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Everything posted by firecat691614502759

  1. No idea where you are from and how much experience you have in Thailand but I can tell you for sure I have known many boys who no one would have guessed were even 25 when in fact they were in their 30's. I saw the same boy for 4 years in BKK , traveled in Thailand with him. Never asked his age. I like twinks and he had the look I liked . Then one time he went on my computer and left a gay Thai dating site on where his photo was and his age listed at 33. I was amazed and told him I didn't believe it and then for the first time he showed me his ID and sure enough he was 33. Would of bet a lot of money he was 25 or under. The only open question is whether he would have told me when I first met him that he was 33. It would have made no difference.
  2. Well they have had the money for the Olympics and their economy is spiraling downward. Would it be worse without the useless money spent to handle the Olympics. Who knows.
  3. World markets are complicated but since Brazil is a net importer of oil, falling oil prices have done nothing but help them in the short term and the falling $ has been a boom to what they are paying for that oil. I'm not making an argument that the Olympics caused the problems, just that the money they wasted on staging the Olympics could have been better spent elsewhere and the supposed boon in real estate is short lived with some short lived jobs that now have disappeared . The strength of the $ should have helped the real estate market. After all those condos were not being sold to Brazilians. http://www.ceicdata.com/en/blog/brazil-reap-short-term-benefits-falling-oil-prices
  4. Just imagine if they had spent all that money fixing their problems. Whether it comes off without an incident does not make it a success. Just look at the plummeting prices of real estate. Wonder what use all the infrastructure will be to the residents who have to worry about feeding their children. Even with the ridiculous amount of money spent the water may still be unsafe for the competitors. But not to worry because the crooked politicians, olympic committee members etc will have padded their bank accounts and to hell with the people.
  5. Certainly I am in a tourist area which feels extremely safe to me. It is an enormous city and I'm sure there are parts you don't want to be in. Everywhere I have been the people have been patient and helpful with my lack of Spanish. The ride from the airport was certainly a poorer area but no different then what I see surrounding most airports in the USA Brazil etc. I think when the volcanoes act up there can be pollution. But the weather for my stay has been absolutely perfect.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/travel/video-shows-gang-of-kids-mugging-people-in-broad-194552428.html I don't know the source of this but I do know I always followed the rules of wearing no jewelry of any kind even cheap. No phones, or cameras except maybe in Ipanema ?? The economy seems to be in chaos and I hope some how the government will be able to control this sort of thing. If not once again Billions will have been wasted on bringing the Olympics to a country that is not ready for it.
  7. Thought I'd post a few photos of just a couple of the magnificent buildings here. Might Have to change my mind about Grindr. Some real cuties showed up last night and I am meeting the boy in the photo later today. Lots of free boys/men here if you want to go with 30-40 year olds . I am spoiled , I like them 18-24 and quite comfortable paying but others may feel different.
  8. I have finally made it to Mexico City. It has been on my list for awhile and with a push from Floridarob I arrived yesterday. Short 3 hour flight from Atlanta which is the reason I was looking at it. Getting too old for those 26 hour trips to Thailand more then once a year. Luckily the $ has been extremely strong so 17 pesos to the dollar was the rate. Airport is definitely old but clean. I was first off the airplane so short line through immigration and customs. They have like 4 taxi companies where you buy in advance in the terminal. The rates vary greatly. Not sure why probably because of size of car etc. I choose the cheapest at 225 pesos $13.00. No waiting , small car but clean. About 20 minutes to the Hotel. I am staying at the LeMeridien on points. An all suite hotel and the rate if you pay is about $100 so it would appear nice Hotels are very fairly priced. For future trips I did look on Airbnb and found many nice apartments at $70 or less in good locations. This is a big city so you need to know where you will be staying so as not have trouble getting boys etc. The Hotel has had no problem with guests but need key for elevator so I meet them out front. I have had a couple of real nice meals in sit down restaurants where I could not finish the plates and the prices were reasonable. I used this site ( http://mx.mileroticos.com/escorts-gay/) posted by Floridarob and mainly Hornet to find possible boys in advance of my trip. Did not find Gayromeo much use and Hornet way better then Jack'd or Grindr. I do not like Saunas so did not bother looking for info but I understand there are 1 or 2. Pretty sure there are no GoGo Bars in the way Thai visitors think of them but I could be wrong. I love the apps but it is more challenging here because I speak little Spanish and the boys are not used to using translations on their phone. I would say 20% speak some English. The others I use Google Translate on my laptop to make offers and set dates. I am looking for Twink Bottoms and I would have to say the majority of boys interested in money are Tops but there are so many boys , it is not a problem finding Bottoms. I just say hi and ask to see private photos and then shortly after I put Sexo Por Dinero. If a boy does not respond I delete him and move on. I would say at least 40% ask how much and for how long. Once they ask that question it just becomes a matter of making sure they know what you want and are willing to pay. I am certainly no expert after 2 days but the prices have quite a wide range. When a boy asked me how much I start at 700 pesos $40 which is a bit higher then the bottom because I know some escorts on the link I supplied ask as low as 400 $23. There are quite a few Colombian boy who visit and they are asking 1500-2000 which is 2 to 3 times what they can get in their home Country. Don't know if they get it but not from me. I have 1 boy I plan on paying 1000 because he started at 1500 and I want him . Just about everyone else has been fine with 700. Frankly there are so many boys , there is no reason to overpay. I'll post a few city photos later on but there are parts that are quite beautiful with wide Boulevards lined with trees.. The photos below are all photos from the boys and so far they have looked exactly like the photos with maybe a little photo shop on some. I forgot to mention that I failed to check the altitude before this trip and was worried when I realized it is over 7000 ft ASL. Bogota was 8700 ft ASL and it took me 24 hours to be able to walk to the corner. I have had only a little problem here of being tired from walking sooner then normal. I forgot to mention, my kind of weather , in the 50's at night and the 70's during the day. No rain in the forecast .
  9. Exactly. Too many members here never leave this Forum and have no idea there are other places in the world for Great Cheap Sex..
  10. But did you call the Boy from the Mall who gave you his number?????
  11. Lost his phone in many instances means pawned it until he earns enough money to get it back. That is why MBK Floor #4 exists.
  12. Not even close! Even in a rough count Mike has spent easily 300 weeks in Thailand. Pretty hard to get anywhere near that in 1-2 week trips. I have a harder time adding up Brazil but he never went for a week or two. He is definitely my Hero even if he calls me Fireboat. HeHe And I did say combined .
  13. Please make sure you read a recent post by the creator of this site who has spent more time in Brazil and Thailand combined then any member of this Board. Some of you might try some other destinations. The post is in the Asia Forum.
  14. It should not be boring read for anyone on this Board that loves Hot Boys of all types in all sorts of situations. Massage Parlors, GoGo Bars with Sex shows or just GoGo, Gay Bars with available boys, Gay Discos, Gay Beaches . On top of that at prices for boys, Hotels, Restaurants , Travel and especially Safety that means it rivals any destination in the world. If you ever had friends tell you only Fem Boys are available in Thailand , they do not know what they are talking about . Just ask OZ who has thousands of nights in Brazil and Thailand. Nothing against Brazil which I have enjoyed 5 times but some on this Board would really enjoy spreading their wings!
  15. And all visitors please try to post photos of the boys you meet!
  16. I have to admit Jose is exactly my type but I found that type rarely available in my 5 trips. I have not visited in 5 years so maybe things have changed but somehow I doubt it. I think you found a Diamond in an Emerald Mine. That look and English speaking would make him a 12 in my book. Hope you find someone like that to keep you warm on Xmas Eve!
  17. Truer words were never spoken then in this post by Tomcal and it applies everywhere else that has lots of boys available!
  18. There are easily 50 of them in Thailand.
  19. Glad to hear you had a good time . Thanks for the report . XBoys was my favorite for 4 years but never liked their show. So glad to hear it has improved. Great price at the Courtyard . Never even looked for a Senior rate, so good info. Be interesting to hear what you think after 3 months, Except for when I lived there , when I went for 2 months I was ready to leave after 6 weeks.
  20. Thanks for the photos!
  21. Gap1972, I loved your reports and laughed that you may have paid too much. Big Deal!! It does not amount to enough to worry about in the overall cost of your trip. Unless of course you are Tomcal where the multiples could add up to a lot.. Many people have over paid in Brazil and other places because we realize how many more times it would cost us in our home country and the quoted price may sound cheap until we have more experience or been warned we are paying too much. The few Western visitors as a % will never really adjust the price by paying a little too much. Most boys will be happy to negotiate. Just one thing there are other places in the World that are just as much fun. Spread your wings!
  22. So it appears most of the reports from our members who are looking for Tops. Since I only look for Bottoms. Can anyone chime in how available they are?? Thanks
  23. Finally . Thanks so much. Will have to consider it in the future. When able some hints on apartments and where to go etc.? Light Blue shirt first pic and long hair boy in next to last pic are soooo my type. hehe!
  24. Still waiting for someone to share some photos. Must be one member who has taken photos and will share????
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