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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Not sure about poison sumac but plenty of poison ivy and poison oak abound. However, to the chagrin of many farmers and ranchers, it could easily be called the kudzu state. And, don't forget, it is near the Redneck Riviera. Best regards, RA1
  2. I understand completely. Anything wrong with Magnolia State which could refer to the state as a whole and perhaps the adornment in his hair? Best regards, RA1
  3. Now, now, my head can go rapidly left and right but so far has never turned completely around. However, there is always a first for everything. Best regards, RA1
  4. While the Natchez Trace runs through MS, I had no idea that MsGuy was anywhere nearby. After all, MEM is nowhere near Boonesboro aka Nashville. Best regards, RA1
  5. This talk of virgins just turns my head. Best regards, RA1
  6. Oh, well, AS, I will give lookin one of mine, in your honor. MJ "married" Lisa Marie Presley. I have no idea who got the best of that bargain. Probably neither one. OTOH, perhaps it was Bubbles. Best regards, RA1
  7. NP. Just stay off the "medium" between the lanes of an interstate aka median. Best regards, RA1
  8. I had to look up "stoat". I wonder what folks in the time of LDV thought of weasels? Generally I have a high opinion of LDV and not so much of MJ. Best regards, RA1
  9. I think I have a medium income but would love to have a median one as described in this application. Best regards, RA1
  10. I don't think I ever saw minute rice served at Mickie Dees but then I don't frequent same very much. Because US franchises tend to adapt themselves somewhat to the country in which they find themselves, perhaps an Asian setting? Please pass the Soy Sauce. Best regards, RA1
  11. One can be "cured" with blue cheese dressing, I think. Best regards, RA1
  12. I have been known to covet an invert. Best regards, RA1
  13. I understand completely. Thanks for the reply. Best regards, RA1
  14. I am hoping (for them, not me) that 6M would yield at least 300,000 in a bad year and as much as 600,000 in a good year and, conservatively speaking. Are you a foundation kid? I am not. Best regards, RA1
  15. The good news about the failure of the US Congress and administration is that "others" are more incompetent. I hate for this to be the reason we maintain any semblance of eptitude but that seems to be the way it is. The Panama Canal improvements are years ahead of the Suez Canal improvements and likely will stay that way for many years. Also, 2.4 billion Egyptian Pounds is about 336 million USD which is chump change or chunk change (depending upon which is correct) for the US. We waste that much every day, don't we? Now if Jimmy Carter had not given away the Panama Canal perhaps things would be better, certainly different. Best regards, RA1
  16. Heard on talk radio last night: I have a master's degree in comparative religion. What is your current occupation? Rent-a-cop, which is why I am up all night listening to talk radio. Best regards, RA1
  17. 20 couples, eh? If the Pope came to MEM he could acquire the nickname of Marrying Francis and that would just be on the first day. Best regards, RA1
  18. So, you feel as if you are inappropriately in motion when looking down from an unprotected height? It is not your fear of falling or deciding to jump (when no one is looking)? My acrophobia is an irrational fear of just being at such a height with many and varied possible negative outcomes but nothing specific. I don't think I have extreme acrophobia. I can address it if need be but I don't enjoy doing so and the reward must be significant. Best regards, RA1
  19. With 40 allies, it appears we are about to start the world's latest crusade. This one will not neglect the two principal reasons for war, politics and religion. Apparently we are all incapable of learning and I despair that we shall never reach Class One status. I fail to see how any good can come of this adventure. Certainly our treasure and some young men and women will be among the costs. I, too, was once young and blood thirsty but I have mostly gotten over it. Now, old men seek to direct and influence the pawns in this game but I am no longer one of them. I don't wish to trample on anyone and simply wish to be left to my own devices. However, seemingly that is not to be. I await our fate but not eagerly. Best regards, RA1
  20. It is amazing to what silly lengths people will go to find something "new", isn't it? At first I thought this was going to be about the dreadful food served on the airlines and passengers who are fearful of flying eating it or trying to do so. I wonder if the owner of "London in the Sky" knows that altitude affects not only the cooking of food but also the taste and smell, although 100 feet won't make much difference. However, 8,000 feet inside an airplane does which is one reason airline food is "bad" and they have to learn many techniques in the preparation to make it even somewhat edible. I think the author confused acrophobia with vertigo. Perhaps surprisingly, many pilots have acrophobia although they are quite comfortable at much higher altitudes while safely enclosed in an airplane. In aviation circles, vertigo is suffered when the inner ear and the eyes convey different impressions to the brain. This is especially true during acceleration and deceleration when unable to view the natural horizon. The inner ear says the body continues to move, climb or turn when stopped or vice versa while the eyes viewing the instruments know the "truth" which is the source of a long standing admonition, "trust your gauges", meaning instruments. I can remember suffering vertigo at least twice. Both times in good weather but reduced outside visibility, once because of a dark and moonless night and once in thick haze with the complication of a setting sun in my eyes. Once I realized what was happening, paying strict attention to my instruments solved the problem. I cannot imagine eating at this establishment being any fun. I do not seek "thrills". I don't bungee jump, cliff climb, sky dive or any of this sort of activity. Reading this forum is thrill enough for me. Best regards, RA1
  21. OMG, now we are into molecular chemistry. I can only assume my atomic number is greater than yours. OTOH, I have NO interest in any of my organs falling out or whatever they do when "played wrongly". Best regards, RA1
  22. You find some interesting vids that I would never find on my own. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
  23. I think I prefer innocence over incense. However, is mole derived from avocado or shrew city? Best regards, RA1
  24. Is Molasses the same as anal sex? Of course it is or might be. Just throw us both into the briar patch and we will be happy. Best regards, RA1
  25. Yes, but you would enjoy that only too much. Best regards, RA1
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