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Everything posted by RA1

  1. You have a mouse in your hand? OK, old joke. Similar to we, which prompts the inquiry, do you have a mouse in your pocket? All nonsense. Happy Independence Day. Best regards, RA1
  2. Today has been a busy day for me so I have not yet read and thought about the analysis of Justice Ginsberg's dissention above. But, I shall. To answer or start a debate on one question posed, yes, I do think Christian Scientists can opt out of many things. They can refuse to hire and let go any employees for whatever reason except race, gender and a few other things. Do we really want Christian Scientists to only hire Christian Scientists or Jews to only hire Jews or Blacks to hire only Blacks, ETC., ETC.? Without some give and take, that could be a (negative) result. I would like to think that an employer would like to hire the best qualified person available and offer them reasonable benefits. One problem is the definition of best qualified and also reasonable benefits. I consider all this matters for discussion. Best regards, RA1
  3. Now you are having 5 martini high power business lunches? Best regards, RA1
  4. Standards are for those who are leading the charge in a war. The rest of us just stand and observe. Keep going. Best regards, RA1
  5. RA1

    Cute But Deadly

    To paraphrase Andy Griffith: And, there I saw a bunch of men running around in a cow pasture. I don't know what they were a-doing but the crowd seemed real interested in whatever it was..................... Best regards, RA1
  6. I consider birth control to be a subject limited to the woman herself + any she chooses with whom to consult whether her doctor, her husband, her lover, her family or friends. However, as a Libertarian, I am not sure who should pay for any possible birth control drugs or devices. My first thought is that she should pay or arrange to pay for what ever she chooses herself. However, I realize there are many opinions and possible options regarding this in fairness and equity. I suppose my conclusion is that no one should be forced to provide this coverage and that such coverage should be optional to both the provider and recipient. Best regards, RA1
  7. Achtung! Uber is what we do. Even though I misspelled ambiance, I intend to pursue it "uberly". One of us may indeed be "cute" but I am not. Be careful, MsGuy, or you may find yourself being interrogated by HSA. That is Housekeeping Sluts of America, no? Best regards, RA1
  8. There are many invisible hands, not the least of which are the 3M products to include Scotch Tape and others. I, for one, do not appreciate Scotch, although I readily admit to appreciating Scots Men. I find Scotch reminds me too much of diesel fuel which is good for mileage but not necessarily good for ambience. OTOH, I do really appreciate our poster herein, AS, and wish us all well to the future. Best regards, RA1
  9. Upon what characteristic of AS (the original, or actually the son of the original) do you mainly ascribe? I find you have not bulging eyes, a peculiar gait or much of a speech impediment (other than living among Yankees overlong). My dear Sir, do you even like Scotch? Best regards, RA1
  10. And, the Europeans brought smallpox. Plus, it was "on purpose". After the invention of penicillin I have to think the overall numbers and long term effects of tobacco were more deadly and long lasting than syphilis. A legal drug that kills thousands every day is pretty hard to beat. Best regards, RA1
  11. If red potatoes can be called redskin potatoes, why are brown skin potatoes called Irish or white potatoes? I find it interesting that various fruits and veggies are associated with places different from their origination. I believe potatoes came from South America and tomatoes (famous in Italian cooking and others) came from North America. This has generally been a thread about Indians or Native Americans which introduced tobacco to Europe and the rest of the world. Was this their possibly unintended "slow" revenge on "whites" for all of their transgressions upon them? So many questions and, sometimes, even more answers. Best regards, RA1
  12. Damn, what happened to biodegradable/edible sportswear? Best regards, RA1
  13. RE; The Title. Is there anything else? A little dated but not very tedious. Excellent. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
  14. I knew it was right around the corner and, here it is. Congrats. Best regards, RA1
  15. 10 cent bar story. Another version has the barkeep answering the question of how he can serve so cheaply with, I am just an employee but the boss is upstairs doing the same thing to my wife that I am doing to him down at the bar. Best regards, RA1
  16. No one told me not to drink it so my other choices were try it, observe someone else try it or read about trying it. Best regards, RA1
  17. Well, I know I have read GDP and a few others which has made me think twice about sipping hemlock. Best regards, RA1
  18. Are you sure it isn't just, no one likes a tattletale? Best regards, RA1
  19. This isn't a condescension list, is it? (Not by you.) Best regards, RA1
  20. Amazing. Best regards, RA1
  21. TOZ- Whatever works for you, works for me. Best regards, RA1
  22. EXPAT and Charlie PSP- You hit it on the head. The "real" reason to fly, either passenger or pilot, is to get away from it all. The plane I mostly fly does not have cell phone or internet service on it and, in fact, generally our pax don't even want a newspaper on board. It is a moment of brief respite from the rude world and a chance for all of us to really relax for a little while. The pax can go into a Zen trance for all I know or care while I concentrate on delivering them safely to their intended destination. I have no worries about house upkeep, car repair, assorted bills or even relationship problems while airborne. It takes skill and concentration to be safe and that is my intention and goal. It is wonderful for removing the cares of everyday life. Best regards, RA1
  23. One reason it is so expensive is basically the same reason it took so long to become available and that is so many different agencies have control of various aspects of international travel and communication. An airline cannot just decide to fly between two airports. IATA, the state department, the FAA and several others are involved with the US part of such. For communication there is ARINC, the satellite owner, various government agencies, etc. SATCOM became available for the airlines to transmit position reports over the vast Pacific many years ago but for at least a year or two, they still had to officially use the HF for clearances. HF is potentially very unreliable and the Pacific traffic really tied up the frequencies. During this interval the airliner would get his clearance over SATCOM and the "verify" it over HF. Silly, but true. The bottom line is the technology for pax internet service has existed for years but all the politics kept it from happening. Best regards, RA1
  24. Perhaps those kids who "hanged out with their friends" were engaging in asphyxiophilia? Best regards, RA1
  25. RA1

    Catch the wave

    Wow. Cool. Best regards, RA1
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