone. *Throw in some blueberries, add 2 tbs powdered peanut butter, or grate up a few baby carrots and top with splenda sweetened cream cheese for a Carrot cake type muffin. *top w/ a little peanut butter=Reeses muffin! Or nix the sweet altogether and make a savory muffin. No splenda or cinnamon, throw in a little garlic powder and some cheddar cheese for a red lobster-esque cheddar biscuit type muffin. *I added mozzella cheese, italian seasoning, dried onion, dried garlic, chopped pepperoni to basic muffin mix and spread it in larger bowl, spread a little pizza sauce and more cheese and bake it. Sort of like thick crust pizza. The combos are absolutely limitless. If you play around a bit, you will hit on something that works for you. The fiber and omega 3's from the flax are so so good for us. I love these little buggers! Approximate Stats Calories 195 Fat 9 grams Protein 12 grams Carbs 9 grams Fiber 8 grams
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