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Everything posted by RA1

  1. "Judge not lest thee be............" I am loathe to call fellow posters bilge rats however, sometimes, their actions remind one of such. Best regards, RA1
  2. My dog did, She would always get up and leave when I passed gas. Very smart dog. Best regards, RA1
  3. A guy goes into a bar has one drink and leaves $100. The bartender says, how do you like that guy, leaves without paying for his drink. Nice tip, though. Best regards, RA1
  4. OK, so now explain why one quits drinking at dawn and is the bilge rat behavior good or bad, please? Best regards, RA1
  5. Those folks are mainly insensitive to others; likely they simply will think their sun screen has failed. Best regards, RA1
  6. I always wondered what plundering the booty meant. I still do. Best regards, RA1
  7. RA1


    I am not sure that I understand this graphic. Are you saying that NC and MA have far more flatulence than TN? If so, obviously you do not know our pols. Best regards, RA1
  8. Now, now, AS, speak for your self. I don't know why but my home computer does not access various. When I am traveling, my laptop has not trouble. Even though I travel a lot and like to do so, I am not willing to do so JUST to see pix of guys on this site. As HST said, I don't consider sex a spectator sport. Best regards, RA1
  9. Both of you guys are way too salty for me. Best regards, RA1
  10. Well, I haven't been able to get into any thing other than the forum for over a year, so, it doesn't matter to me. Best regards, RA1
  11. Let me see a good picture of this "marketing" guy and I might give him a raise myself. Best regards, RA1
  12. Yes, of course, Log Cabin. Mrs. Butterworth's was a Johnny come lately and never caught on in our family. You remind me that my mother made pecan pies by the many with light Karo and we had friends and relatives lined up with requests for same. "Real" blackstrap molasses is likely an acquired taste and one that I encountered from time to time many years ago. I liked it but did not "crave" it. Probably we could go on and on as products of "near country" living but actually Southern "city folks". In other words, we knew what brains and eggs was (personally) but it was not a staple. All amazing and I am willing if you are. Best regards, RA1 BTW--Whine country is up somewhere near DC, isn't it?
  13. I am sure your credit card will dispatch a magic carpet to bring you some. I wish these folks all the luck in the world. I am within 50 years of retiring myself. However, they already live in "Yuppie Valley" aka the Shenandoah Valley. But, I suppose a few extra bucks in your pocket never hurt anyone. As a child of the "recovery period" after WW II I grew up in a family counting our pennies. We ate AJ and Vermont Maid maple flavored syrup on pan cakes and waffles. Therefore we thought that was the "real" thing. When I first started flying into places such as Vermont and sampled the real "real thing" I was a bit disappointed. It tasted weak and watery. Even the most expensive stuff. Today it doesn't much matter. I have little to no taste for sweets so I probably eat two waffles a year, whether I need to or not. Best regards, RA1
  14. Although generally a fan of Boeing, I was very sorry when McDonnell Douglas was "absorbed" into Boeing. Competition is the very life blood of America. I am reminded of this constantly when I fly into an airport with only one place to buy fuel and compare their prices with any nearby airports that have two places (each). Otherwise, ROFLCAHM reading the MD survey. Best regards, RA1 The last few letters stand for crying and hurting myself.
  15. I believe that JV tells the truth as he knows it which is beyond a rarity among pols. That does not mean you do or should agree with his positions. I do not but I am willing to give credit to his modus operandi. Best regards, RA1
  16. What wonderful week this has been. Earlier I listened to an interview with Michio Kaku, then read this article and finally decided to support Jesse Ventura for president. Best regards, RA1
  17. This is pretty wild. I was aware of the possible effects of drugs which have expired and are flushed (whole) to get rid of them but I did not realize our livers and kidneys were so inefficient in metabolizing Rx. I think I would have to see more research before I completely buy into this. OTOH, humans are definitely the problem. OTOH, humans are definitely the solution. Best regards, RA1
  18. I knew you would get it. Yes, she is well represented herein and else where. I could have said Ovid or Milton but thought I would seek the "lighter" road, so to speak. I have slipped the surly bounds of Earth............John Magee Best regards, RA1
  19. But you hardly ever quote DP. Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1

    Deja vu

    I found my grill on Blueberry hill. Best regards, RA1
  21. RA1

    Deja vu

    Even without you "giving in" I will supply the answer. When Elvis first released "Hound Dog" one verse sounded like, you ain't never bought a record, you ain't no friend of mine. Or so the teen-age boys who were buying and listening to this record thought. Best regards, RA1
  22. AS- I think you must be referring to some Miami Dolphin residents. MsGuy resides much further from the ocean than you do. At least 400 miles. Best regards, RA1
  23. Also, I am willing to place sacrifices upon the correct edifice. Best regards, RA1
  24. I hate being stuck and I think you do also. As we get older, they seem to find more and more reasons to stick us. I do not think they are finding exponentially better results from doing so even though they are finding exponential reasons to do so. There is no cogent way to tell if one is dying in Indiana. One must only concede the results. OTOH, I like corn. Best regards, RA1
  25. I thought I died one night in Indiana or maybe I just spent a month there one night? Best regards, RA1 PS--I thought that was called the Schick test not chicken shit test?
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