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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. Thanks for the reminder. It's just starting now where I live.
  2. What a great post!! Thanks so much for the info.
  3. OneFinger

    Google FUCK U

    Boy, if he's only that big then I'm not interested. I thought he was much larger. What a disappointment.
  4. OMG!!! Please tell me he's also an escort. What a beautiful guy.
  5. Thanks for the info. But, do I need to do anything to get my credits or will they magically appear on the credit card I used for the purchase?
  6. Thanks so much for the info on this movie. It was on my short list but now I don't plan to waste my money.
  7. Not sure what you're complaining about. I always enjoy a little dark meat on the day after Thanksgiving.
  8. The family tradition is to have turducken. For those not aware this is a turkey stuffed with a duck which is stuffed with a chicken. Very interesting combination and it usually comes out very moist and tasty. More turducken info
  9. Well, according to my clock, the original message was posted at 12:05 pm. Your response was only 50 minutes later. I only have the luxury of checking this site after after work (which is usually about 8:00 p.m.). Not all of us can respond instantly to an interesting thread. And, by the time I do have a chance to read something, there are other responders that have already said what I would have said. Lack of participation is often the result of late reading and trying not to be repetitive.
  10. Just when you thought things couldn't get more creepy there is now indications that the young boys were being "pimped" to charity donors. According to Mike Madden, a Pittsburgh radio host: "I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen," Madden said on the radio. "I hear there's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation -- and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak." Read The Whole Story Then there's the rumor that Sandusky agreed to retire and Penn State agreed to a cover-up. I'm afraid we haven't heard the end of this horror story.
  11. I have absolutely no problem with the kind of service you describe. In fact, prior to the military I served a 2 year mission for the Mormon Church. While I no longer agree with their beliefs, there were traits and things I learned as a missionary that still influence me today. I strongly feel everyone benefits from humanitarian / volunteer service.
  12. Totally agree that "thank you for your service" is very much an appreciated greeting. I was in the military during Viet Nam and would have loved hearing someone say that to me. I also agree that 1-2 years of service should be mandatory. I don't care if it is Red Cross, military, Peace Corp, or some type of local service. I think it would help both the volunteer and those that they serve.
  13. I'm currently splitting time between homes in two different states. In both locations the camps have become a haven for the homeless. One reporter in Portland described the "Occupy" organizers as idealistic kids that didn't anticipate the influx of homeless or the needs / priorities of that population. I think the "Occupy" message is not being clearly or concisely communicated. And, I'm getting more than a little pissed off at their impact / disruption of mass transit and the cost to the taxpayers to restore the damage they are doing to our parks. It's time to enforce the "no urban camping" restrictions and send these kids home. Rules and law are there for a purpose. They've been able to break them for 3 weeks and I'm getting tired of it.
  14. I think he has a really sexy smile and that slight accent really turns me on. Not sure if he plays on our team but my gaydar peaks out every time I see him.
  15. First he was leaving, now he’s back. Chord Overstreet is reportedly in line for a return to ‘Glee‘. The actor is in negotiations to reprise his role as blonde hunk Sam Evans on the TV show on a recurring basis, which could see him return as early as this season’s eighth episode, due to air in December. Read The Full Story
  16. Sounds like you're doing things right. I've found the best way to drop the pounds was to change the eating habits - especially elimination of highly processed foods. I also track my in-take and I think that helps keep me focused. I also kept a weight journal where I could track my progress. Lucky, I full believe you can drop the pounds.
  17. I've posted a few times in the health and fitness section on my weight loss journey. It started about 13 months ago and did it under the careful guidance of an MD specializing in weight loss. The plan was to shock my body into ketosis. I cut off all carbs (bread, potato, rice, pasta, etc), caffeine, and carbonated drinks. For the first couple of weeks I had nothing but clear liquids and liquid vitamins. I then started slowly adding protein. The nutritionalist wanted me to get 80 g of protein per day and to take in at least 64 oz of water per day. (The clinic had a saying that water is water and anything but water is food.) So, I had to keep track of everything that went into my mouth that wasn't water. The clinic had a step-by-step diet for every week of my journey. I followed their plan without deviation. It was very similar to the Atkin's diet. I also received a wonderful packet of healthy recipes from Totally Oz. Since I've reached my weight loss goal, I've transitioned into maintenance mode and most of my meals are from Totally Oz. During the weight loss phase I'd weigh myself in the morning and in the evening and chart the results. I also charted my ketosis levels. I used myfitnesspal to track my food intake. I still weigh myself daily and track my food. Even the slightest increase in weight results in an evaluation and change in my meals. FYI, there have been 4 of us at work go through this program. We've lost a combined total of 710 lbs in the past year. I participate in a couple of weight loss forums and attend weight loss support groups at least monthly. I've started eating more organic and healthy foods while avoiding processed stuff. My lunch is usually a salad and I tend to eat small portions of food 4-6 times per day. I'm much more aware of my blood sugar levels and try to keep it at a more constant level with more frequent meals. This is not something that should be done "solo". I had careful and constant oversight by a qualified doctor and clinic. It was also a program covered as part of my health care insurance. In my state, there was only one clinic that met the insurance requirements of my policy. As for the results, I've gone from a 3XL shirt to a medium. Pants were 48" waist and are now 34". Was on high blood pressure meds and using a CPAP for sleep apnea. My blood pressure is now almost too low and the CPAP is collecting dust in the closet. No more seat belt extender on the airlines and I actually fit into the seat.
  18. Glad your dinner party was a success and you had fun. Just finished my first dinner party in my "new" home. It was a total success and we had a great time. The salad and carrots were a big hit. I thought the salmon was slightly overcooked but there wasn't any left over so it wasn't that bad. FYI, this was the first dinner party I've hosted since losing 130 lbs. It was a little intimidating for me since I was cooking in accordance with my new diet and also concerned about the eating habits / styles of my guests. Very happy that they were pleased and I was able to adhere to my more healthy eating habits.
  19. OneFinger

    the next step

    Personally, I wouldn't consider doing this. If I'm going to pay for an escort I want to have them next to me (in person) and not on a computer screen. I typically only hire guys that are well-reviewed. That gives me a real good sense about their abilities. My initial reaction is that there may not be too many escorts willing to participate.
  20. Thanks for the well wishes. Really looking forward to having friends over. Now, if I just don't muck up on the cooking...
  21. Very timely post since I'm having my first dinner party on Sunday in my "new" second home. I echo James' suggestion of mixed green salad with blue cheese and a balsamic vinegar dressing. I also like his suggestion of steamed baby carrots. I'm planning to do a grilled salmon (from Trader Joe's) and a steamed white rice (cooked with some cracked wheat for additional flavor). But, on the meatloaf suggestion, I've always done my meatloaf in a microwave bundt pan. Always comes out tender and moist with much more flavor than oven-baked.
  22. Thanks for the great review of this movie. I don't go to many movies but this looked like something worth seeing. It's on my list.
  23. Thanks for the info. You've got some great ideas on preparing it. Appreciate your sharing.
  24. Thanks for the confirmation. And, how do you make it??
  25. I spent some time this weekend with friends who haven't seen me since I lost 130+ pounds. They were amazed at the results and, since I'm big on getting proper protein, they recommended Quinoa. I've never heard of it before but, thanks to Google, found the following website: Quinoa I've given up on eating pasta, rice, potatoes, and similar stuff. But, they said Quinoa is a great substitute for those items. Anyone else use it?
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