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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I was just thinking about how far back we might have to go to be before pollution. There is no before pollution. The only difference is the quantity and that is part "new, improved" ways of polluting AND the huge increase in population. I don't think we are "smart" enough to eliminate pollution, certainly not through political edicts. I know we aren't smart enough to reduce population so, as per usual, Mama Nature will do it one way or another. Best regards, RA1
  2. What happened to Elvis? Best regards, RA1
  3. Thank you for imho. It seems to me to be pretentious to use IMHO. At the very least, contradictory. Vidalia, Walla Walla and Texas Sweet Onions are a nice change of pace to avoid "the bite". Green peppers (and others) cannot be beat, either raw or cooked. Interesting that you suggested port and cab in the same general reference. Best regards, RA1
  4. At least they are calling it climate change vs. global warming. While I am completely sympathetic to the plight of anyone who lives near the ocean, in many cases, I am not sure who "forced" them to do so. I am not talking about indigenous folks on remote or not so remote islands but those who freely chose for lifestyle or other reasons to settle near the water. They did choose. Everything has a price and among the potential prices are big tides, tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons and climate change. I have to wonder what society at large can do for those such as the inhabitants of Pacific (and other) islands. Surely with 50 to 100 years advance warning, something can be done. Good luck with that idea. We have known for a long time climate change was coming and have done almost nothing about it and I am not sure what can be done. Personally, I think we will get an ice age before serious other climate change. Best regards, RA1
  5. I didn't notice they were speaking Portuguese with a Southern accent. Interesting. Thanks for posting this. Best regards, RA1
  6. Once, many years ago, I took 3 couples to New Orleans to celebrate one couple's 2nd anniversary of their divorce. They were MUCH better friends once they were no longer married. They wanted this "done up right" so I rented two limos, flew them to New Orleans and went to dinner with them. I think the meal was at the Intercontinental Hotel. They were drinking fairly heavily and having a good time. I, of course as the pilot, was not drinking. Had a nice meal and they asked me to pick out some cheese courses afterwards. So, I did, the slinkiest goat chesses I could find. With their lubrication, they loved them. Even 30 years ago, this was a $5,000 night with the meal well over $700. Today, who knows? Much more, for sure. Best regards, RA1
  7. This story has been building for years and years with often and ample warnings but little action. So, suddenly, various companies sniff that there may be a profit in misery? There is plenty of water but, indeed, we shall have to pay more for it. Desalinization, anyone? Stop flushing? Best regards, RA1
  8. Obviously, not Southerners. Down South, Jack is almost exclusively a football fan and spends his time in stadia. Best regards, RA1
  9. That "dot" in the middle of Greenland (which does not show up on my computer) could easily be Sob Story or Big Gun which are two military outposts that maintain the DEW line. Back before GPS I was always glad to talk to them when I was temporarily unsure of my position (aka lost). I have zero or perhaps less than zero expertise about internet "affairs" but I don't believe anyone pinged every device. Best regards, RA1
  10. I have no doubt that it is lovely. Best regards, RA1
  11. Plum Island seems to also have its share of stories, horror and otherwise. Best regards, RA1
  12. I would think anyone well advised would always wish to depart Innsmouth. And, in a hurry. What evil happenstance caused one to be there in the first place may well be a different story. Best regards, RA1
  13. At first I thought you were quoting or paraphrasing from US government and city's regulations. Then, I realized you were, whether you knew it or not. Unfortunately, lawful seems to mean the laws as they exist on the books and their interpretation. True everywhere. Best regards, RA1
  14. Youths do a lot of things to the point of oblivion. They generally don't seem capable of learning any other way. Of course I would prefer that everyone not make every mistake known to man personally before they learn better, if they do. But, in what I am hoping is or will remain a free society, there is a limit to what I suggest we "force" others to do. Best regards, RA1
  15. Actually, alcohol is a depressant. But I do advocate blitzing various mental problems with Rx that have been known to help. Somehow I don't believe I suggested that they be treated with alcohol. However, many folks seem to enjoy a libation that promotes social intercourse. Anything can be abused. Best regards, RA1
  16. I, too, do my best to avoid drunks. But, I seek the company of those who enjoy a friendly libation and good conversation. There is a difference. Best regards, RA1
  17. Ask the person you know the best who has severe depression. Best regards, RA1
  18. Most everything on that list is delicious, depending upon how served. Raw green peppers, raw onions, blue cheese (or the like) + raw carrots served on a mixed green salad. Yum. There is no end to veggies and their scrumptiousness. Best regards, RA1
  19. I, probably like you, use the weekly advertisement of specials as the center of my grocery shopping. I love to cook and, after many years on the road, tire of restaurant meals, no matter how "good". If I am in town, I probably grocery shop 3-5 times during the week. I like for stuff to be fresh and I constantly seek new ideas for my personal cuisine. Fresh fruit all year and fresh vegetables, especially this time of year, are definitely on my menu. Still, as you suggest, it is a struggle to stay on budget. Best regards, RA1
  20. Great idea. No dead bodies, no "real" injuries. I wonder what would happen if those same protestors went to Hamas "headquarters", where ever that might be, and protested there? Lawful and peaceful assembly seems to be allowed in the democratic state of Israel. Elsewhere? Best regards, RA1
  21. TY- There are a lot more variations than the ones mentioned in your diagrams. For instance, in Indiana, liquor, wine and beer are legal by the drink on Sundays but not by the bottle. In BOI, Boise, Idaho, I once stayed at a Holiday Inn and on Sunday morning the bar was closed but there was a washtub filled with ice and beer sitting on a table for guests to consume at their will and pleasure. Paying for it is illegal. Texas alcohol law seems to vary by as small an area as a precinct. Dry on this corner but walk across the street and it is as wet as can be. PA has state run liquor stores, FL has both state and locally owned. Of course, over the years, Kansas probably has had the weirdest laws. For a time, 3.2 beer was the only alcohol served other than at a private club. Stay at a hotel and a length of stay membership in a private club was part of the registration. Once when riding on the airlines from OKC to MCI (Oklahoma City to Kansas City) the airline stopped serving alcohol while over Kansas although they made no stops in KS. Kansas City airport being in Missouri. Obviously not legal or enforceable. SC serves drinks in a bar out of "airline size" bottles. That way the patrons know they are not getting watered down drinks and a full measure or so the law says. On and on. Other countries besides the US certainly are not without "strangeness". The UK permits (actually encourages) dogs in the bar (pub). There they tend to serve mixers ad hoc. Order a large gin and tonic and they will serve you a large gin in a glass + a small bottle of tonic. If you keep ordering large gins eventually they will provide another bottle of tonic when necessary. You mix the drink to your specifications. In Brunei I found it odd that the hotel bar had a sign that proclaimed, Moslems keep out. After all, Brunei is a Moslem country with 80%+ Moslems. Still I appreciated that I could go in. I know many other oddities ( and some of them are posters herein) and I am sure other posters can tell tales also. Best regards, RA1
  22. And here we are about to vote on whether we can sell wine in a grocery store. However, even if it passes, I am sure that, like beer, you won't be able to buy it until after noon on Sunday. Best regards, RA1
  23. Is that 3 or 5 ounces of kale? Best regards, RA1
  24. Hopefully that firelight will be below 451 F if you are reading paperbacks. Best regards, RA1
  25. Interesting graphic but like a lot of these kinds of things, much depends upon comparison points. For instance, US inflation supposedly is at a very low point but looking at a "comfort basket" of goods and services one can see much higher prices than a very short time ago. Beef at the grocery store went up 2-3% yet a medium price steak went up 25%. Etc. Of course, most everything is relative. Last December, on a trip to NYC, two of my passengers had a glass of wine each in a medium upscale bar for $50. Those same glasses of wine would have cost 18-20 in MEM. Best regards, RA1
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