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Everything posted by firecat691614502759

  1. Nice of you guys to worry about me. Not sure what I had but it was not any fun. Much better today and may even go out for a short time. I did make some other posts about Bangkok and my visit to a cardiologist which never made it over here but if you are really interested you can go to www.gaythailand.com and read them. I trashed the photos and just don't feel like copying the threads over here, so take a look if you feel you missed something.
  2. Good Idea Lucky. As soon as you have collected a suitable amount I will give you wiring instructions.
  3. So went out last night. Started with dinner at Ambience which was fair. Wished I had gone to Cafe Fellini on Soi 3 where the Italian food is quite good. But was there when all the boys from Boys Boys Boys came out and lined up on the terrace of which their is a photo below. First stop after dinner was FunnyBoys which as usual had a varied and excellent line up with quite a few new faces since July.. Then I wanted to give Wild West Boys another chance. A complete waste of space with 2 boys and no customers and it will be my last visit there. They should close the doors. Decided to stop at ABomb which I rarely visit and was pleasantly surprised with some very nice looking boys including some muscle. The 2 photos below are two boys from ABomb and there were some other equally good looking ones. May have to add them to my stops if they keep having such quality. Then it was on to the show at COPA. Don't get tricked into arriving for a 1030pm start. It starts out with 2 boys swimming in the tank and after 5 minutes of repetition of the same moves, you just want it to end. But it lasts 15 minutes. But it gets worse after that they bring out the line up of GoGo staff which IMHO is about as unattractive boys that I have ever seen. This lasts for 20 minutes and then they start the Cabaret Show. Be warned to arrive close to 11pm and not 1030 pm. Cabaret show is quite good with many costumes and some very good dancing and lip synch work. There were also some stunner boys in the show.. I don't whether they come out on stage as GoGo Boys after the show but they would certainly appeal to me. I left a few minutes before the end of the show because after 65 minutes in 1 bar I was sick of it. I would definitely go back but would arrive close to 11pm That was it for the night. I saw quite a bit of muscle in the line up of Boy Boys Boys and both FunnyBoys and ABomb had some . By the way I had to give the last 2 boys 100 baht each for the photos. What I won't do fo you guys.. HeHeHe
  4. Spent the last 2 days getting more familiar with jack'd. I do like it better then Grindr and for the most part it seems to have different boys then Grind. Some are also on Gayromeo but most are not and do not work bars so walking around and this app would be the only way you find them Amazing what is available at 730am. Attached photos.
  5. Grindr is good but someone suggested Jack'd was better. Never even heard of it. Went to the app store and downloaded it. Like some of the functions better but really love the boys on there. Not a one of them uses Grindr or Gayromeo. Took me an hour and I set up appointments for the next few days. I copied the photos off the app so the quality is not great but I questioned each extensively that photos were very current and I have no reason not to believe them. Especially for Planetime start planning the trip. This is just another way to find gorgeous Twinks in Thailand fo 1/2 of what you pay in Johnnys for a lap dance. heheheh
  6. 2nd Boy from Grindr just left and another winner!. Why have I not been using this app. It is now my new favorite Toy.
  7. Just for you Lucky because I know you hate it when I post without a photo. Even though our tastes are pretty different. I took a screen shot of Grindr boy and here it is.
  8. So I broke new ground today. Have repeated with some of boys pictured but nothing new and still my 2 favorites of all time are back home. So I went to Grindr which I usually find either has the same boys that are on GayRomeo or they are older then I usually look for. Found a real cute 20 year old and he came over. Actually the initial contact was yesterday. Said he'd call me around 11am and at 1045 I got the call and he wanted to know if he could come over.. Of course I said yes. He was just a delight , even better then his photo and very good in bed. No mention was ever made of money but for me that does not matter because I always assume unless he arrives in a BMW that he can use the money and he was quite appreciative and I can afford it. He would not let me take a photo but promised he would send some. I have no idea how to get a photo off of Grindr or I would have posted that. Stay tuned for more Grindr adventures I hope!
  9. It just keeps raining here. But there is a break in the clouds right now at 814pm so I may take a chance and head out. I am starting to have Cabin Fever even if I keep filling the cabin with tasty morsels like pictured below. Life is tough in Thailand. No where else in the world can you be stuck in your room and order up your hearts desire from the Gay Romeo menu and have the choice of at least 50 ,24 hours a day.
  10. Just for you Lucky. Not much to report. It is raining constantly and I am sticking close to my room. But no problem ordering in!
  11. It has been raining continuously since I arrived so have not felt the need to stray far from my room which has everything and looks out on the water. At night it has been torrential downpours and I have no interest in getting caught in the flooded roads. Luckily there are points in the days when it slows down and I have no problem finding boys willing to brave the rain and visit me. I do seem to be getting shy ones for photos but after a couple of times they usually relent . The photo attached is a 19 year old who sometimes works in Sunee Plaza but has a profile on GayRomeo. Sometimes it amazes me how easy it is to find cute willing boys at all hours of the day. This photo was taken at 9am. He told me 30 minutes and arrived in 35 (hard to do better). He was a very willing Bottom and quite good in kissing and sucking. All of this for $33 US. That is all he expected but I gave him a little bonus for his performance and on time arrival. hehe Hoping to get out to some Bars tonight but it does not look promising.
  12. One of the easiest places to go alone. So much information on this site and members that are willing to answer questions. Basic English spoke many places .. Unlike some countries there are established ranges for tips to the boys so you don't have to feel that you will get ripped off. Hotels are all considerably less then USA or Montreal when comparing equally rated Hotels. Transportation ridiculously cheap by USA standards. If you live on the West Coast the airfare will the same or less then a flight to Europe and possibly even Brazil. East coast is a little more but not bad. The only downside is the length of the flights and there is just not much you can do about that. Suggest you go to www.gaythailand.com for lots of information, photos etc.
  13. My trip started Monday with a flight from Atlanta to Seattle. Seattle has become my departure airport for many reasons. 1. I don't like flight legs of over 9 hours and Seattle has the shortest legs to and from Tokyo. Westbound is usually 9 1/4 hours and Eastbound is frequently under 8 hours. This is quite a bit shorter then flights out of LAX. 2. Seattle airport is easy to get around and the transportation is sett up well. I always spend the night in Seattle in both directions. 3. Customs and Immigration is fabulous. Never had more then 10 minute wait (maybe I am lucky) and always a nice welcome home . A pleasure compared to Detroit, Los Angeles , JFK etc. This was my first flight on the new 787 with ANA. First impressions were loved the big windows with the automatic sun shades and the staggered seating in Business Class. I had a window seat so quite enjoyable on departure over the snow covered mountains and ocean. Service on ANA is exemplary. Asian Flight Attendants put the USA to shame. Food was good if a little to fancy for my taste. Had a 2 hour layover in Tokyo and the ANA Lounge is really nice and again puts the United and DL lounges to shame. Arrived into Bangkok at 1030pm and there were no lines at Customs and my Bag was off in 5 minutes. Walked down to Door 3 where my driver was waiting and arrived Pattaya at 1230 am. Now after 2 months in the USA, even as tired as I am I want some cute Thai Boy to put me to sleep. My two favorites from last trip are out of town so I went to my favorite GayRomeo site and 15 minutes later found a good possibility. He arrived my room 30 minutes later and let me take the one photo. He was just what I needed and fell asleep for 8 hours which happens about once a year for me. My apartment is next to the biggest Mall in Pattaya so at noon I headed out to change some money and get a few things. The photos start off with the Little Temple for prayer at the corner of the Mall. Then the entrance from Pattaya 2 Road and into a 7 Level Mall. It has about anything you need and a lot of restaurants and banks, massage, dentists, banks, movie theaters etc. The Mall is served by 2 main Roads . The Pattaya 2 Road and on the other side Beach Road. Beach Road so called because it follows along the Beach. There are some very nice restaurants in the Mall with outside Decks where you can look at the action on the water and maybe along the beach. hehe The Mall can be a great place to meet boys although I was there a little to early . Later in the day there will be cute Thai Boys where ever you look and sometimes a smile will get you more then you can imagine. Doubt I'll go out tonight but will hit some of the Bars in BoysTown tomorrow and report.
  14. Totally agree OZ.. Hope all these writers find a new show quickly after this one ends!!!
  15. Lucky for good memories visit www.gaythailand.com Of course be ready to buy your next plane ticket before looking too much. LOL
  16. There is no doubt this is a different Pope. He feels no alliance to the power structure in the Vatican. He eschews the trappings of the Papacy and wants to be among the people rather then the politicians of the Vatican. I see many more statements coming from this Pope that the Vatican will try to walk back. I have a feeling they may have met their match? Thank Goodness!!!
  17. I too miss Tomcal's informative posts and photos. Unfortunately he let a few comments drive him away instead of concentrating on the many many positive messages and thanks that he received. Probably more thanks for his posts then anyone except OZ. If you are going to be a poster and participant on a message board , you have to expect there may be someone who does not like what you post. That is life and if your skin is so thin that you let a few random negative comments drive you away then you not only deprive yourself of the pleasure of being a member of the gang but you deprive the overwhelming majority of members of your knowledge. Food for thought!!
  18. No Have not been yet.. Maybe january in between 2, 30 day stays in Thailand. Some cute boys in regular section and escort section of GayRomeo. Prices are cheap. Not a city I especially want to explore at night unless I had a guide. Traffic is a nightmare I guess if you don't choose the right area. Will look forward to your report??
  19. One day to go and I know I have not posted much but it was a funny trip. This is low season and not too many Gay visitors . Frankly I have become increasingly tired of the Bars and have concentrated on my Iphone contacts from previous trips and Gayromeo. Most of the boys I meet on Gayromeo also work the Bars . Spent 24 days in Pattaya and 5 nights in Bangkok Only went to the Bars a few nights. Certainly I not recommend for first time visitors this course of action but it is fine for me. Even for first time visitor I think you should explore Gayromeo and Grindr is very active in Thailand. In Pattaya it just seemed there was a constant flow of new Young talent. Legal but a lot of new 18-20 and they constantly amaze me in how experienced they can be at 18. I am just going to post some candid shots of boys I met and few copies of photos in their profile on Gayromeo. Don't waste your time complaining about how young some of them look. I assure you they are all 18-22 and even one 24 year old. Many Thai boys are only 5'5" and when they are young and small they can look much younger. Why it is important to carefully check id's And besides I like Twinks and so do many others here!
  20. So I went to Bumrungrad Hospital yesterday to get a Urinalysis to make sure I had completely gotten over a Urinary Tract Infection. I had previously seen a Urologist there with a great reputation. I went onto their website and then got to select the day and approximate time I would like to see the Dr. You make your first and 2nd choice for a day and a 2 hour window. 24 hours later I had confirmation of my first choice. If you have ever been in this Hospital you have a number that follows you anytime you return. Every Dr. has access to all your medication and treatments on his computer screen in his office. How backward can the USA be?? I checked in and was given a cup to provide them with a urine sample. . When I returned the sample they told me it would be about an hour for the results and they I would see the Dr. Imagine 1 hour for lab work. Can the USA be any more backward? Right on time the nurse came to take me to the Dr's office. He had the result of the Lab Work on his computer screen and gave me the all clear and we had a discussion on some other matters. Total time with Dr about 10 minutes. Returned to the desk where they printed me a copy of the lab work and sent me to billing to check out. I went to the billing desk and handed in the paperwork with my credit card. The girl inputed a few things in the computer and then said the Total is 950 baht. I said give me back my credit card , I will pay cash. 950 baht is $31.50. Unbelievable !!! 350 baht for Doctor, 250 baht for hospital 350 baht for the Lab work. You do the math> Now before any of you might think this is a neighborhood Hospital, it is one of the biggest Hospitals in Asia and the World. There are 3 High Rises and the building I go to has 8 elevators serving 21 floors and there are 2 more buildings the same size. Believe me I know there are many wonderful Doctors in the USA and some really good hospitals. But they are in the Dark ages in record keeping , providing LabWork and the prices that are paid are too often determined by too may people feeding at the trough. The insurance companies, Hospitals, Doctors and with all this money going into the system, in many ways Health Care in the USA is comparable to a 3rd world country. When will the idiots in Washington DC wake up and fix the system. For this simple visit in the USA , I would have waited ad least 2 days for the results and my co pay under Medicare would have been considerably more then my full bill. And if I was someone without insurance and had to visit an Emergency Room, I shutter to think of the bill in the thousands of dollars.
  21. 5 minute walk to 2 different ones!
  22. The Breakfast Buffet was very nice from my view. I can not comment on the Asian offerings. The executive lounge had some very nice snacks and free booze etc from 530-730pm. Very little to dislike about this Hotel!
  23. I have been in Thailand for 3 weeks and have some reports I will share after the trip but thought I would post this to show the type of reasonable Hotels you can get in this wonderful city full of Hot Boys. Checked in yesterday . The rate was $85 a night including breakfast. I have stayed at all the Marriotts in BKK and find this Courtyard very good value for money. First the staff greets you at the front door with a big smile and "How are you Sir" and there is just something more genuine about it. Front desk speaks excellent English and as requested they upgraded me to a Corner Room because of my Gold Status. Now the last few years I have stayed at some of the best serviced apartments in BKK and got quite used to the space. So I approached my room with some trepidation. It was going to be hard not to have kitchen etc but I just don't feel like spending $160 a night for a short 5 night stay. I was pleasantly surprised with the room. Big windows on 2 sides with lots of light. When you first walk in is a large area to place your open bags, plenty of draws and closet space . Safe and small frig which is mostly empty so you can fill it up with stuff from 7/11. Nice desk space with enough outlets and comfortable chair. Good TV with decent channel selections. Comfortable bed with many great pillows. Also one lounge chair very comfortable. A/C very quiet . Bathroom has decent counter space and under sink storage and a window. Big shower with great water pressure and a place to sit down. And fast internet. Will report on breakfast buffet later. Have included some photos , I apologize for the quality because of too much sun. Oh and the boy was in my room an hour after I checked in. I love Gayromeo!
  24. I certainly agree with those comments and felt that that was exactly what we were doing. How boring life would be if we all felt the same way about things. Hope you did not think I was being disagreeable because that was not my intention.
  25. Two totally different things. Building a house , it is easy to check the costs of materials etc. Impossible to check costs in medicine in the USA. Like I said if some small Blue Cross President in a small state like RI is getting a salary of millions then that is adding ridiculous costs to the patient. Same with a President of a small Hospital. Of course health care providers control their costs by only paying so much for a procedure. Unfortunately there is nobody to control the Providers cost which eventually effects the patient. The thousands of people who go bankrupt every year due to medical costs are charged ridiculous amounts that no insurance company or medicare would ever pay.
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