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Everything posted by RA1

  1. But, hopefully he treats the "puppy" well. Best regards, RA1
  2. RA1

    Lucy Li

    Always a pleasure to observe and use land not overly manicured. Golf courses that resemble a public beach in their sand traps and fairways suitable for croquet are altogether too yuppiefied for me. Best regards, RA1
  3. James Dean was certainly a hero of my generation. Too cool, too hip, fast cars, succumbing to the suicide door, etc. One certainly hates to lose such a high profile person but I have to think it was self fulfilling. Best regards, RA1
  4. You are only too kind and very relenting of whatever transpires. Best regards, RA1
  5. AS- One thing I have observed about you is that you likely will read almost anyone's opinion piece, sometimes ,even mine. Best regards, RA1
  6. One problem with that thought is it can become a self fulfilling prophecy. Best regards, RA1
  7. Agreed. Delightful. Best regards, RA1
  8. Thanks for posting the link. However, this is exactly why I go to so few movies. NOTHING realistic about it. If you don't want to talk to the tower, why wear a headset? It takes about 3 hours to run a pre-takeoff check list for this aircraft. Even if you totally disregarded the checklist it would take many minutes to just start the engines and get enough systems online to move or stop or anything Perhaps all that happened earlier in the movie.? OTOH, a very memorable and gay line is, "lift your big ass for Sasha". Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1

    Lucy Li

    Looks almost as tough as some Scottish courses except Pinehurst actually has some grass. Best regards, RA1
  10. I have seen the AN225 up close and even far away it is humongous. If ever I have the change to fly one I would be more than pleased to drop off MsGuy or anyone at Murmansk or elsewhere. As far as scary airports, any and all can be under certain circumstances. Like everything else, it depends upon the situation. Very low or bad weather can make otherwise very friendly airports become daunting. It isn't the airport but the situation. Also the equipment can make a huge difference. Flying a Twin Otter on a pretty day into Kai Tak would be no problem, Flying a 747 with low clouds and a brisk cross winds into there is entirely different. Most pilots are nervous or at least keenly alert the first time they fly into a strange airport no matter how many times they may have practiced it in the sim. Regardless they tend to maintain a professional attitude and posture and go about heir business expecting and achieving a good result. AKA a safe landing. Best regards, RA1
  11. RA1

    Lucy Li

    Thanks for your research. I am not too lazy to do some research myself but I am in the process of moving, my sister is in town to help me and so are her two dogs. You can imagine how much help the dogs are. Best regards, RA1
  12. RA1

    Lucy Li

    Simply from a legal standpoint, LL has not reached her majority and therefore must be under the care and protection of a parent or guardian. How can a minor be a professional anything? Certainly not escorts. Again nothing personal about MS. LL. Best regards, RA1
  13. The pix are indeed fascinating but not exactly how a pilot perceives an airport. We look at how complicated it might be from the number of runways, the consistent traffic into and out of the airport, the nearby traffic, any unusual geographic features such as mountains, short runways, etc. etc. Flying into such as JFK, ORD, ATL, LAX and the like is always "interesting" with the high volume of traffic, the constant controller chatter and change of runways, change of direction, etc. AND when the weather gets bad AND the traffic increases, it really can get interesting. As far as safe and unsafe airports, I tend to regard them about the same as I do US airlines and foreign airlines. Flying a Russian airline into Murmansk in the dead of winter might be more exciting than one would hope. OTOH, flying BA into LHR during the summertime should be a piece of cake even though it is a busy airport. Basically, I think the US has the best ATC system and therefore is the safest when on a US airline. BTW, Zip, I have had very, very good luck and experience with every Canadian air controller I have had the pleasure to know. I certainly put them on a par with the US controllers and system. Coming back from Europe and landing at such as Goose Bay and hearing a friendly Canuck can be very heart warming, regardless of the negative zero temperatures. Best regards, RA1
  14. RA1

    Lucy Li

    Nothing personal against Lucy Li but why and how is she a pro? She cannot legally execute contracts or even drive a car so she has to be "completely" taken care of by a parent or guardian. Of course, it is interesting that she has talent and a big personality/attitude. Underlying these types of questions is the money aspect. The US Master's allows qualified amateurs to play and maintain their standing. If Miss Li is having so much fun, why is she a pro? Of course, here in the US, we tend to glorify athletes with money rather than simply fan support. As has been said many times before, there is no way "playing a game" is worth that kind of money EXCEPT the public is willing to pay it. Best regards, RA1
  15. LOL. Great. Best regards, RA1
  16. RA1

    Lucy Li

    I have nothing negative to say about Lucy Li. I wish her only the best. What I do have to say is, isn't it amazing how many flash in the pans there seems to be among not only young players but first time or early success players of every description? We have a young golfer here in the MEM area who was economically supported by many FEDEX pilots (his father was a FEDEX captain) but who has not made substantial progress lately. Ditto many others and, dare I mention Tiger Woods? Not exactly a flash but more like a meteor who emblazed the heavens and then fell to earth. I guess meteors are not a who but Tiger is. I suppose the bottom line is, call me after 10 or 20 or more years of substantial accomplishment and then, we can talk. Best regards, RA1
  17. iphguy- You are so politically incorrect it is amazing BUT we love you anyway. .....the days Glenn Miller played.............. Best regards, RA1
  18. Thanks to everyone for posting on this thread. I appreciate everyone's point of view and I especially appreciate no one resorting to vitriol. Even though it is unlikely that this site will change "America's mind" on anything, still, every possible change starts with two opinions becoming one. Every one of us is a minority of some description and we all have to decide how and why we deal with any "name calling". As a US Southerner, should I take offense when a Brit calls me a yank? Best regards, RA1
  19. Now wait a minute, MsGuy. Do you see the name Washington Redskins as stomping on Native American's civil rights? I see it in light of today's political correctness as insensitive but not necessarily when the name was first applied. Does no one see the civil rights and economic rights of the club owner's being stepped on? Come, let us reason together and see if there isn't some solution that will benefit everyone. Perhaps a contest to provide a new name that will become effective in a year or two. That could energize the fan base and provide an outlet for all those "souvenirs". I googled animal rights groups and was amazed at the breadth and width and depth of the list. There is some group out there to correct any real or imagined political incorrectness anyone might imagine. Best regards, RA1
  20. No argument from me. Any thing can be carried to an extreme. With "modern" thinking, one can hope for a good deal of rectification. Think about this. First, the population at large has to become aware that some things are not correct, then, after being educated, corrections can occur. Likely we are in the middle of that process. Please have a little forbearance. No one here and certainly not me is not on your side. But, there is always more than one side to every discussion. Best regards, RA1
  21. Over the years I have beamed and beamed various escorts. Some of them must have been giving themselves oil jobs also. Best regards, RA1
  22. I have no intent to insult anyone. Everyone who has posted thus far has made good points. However, I am willing to stick to my guns and think that most are honoring Native Americans by naming sports teams after them. Call me silly, call me gay, call me politically incorrect but don't forget to call me for dinner or when I can otherwise help you. Best regards, RA1
  23. Robbie is your friend. Best regards, RA1
  24. I do not disagree with your comment about broken treaties and abuse but I prefer to think that sports teams are honoring Native Americans rather than insulting them. Respect is an individual prospect and must be earned. Those who do not give respect to those who have earned it need to be scorned, at least. Best regards, RA1
  25. As anyone might imagine, I love engines or most anything with moving parts (that includes some of my favorite escorts). The steam engine captured my attention as a small boy and I even had a working model that used electricity to heat the water but the steam made the "wheel" go around. Obviously, the biggest drawback to the steam engine is the enormous amounts of water it uses. The fuel use is pretty economical. Bill Lear experimented with a replacement product that he called Learium which basically was a liquid product that could be used, condensed and then used again in a never ending cycle. Sorry to say they never overcame the technical problems. As a side note, a classmate of mine's father was one of the test recipients of the 1967 Plymouth that had a turbine engine. I was not old enough to drive when he showed it to anyone with interest at our school but I do remember hearing it run (fairly quiet in the grand scheme of things) but it could hardly get out of sight without needing more fuel, like all turbines today (so far). Best regards, RA1
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