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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Of course pilots keep the nose wheel on the center line during take-offs, landings and while taxiing. The center line is one's best insurance against having mud on your tires. And, egg on your face. A smart pilot does not drink while flying. Most foolish pilots also adhere to that rule. We get our highs sort of like John Denver but without the mountains. At the end of the duty day that noise you hear is 10,000 pilots opening a can of beer. Best regards, RA1
  2. A good martini always puts me in the middle of the road. Best regards, RA1
  3. I didn't realize looking good in a bra was a prerequisite for being a moderator. Best regards, RA1
  4. The above totally baffles me. Any SIC aka co-pilot should be able to land an aircraft in similar circumstances. Else, why have one? I once picked up a King Air 200 in VNY (Van Nuys, CA). The pilot who flew the aircraft during the acceptance flight only had one arm. He placed his left "fake" hand (no arm) on the yoke and flew using his right hand only. He was very proficient and I had no problem with his performance. There are obvious potential problems but he overcame them in his ordinary routine. One being the power controls moving from such as full power to less when they are not being held in the full power position. This can be overcome by simply adjusting the friction locks on these controls until they are difficult to move but will not inadvertently move when released. Problem solved. This captain took routine check rides with the FAA and conducted everyday operations under Part 135 (Public Transportation) rules of US charter. Perhaps you see why I am perplexed. Best regards, RA1
  5. I agree. When will SD make his apology? Best regards, RA1
  6. Without any disrespect to SD, I saw no malice aforethought by you. Best regards, RA1
  7. The meal of Jamaican luge riders? Best regards, RA1
  8. I fully admit to resisting change but "vehement"? I am fully ensconced in the middle. Actually, I do not resist change at all and, in fact, welcome it, so long as it is according to my wishes. :) Best regards, RA1
  9. And, all this time, I thought lapidary meant spilling a milk product onto one's "front". Best regards, RA1
  10. I have had the wrong skin on for years but I didn't know there was a choice. So far what I have observed is some new backgrounds. What am I missing? Best regards, RA1
  11. "If you were me, I would suspect you of having a liquid lunch today." Wouldn't you or I know? Best regards, RA1
  12. Somebody find that cow and stop her. Is there such a product as Cow Beano? Best regards, RA1
  13. Now you are making comments about my maleness. Not my sexuality, nor my inclinations but about my ability to "kill others". Your pay grade notwithstanding, I suggest you buy the first round. Best regards, RA1
  14. Ah, but no bone? How supercilious. Or, is that supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Best regards, RA1
  15. So, you are assuming corporate pilots stay up after dark? Best regards, RA1
  16. If your butt is stuffed with a boneless banana, is it indeed "stuffed"? Best regards, RA1
  17. What is an unincorporated residence? Seriously, I enjoyed this actor and am sorry that he is gone. I did wonder from time to time to what extent drugs affected him, either positively or negatively. RIP. Best regards. RA1
  18. Escorts are "on parade" here or any other board. They have little to gain and much to lose. If they upset a client, they can either kiss and make up or take their money and run. Here they can upset a whole board with a few printed words and do not get paid regardless. What is their upside? Best regards, RA1
  19. I agree sincere and deep interest do not always coincide with number of posts. However, again, what do you propose as the standard of interest? What you suggest as a "hammer" might be interpreted as interest in one or just a few subjects presented herein? I don't see any wide spread "attacks" on others. Your "reasonable" suggestion is not without merit but it avoids the fact that the owner decides, not a majority vote. This is not a democracy, not even a republic; it is a dictatorship, pure and simple, not matter how benevolent. Best regards, RA1
  20. I certainly cannot speak for TOZ but how do you propose to know who has sincere and deep interest in this forum without using such as frequency of posting? No doubt lurkers are splendid fellows but what capital do they expend towards the betterment of the forum? I am sure your heart is in the right place (left chest) but think about what you are saying, please. Best regards, RA1
  21. Let's find someone who will cut the baby in half. Best regards, RA1
  22. I don't have time at the moment to fully respond to this article. There is just too much emotion, rumor and opinion as well as "facts" involved. Therefore, just a couple of points. In some ways we have already gone too far in automated flying. Some of the results include the 777 crash at SFO and others that indicate a lack of "stick and rudder" skills by current airline pilots (and others). After a hue and cry, there is a band aid approach. In other words, more emphasis on one particular aspect of flying. That is not a cure. It is simply emphasizing one thing this "month" or training cycle. I question the statistic quoted about SP in Citations. This has been ongoing from the moment the FAA approved single pilot operations of jets. At first the insurance companies simply had a rate for SP operation that basically was the same dollars as hiring a second pilot. That was explained by lack of data. As time passed, the insurance companies further defined their "beyond what the FAA requires" qualifications for a reasonable rate. Today, not only does the aircraft have to be approved, but the pilot must undergo a defined re-current training course annually. One that is stricter than recurrent training for a two person crew. Then, that pilot/airplane will get an excellent rate which likely will be lower than the two person crew. Does this sound like I am defending a single pilot operation? Yes and no. As mentioned previously, today's training emphasizes one or two pilots monitoring the autopilot and other equipment, only inputting as required. Obviously this has good and bad points. Good that we have a lot of reliable electronic help. Bad that we do not necessarily have the skills from days before. Answer: Hire a good old pilot and teach him new tricks. Best regards, RA1
  23. I REFUSE to consider you either a ship's rat or 3rd class passenger. OTOH, Cabin Boy might be just your ticket. Fun for all. Best regards, RA1
  24. I MUST fit some category but, at the moment, I am not sure which one. I am pretty sure I am not a general officer, head of state, procurement officer or terrorist. However, I might be "anti" most of those, Does that help me qualify? Best regards, RA1
  25. AS- I have seen one or more documentaries on a weapon that delivers incapacitating pain. And, I don't mean loud rock music or Gregorian chants but a ray that delivers same. It is pretty amazing to watch would be villains trying to advance near this weapon. First they realize the pain, then as they advance they realize the fact of incapacitation and finally no more advancing. The good news is no deaths need be involved. The bad news is the cost and availability. If you are a vendor of such or know of a vendor of such who can provide this weapon at a home owner's budget, please let me know ASAP. Best regards, RA1
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