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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I thought the article on pitching the perfect tent equally attractive. Best regards, RA1
  2. Interesting. I think easier to do this than jump into the pool of icy water. Dumping the water gets it over with in seconds. Immersing oneself into a pool would take a little longer, at best. Still, invigorating. Also for a good cause. Best regards, RA1
  3. I think you are proposing MsGuy is MS Guy. But, whatever. However, I would like to know from where and to where you are advancing along the Natchez Trace? It seems to run a good distance but mainly South and, rarely, north. So, please explain. Best regards, RA1
  4. What happened to the Pilgrim's feat(s)? Or, am I thinking of John Wayne? There are many wonderful and beautiful songs about America. I only wish we, the citizens, would live up to them. Best regards, RA1
  5. I truly feel like a new man quite often about 6 AM, but at that hour I usually cannot find one. Best regards, RA1
  6. Sounds like a guy I used to work with although he pronounced Eglin, Elgin and vice versa. In those days we flew to Destin, FL quite a lot which involves talking and dealing with Eglin AFB. With all the fighter traffic, sometimes it was a chore to get into Destin. Usually a story after returning. Unfailingly we asked him if he went via Illinois on his way when he talked about Elgin AFB. Best regards, RA1
  7. I suspect everyone in this reum knows more than they are telling. Best regards, RA1
  8. If you cannot meet or exceed, "When penguins poo" I don't know who can. Best regards, RA1
  9. Another aspect of this same subject is the power and persuasiveness of words alone. I once had a deal with a professor of a NC university. We wrote back and forth and back and forth. I used what I thought was inescapable logic and reasoning, while he replied, I am not persuaded or words to that effect. He had a long list of things he was not satisfied with in our deal which could have amounted to thousands of dollars. I, too, was unwilling to agree and pay any such. Eventually, I wearied of the back and forth and offered him 3-4 hundred dollars + an explanation of how that money could best be spent on his behalf. He accepted. Nothing further ensued. The lesson I hope I learned was to try to know what the other person really wants and how to best provide it at the minimum expense to you. My firm opinion is this gentleman simply wished me to say I was wrong and make some amends, which I did. Best regards, RA1
  10. lurker- Probably you have lost good friends before. I know that I have. It is never fun or fair but it is a part of life. We take our chances and hope for the best. One day we too shall be gone and can only hope that we have favorably influenced others. Best regards, RA1
  11. So many strange words. Do cute and weasel go together? I am pretty sure MsGuy has never been "up north" so a visit to NC seems unlikely, therefore he cannot be your father. Isn't Ignoble good enough? Are you going for Grand Ignoble? Best regards, RA1
  12. Obviously, more information is a good thing. However, is there not a limit to what can be discovered via the written word or pictures? I think I know what you mean, in that we could discover personality aspects from various posts. All good. But, is not the real proof of the pudding in personal encounters? I am willing to suppose that I can tell a lot more about you from spending an hour or two or an evening with you than I can reading thousands of words. Therefore, what others say about their experiences in person have a lot more impact than any other thing written, don't you think? Best regards, RA1
  13. Greatest is in the mind of the listener. Best regards, RA1
  14. Are you asking for too much? After all the Ignoble prize is intended to honor the truly ignoble. Are you truly worthy Are you truly Ignoble? Only time will tell and perhaps the judges. Best regards, RA1
  15. Not a thing and good for you guys! Best regards, RA1
  16. Anyone who has not considered suicide at one time or another probably thinks very little or has little contact with his inner self. However, I think that is not this question as posed. Ultimately, suicide is a very personal decision and cannot be stopped if one is determined and still physically able to get about to some extent. I hate the idea that someone is so tormented mentally or physically or both that they feel they must think seriously about suicide. However, I also support their personal decision as being theirs. There are, of course, a lot of side issues to include assisted suicide and the with holding of "something" that might slow the death process. One is legal in some places and the other in more. Those are fairly recent events, so some progress is being made. Any thing that will ease the pain is OK by me. Best regards, RA1
  17. RA1


    Offering to bury the hatchet in AS's skull doesn't count as a peace offering. No one I know is that far into S&M. Best regards, RA1
  18. I have personally been in the "Death Valley" stadium at LSU and heard with my own ears what those fans think about the Tide. I was there one time with Alabama fans and when Alabama won, they would not be quiet about it. I thought we all would be murdered before I could get us out of town. Best regards, RA1
  19. Well, shame on you. After all eagles, turkeys and vultures are all scavengers (plus readers and posters herein). So, I love you too. Best regards. RA1
  20. RA1


    After all, except with Scotch and bonded Whiskey, what could is water? Best regards, RA1
  21. AS- Hey, I am not picking on MsGuy. I know the wild turkey (the bird, not the whiskey or maybe both) is a very cunning and smart bird. My turkey hunting friends have told me so. They have spent thousands and have very few birds to show for it. One problem is the domesticated turkey is not as smart as a bump on a log and perhaps will not even come in from the rain, leading to drowning of all things. OTOH, a bred and true Mississippian who even suggests that the Tide should have consideration for anything other than humiliation and failure might be run out of town on a rail. OTOH, Alabama, the football team, has a very enviable record, so I don't blame MsGuy for acknowledging that. Best regards, RA1
  22. MsGuy I suppose you side with BF in choosing the turkey as the national bird? Yes, I know TOZ hails from LA. Best regards, RA1
  23. RA1


    Darn, I thought this was going to be a treatise about Lift over Drag usually written as L/D = 50. Of course, that would be an eye opening number but one can hope. I am totally in favor of not using animals for testing. There are plenty of test subjects standing or leaning against your favorite neighborhood bar. Best regards, RA1
  24. Doesn't Ole Miss still play in the SEC? Are you switching sides? Personally, I always cheered for the team who's fans paid me to take them to the game. Best regards, RA1
  25. MsGuy is a man after my own heart. Brandy being an after dinner drink that comforts the evening. Best regards, RA1 Yes, AS, I know you already called him on it.
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