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Everything posted by firecat691614502759

  1. Some boys on Planet Romeo under Escort section. The only place that I ever searched where not 1 boy posted a face pic. Not sure what that means. Hornet has tons of Hot Boys in Helsinki on their site but of course I have no idea whether some may be available for fun or pay. But certainly worth doing some contact.
  2. I think Hornet is much better then Grindr and from conversations , I would expect to pay 150,000-200.000 COP ($50-$65) for a visit to your Hotel.. The boys would qualify as solid 9's. IMHO Included a current photo. That is consistent with my last visit 18 months ago and the US $ is now considerably stronger. I never found boys in rush to leave and would love to go out for a meal after the deed is done.
  3. Never had a problem in Bogota or Medellin Hotels. Cartagena was an apartment but I would guess you don't have much to worry about.
  4. Possibly you should look in the mirror! Quote "Considering some of your prior posts on this forum, wherein you discussed the type of effeminate, very young and skinny males that you pursue in your travels, your assertion is irrational. " I don't remember commenting on your preference for Muscle Hunks. See if you can find a link for that?? Typical attack from you is the above sentence. You are delusional. I have posts here on boys in Spain, Portugal, Poland, Budapest, Prague Bogota, Medellin etc etc with photos. You won't find many skinny effeminate boys except in Thailand and I have tons of replies thanking me for the information I have provided. I don't see anyone thanking you for your ridiculous links to newspapers.
  5. You are beyond a joke. On this thread: "The disgruntled are after the wrong person"Every single poster disagreed with you but of course according to you, you know better. You finally gave up in that thread when you could not find anybody to agree with you. That is typical of any of your Non Tourist posts. When you post about personal tourist experiences , you provide useful personal experience. When you post links to news articles that you have no way of knowing their veracity and then pretend anyone who disagrees with your theory must be wrong , your posts are useless. I can print news articles from all over the world on Front Pages of newspapers where the story ended up completely false. But with you any links you provide must be Gospel. Ridiculous!
  6. IPHGUY has got you figured out . You are an expert on everything in your own mind and in reality you are nothing but a Sex Tourist in Brazil and have no idea of what really goes on there. Unlike you even though I have been to Brazil many time , I do not pretend to understand what goes on in the country beyond the reason I am there which is as a Tourist. Your problem is you think you are an expert on everything because you read articles online where you have no idea about the publication or the author of the article. Then you spew the BS in the article back on this Forum like it is Gospel. It is not and you arguing with a long term resident of Brazil who is fluent in Portuguese just shows what an undeserved high opinion you have of yourself. It would be more appropriate if you posted personal experiences here instead of bloviating about articles you read.
  7. Really Really ? Lets see I can listen to a resident who speaks the language or a visitor who has no ability to have meaningful conversations with Brazilians. Easy Choice!!
  8. MVAN considers himself an expert on everything because he can read. I have said many times , non residents have no idea what really goes on in a country that they are a visitor in. Even if they are 100% Fluent in the language the residents will still never speak completely honestly to a visitor. And of course it is very rare when a visitor is perfectly fluent in a foreign language. Trying to understand foreign citizens is impossible and only the foolish think they can. Bad enough when government representatives from foreign countries think they understand the the workings of a foreign society. Most visitors would have no intention of moving to Brazil .
  9. HaHa Ha Christian will be correcting your spelling. And I'll let him do it because I consider it useless folly.
  10. Really hope someone posts photos of their trip and boys.!!
  11. I was in Cartagena 2 years ago and rented a fabulous Penthouse on the beach from VRBO. Don't remember the price but far cheaper then nice Hotels. Trip Advisor is your friend if looking for reviews of hotels as well as Booking.com. Good that you speak Spanish because it is easily the most only Spanish city between Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena. I don't speak spanish and even the restaurants had Spanish menus only and very difficult to get around if you don't speak Spanish. . That said a very beautiful and Historic City o the Sea.
  12. I'm sure the Olympic Comm, is very sorry with their selection!
  13. I just checked Spirit and did not go all the way to the end adding baggage charges etc but it appears to me to be not much less then Avianca when you add in all the charges.
  14. I am so tired of people who read and then consider themselves experts on the politics of foreign countries. Nobody from outside the country can truly understand what goes on politically in a foreign land. Unless you are fluent in Portuguese and read papers and magazines in Brazil and watch TV news in portuguese, you really have no idea of the dynamics in a country that is not your own. And even then if you do not live there , you can't really understand. Quite tough to make sense of one's own country!
  15. Have to admit I have not flown any of the South American Airlines. However I have flown a number of Asian Carriers etc and find all of them far superior to all USA carriers. But that is not saying much!!!
  16. Not me if non stop is available for a few $ more.. FLL easy airport to navigate , customs easy etc. Any time you have stop overs the chance of missing a connection or checked baggage lost etc. Steve the escort site (individual escort postings) you posted about looks very interesting and legitimate. Love to hear from anyone that has used it. http://co.milerotico...oquia/medellin/ I too have found the boys in Bogota and Medellin fun to be with even with the language barrier.
  17. Miami is a circus airport. Much rather fly out of Ft Lauderdale non stop on Avianca for $426.
  18. Typical IOCC decisions. They take the bribes etc with no thought of the real ability of the city and country to fulfill the needs of an Olympic Games. Is anyone surprised that the waters in Rio are filthy. Is anyone surprised that rather then spending money to make the lives of its residents better it spends it on putting on an event that they lack the capability and money to do. Some cities in the past have used the Olympics as a stepping stone to introduce their city to a wider audience. Barcelona comes to mind. Does anyone think Rio need to be introduced to the world. It has been a World Wide Tourist destination for years. Terrible choice not because the city and country are not beautiful but because the money required does not exist and I am sure poor people have suffered because of Government taking money away from programs for the poor to build Golf Courses etc. RIDICULOUS!
  19. You have a better chance of finding what you want on www.gaythailand.com Be specific in when you are going and where and you are likely to find some like minded individuals who will be happy to show you the ropes.
  20. Depend on the app since some restrict what you say. Jack'd I put Money Ok. Hornet I put generous visitor. The good thing with Jack'd , and Hornet you can search where you are going in advance and just say Hi. Make a comment they are cute or sexy. If they contact me I am relatively sure they expect money and just let the chat go that way. If they don't respond at all I erase them so as not to be confused. I almost always have 1 or 2 possibilities weeks in advance and then wait until I get there for additional options. I have rarely not found a cute companion. Also Gayromeo has an Escort Section which can be quite interesting but I always look in the regular section also. I don't waste my time sending messages to anyone who has not been on line in the last 7 days. I think many do not have thoughts of a commercial encounter but when faced with some easy money , they become somewhat interested . Not all but some. It is a numbers game.
  21. With all the boys on Hornet , Jack'd and Grindr, Gayromeo I would never waste my time going to B&W . Yes you might pay a little more then there or Sauna but the quality is astounding . The comfort of being in your own room where I found the boys in absolutely no rush makes it a far better experience. Easily the best city in Europe for these hook ups at least on my last 3 trip to 8 countries.
  22. Tons of escorts on Gayromeo Escort Section and probably plenty of available boys in the regular section!
  23. Even as a Gold on DL I got upgraded every single time to Bogota and paid lowest economy fares.
  24. For Sure! Sent you PM
  25. Interesting. I gave up on Jupiter after 5 strike outs. Always found the boys to be full of themselves. Want Top money for Low performance!
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