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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I always dance while on duty although constantly sitting makes it a bit less obtrusive or noticeable. Best regards, RA1
  2. Of course, I do not know, but, I have to think she preferred to go rather than be uncomfortable or a burden. Just my take. Best regards, RA1
  3. Whether it is malign or otherwise, I have to assume my spirits are either loaded with alcohol or only seeking "good". Otherwise, I am willing and somewhat able. Best regards, RA1
  4. Sir, you are nuts, but then, that is to state the obvious. Best regards, RA1
  5. I know some candy asses but this is ridiculous. Best regards, RA1
  6. So, Boytoy is really someone else? Best regards, RA1
  7. The mention of cutting a finger off reminded me of the perils of shucking oysters. I still remember going to my first oyster fest where friends had bought several dozen oysters from Louisiana and I was invited to eat some. Even though the shuckers were wearing rubber gloves, they still managed to cut their hands more than once. The oysters were fresh and delicious but I hated the injuries and still remember them. Delicious, but I still prefer to have professionals shuck. Best regards. RA1
  8. We have those demons in east Memphis and now I realize they are in hot peppers also. Thanks for the reply. Best regards, RA1
  9. LOL. I was wondering IF there was NO comparison and only contrast and I see there isn't. Best regards, RA1
  10. A double shot of vodka is always a reliable remedy for what ails you. Does spreading to additional receptors diminish each one or, as you seem to suggest, just increase the pain? It seems eventually all would be diminished. Best regards, RA1
  11. It may be obvious to you and me but I wonder about those who do not eat raw peppers of the hot variety? My sister had a fellow teacher who started a private business selling hot sauce. I subscribed for several years until he went onto other positions. There were many hot sauces that I got monthly, yes, hot sauce of the month, which were wonderful. One never knows where fertile private enterprise will travel. From my personal observation, the heat is not the problem. Putting out the fire might be. Milk, ice, water and other remedies are surely in any hot eater's arsenal. Best regards, RA1
  12. With or without seeds? Just trying to determine how much of a wimp you are. As you likely know, jalapenos are about #15 on the Scoville scale. I have a relative who makes jalapeno cornbread. He once challenged me to a raw jalapeno eating contest. It was a draw or should I say we finished in a dead heat.? Actually it is pretty amazing what we can put into our mouths without harm. My grandmother could drink coffee so hot it would actually produce 3rd degree burns if you spilled it on yourself. Handling hot and really hot peppers is a risk to your hands, face and eyes itself, even though you can eat them. Never mind those other things one tends to put into one's hand or mouth. Likely any potential partner will be happy to restrict your oral activities for a while after you consume hot peppers. Best regards, RA1
  13. Never fear, an ice age is on the way. I find this article pretty weird. The temperatures quoted were experienced this afternoon in MEM. I have been in London when the temperatures were at those various levels. There has to be a lot more explanation for me to understand whatever point they are trying to make or to reinforce the points they have made. We do realize that the US has had almost not hurricanes this year and no serious ones last year, don't we?. That means almost nothing except we are not having bad storms all day, every day. Ditto earthquakes. Gloom and doom to me is the price of everything going steadily up while inflation is "completely under control". Best regards, RA1
  14. You never know about local cuisine. Years ago I was roped into cooking fish for what turned out to be 23 folks in a bar in Kansas. They emptied a freezer and I cooked the fish + corn bread and black eyed peas. No one there had ever eaten black eyed peas before and they were slow to try them but ate all I cooked as well as all the fish and corn bread. I was tired when it was over but I don't know who came out ahead because they plied me with drinks the whole time I was cooking. Best regards, RA1
  15. If I get that far, I am only encouraged. Best regards, RA1
  16. Does that mean doing those things 3.5 days out of 7? Best regards, RA1
  17. Mr. Average- I don't for a minute believe you do ANY of those things. Your average day might be astounding clients, having a gourmet meal, enjoying some gourmet wine and then, with your dinner companion, enjoying a night of sheer joy under the sheets. Do I have it right? Best regards, RA1
  18. St. George = a cock and Dragon = a pussy? Or, it that too obvious? Best regards, RA1
  19. Always a humorous label. Do you know what it means? It refers to a gyroscope which is subject to tumbling aka precessing and often takes a considerable amount of time to erect itself (just like me). Fast erection bypasses the normal process and restores the gyro to it useful state. Best regards, RA1
  20. Now, now, don't be catty. Like any generalization, it isn't universally true. This is similar to the government doesn't produce anything but they do, from time to time, provide overpriced services. Best regards, RA1
  21. Do you find it interesting that the programmer from Estonia is named Tallinn? If AI takes control of the internet, will it be able to better differentiate between the facts and fiction any better than the rest of us? I have wondered before why a dictator was not willing to commit suicide while trying to "kill" the world but I suppose megalomania has its upside. The escaped lab rat aka lab worker run amok is much more plausible but the circumstances leading up to this have to be "special", don't they? Think Tanks or the upper levels of academia are interesting and perhaps even useful but what have they actually done? Best regards, RA1
  22. Why? Did he use his real name, email address or phone number? If he is worried about a picture, he can forget about it. On line pix are forever. Best regards, RA1
  23. I like JO. All those characters remind me of my personal friends. Best regards, RA1
  24. Somebody find that human and stop him or her. No doubt fossil fuels are providing a lot of emissions. The growth of their use has followed the increase in population very closely. So, how do we eliminate people. They are the "real" problem. Best regards, RA1
  25. That part I remember although many have sighted him at the local Dunkin Donut shops around town. We have just gone through Elvis week or whatever they call it. I can amazed every year at the turnout during the anniversary of his death. 24/7 Elvis music + fan interviews on XM, candle light vigils and on and on. I have never understood this fascination with someone long gone, no matter how famous or talented. But then, I have never been a 70 year old teen aged girl either. Good for EPE and good for MEM, otherwise, who cares? Best regards, RA1
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