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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. Because of my height, personality, and deep voice I've often been compared to Lurch from the Addams family. I've also been known to play the harpsichord on occasion. FYI, although I'm not in the picture above, I am a cousin to one of the actors.
  2. I know it's a long shot but I'd love to see the 49ers make to the bowl and win. I've been a big fan of Alex Smith since his days at the University of Utah. And, he's easy on the eyes.
  3. OneFinger

    GRIMM on NBC

    I'm starting to get hooked on this show. As Caeron indicated, I also really enjoy seeing some of the local sites. I also appreciate how it's helping the local economy.
  4. Loved the 49er's game!!! And, I've loved Alex Smith since his days at the University of Utah
  5. Daddy (from the other site) went missing at the same time. Is this a coincidence?
  6. I go to the following news sources daily: The Salt Lake Tribune The Deseret News (SLC) KSL (SLC news radio station) The Oregonian The DrudgeReport
  7. Interesting list. I'm currently working in Portland and am happy to see it listed at #12. I've found lots to do here and there is a plethora of special interest groups from the Portland Cook Boys to hiking clubs. I lived for a while in Grand Rapids and it's listed at #10. Unfortunately, I didn't find it all that gay-friendly when I lived there. It was the most conservative and religiously-controlled place I ever lived. Decided to move from Grand Rapids to Salt Lake City where it was liberal. I'm in totally agreement with the designation of Salt Lake City as the gayest city in America. I still own a home there and spend most holidays in the state. Lots of bars, support organizations, and gay opportunities in that city. And the second largest parade in Utah is the Pride parade. It's also worthy to note that the head of the Democratic party in Utah is openly gay. Jim is also on the short list to lead the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, DC. Read more about that at HRC.
  8. That would get my vote.
  9. I found it interesting that one of the suggestions was to quit responding immediately to e-mails. Hope my favorite escorts don't start following that suggestion. If I don't get get a fairly quick response to an e-mail for an appointment, I move on to the next guy.
  10. I've mentioned numerous times that I have limited free time to participate on sites like this. Then, when I see something from BewareofNick that I think might be interesting, I read it only to find it is 6 YEARS OLD!!!! It's stupid tricks like that that make me want to give up coming to this site. If it ain't recent, then I don't have time to deal with it. And I certainly don't appreciate you clogging the current messages with crap like this that I have to sort through. If you find that offensive then put me on your ignore list. I'm about to do that with you.
  11. OK, I'll ask the stupid question. WHY IN THE HELL RESURRECT A POST FROM 6 YEARS AGO???????? I'm sure you have your reasons. But, they are far from obvious unless you're trying to increase your posting count for the prize. Does this really add to the value of this site?? Do you think this kind of trickery is going to encourage further participation? IT ONLY PISSES PEOPLE OFF!!!!
  12. And, the link doesn't work. Is this guy serious???
  13. I seriously doubt I'll get close to the goal, but count me in. I have 238 posts before this one.
  14. No fun playing with my own rear. I'm going to start the new year off right by planting my tongue between some tasty cheeks.
  15. Thanks for noticing. But, my contributions are directed related to the amount of time I've had off work. I love work shutting down between Christmas and New Years. It gives me more time to do what I enjoy. Those 12 hour work days really hamper my time for participation. Here's hoping that 2012 sees more quality participation.
  16. Sorry that the holidays are taking their toll. But, it's not uncommon for my weight to fluctuate 3-4 lbs every week. Sometimes I'll add a couple of pounds and the next week I'll lose 3-4 lbs. So, it's not uncommon to see those ups and downs. For quick weight loss, I'd recommend cutting out the carbs such as potatoes, rice, breads, etc. And increase your protein in-take. I'd recommend 80 g of protein per day. Give Oliver a hug for me when he arrives. He's a great guy and it's been such a pleasure to meet him in SLC.
  17. Thanks for the warm wishes. But, where can I find a new rear?? Would love to start off the new year with a new rear.
  18. Lucky, what's the latest update on the weight loss?? Hope the holidays didn't derail your progress.
  19. I don't trust these companies as far as I can spit!! Do you really believe they're not doing anything harmful?!?!? Just wait until Home Land Security starts tapping into the data (if they haven't already done it).
  20. The main reason I haven't switched to Chrome is because of the privacy issues. I'm not one for a lot of regulations. But, something has to be done about these internet companies that collect way too much information about you.
  21. Don't know what you mean by "...a certain age" but I'm on the dark side of 50 and feel like my best years are yet to come. I've been very lucky to find a unique "niche" and people with my skills are usually able to find a job. I'll probably never be wealthy in my current occupation but I'll probably always be able to find a job. Now, on the relationship end, I gave up on that many years ago. After a couple of failed relationships, I realized that I'm probably better off without a lover / partner. And, I've very comfortable with that. It means that I'm able to move / relocate for my job and long work hours are not a problem. I find my work provides greater satisfaction than any of my sexual relationships. I'm now more devoted to my job than my sexual relationships. Believe me, the older you get the less important sex is in your life (at least that's my experience). What type of training are you considering? Do you mind sharing what type of work you're looking at?
  22. OneFinger

    IRS audit

    The CPA firm I use is an "enrolled agent". That means they are certified to represent me with the IRS. You're right, not all CPAs are tax experts. I made sure to get the best and they've served me well for years.
  23. CharliePS, you've hit the nail on the head!! Those are many of the reasons why I don't post more. And, another feature I really like at Daddy's is the ability to click on "new posts" in an individual thread and by-pass all the stuff I've already read. Here, I have to scroll through and entire thread and try to figure out what has been added since I last visited. Can't participation be made a little easier here? Another reason I don't post often is due to timing. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. so I can be to work by 6:00 a.m. I don't leave work until 6:00 p.m. and usually arrive home by 7:00 p.m. After dinner and taking a shit, there isn't much time to participate. Then, there is the fact that by the time I do read a thread, it's already been answered by those that can participate during the daylight hours. Why should I chime in at a late hour with a "me too"?? Finally, I don't like being shamed or brow beat for not posting more. I have a life outside this forum and sometimes wonder why I come here just to read about lack of participation.
  24. OneFinger

    IRS audit

    I tried doing my own taxes one year and it was way too complicated for me. But, rather than pay interest and penalty, I hired a tax professional to take care of it for me. (And, I'm not talking about a company like H&R Rip-Off, or Liberty Tax.) The CPA firm I hired has now become one of my best friends. And, I really like their business slogan, "Use us when you care enough to send the very least".
  25. It's probably too late to help you now, but I hope your bf had a recent backup of his computer. I use an external hard drive to do routine backup. I also Carbonite as an on-line backup. For $60 / year they provide a great backup service with unlimited capacity. Hope someone is able to recover the stuff on the computer.
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