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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I have long thought the deforestation of the rainforest in Brazil a tragic mistake. Not to deny mistakes made in the US and other countries but this huge rainforest I have thought to be a major CO2 scavenger for the whole planet. Therefore to eliminate it is a travesty being perpetrated upon all of humanity. But, of course, that is what is happening. In addition, somewhat similar to US Native Americans, the local Indians are being forced out to seek a livelihood other than their native villages and culture. Not easy. I do not know the solution but I invite our Brazilian posters and others who know Brazil to comment on this. Best regards, RA1
  2. Very cool. You may be interested to know that I once was a partner in a waterbed store called Tranquility Base. About 1970. Best regards, RA1
  3. Smith Brother's licorice will fix those fears right now. Best regards, RA1
  4. I never noticed any of that when I was in Iraklion but then it might be because I spend all my time at the Hotel Atlantis in the bar on top of the hotel? Beautiful place. Best regards, RA1
  5. Should that be, "while breathing bait"? Best regards, RA1
  6. I once worked with a Limey who fancied pan grease on toast for brekkie. I believe that just the thought of it makes my arteries narrow just a bit. When I was flying to Merry Old quite often I became quite fond of bangers and mash with stewed tomatoes. Just the thing after a 12-15 hour flight. Best regards, RA1
  7. How can a cuisine that serves alfalfa spouts in a non-health food venue be called wanting? Wait. That is just another bland, tasteless offering of what they call food. They can't even get KFC right which I tried once in a home sick panic. It was unrecognizable as well as tasteless. Once you get past the merriment of crackers are biscuits and biscuits are scones you get into the real bafflement of exactly what are you eating. As I recall the thing I enjoyed the most was pate which probably was made from chickens or pigs rather than ducks but who knows? Best regards, RA1
  8. Yes, that is the "trick". Best regards, RA1
  9. Last comment on this thread. Because it was the only one. Best regards, RA1
  10. One thing that is amazing to me is that the US managed to construct anything at all. A lot of folks today make it sound so simple and so patriotic but it definitely was not that way in the beginning and for many, many years thereafter (even unto today?). There were so many compromises it is a wonder that our Constitution is not called the Great Compromise. Oh, right, it is. This will be no surprise but the thing is that there have to be folks who are willing to see other sides and willing to compromise, not just be arbitrary. OK, I am always arbitrary. You know what I mean, I hope. One recurring theme seems to me, where are the folks willing to do things for others and not just me? As anyone is authority should know, the way to advance is to train another or others to do your job. The same is true for democracy, we have to sacrifice for others. Best regards, RA1
  11. There is no explanation. What needs explaining is why a golf game is more important than a general officer's funeral? Or, a corporals. But, I can understand why a president cannot attend every military funeral when he causes so many. Best regards, RA1
  12. But, as commander in chief, cannot be bothered to show up at the funeral of only two star general killed in any recent war? Shame. Best regards, RA1
  13. Any ruled by Genghis Khan? Best regards, RA1
  14. Apparently 55% agreed with what I wrote in the beginning of this thread and that is Scotland had more to lose than gain by seceding. One should carry "fierce independence" only so far. I plan on taking my guvmint check when I retire, regardless of what I think about how the country is being run or not run. What is this having 16 and 17 year olds vote? It is one thing to allow 18 year olds to vote because they can or could be drafted and die for their country even though they lack any experience with life to speak of, but quite another for 16 year olds who aren't even through with secondary schooling yet to be voting. Just call me an old stick in the mud. Best regards, RA1
  15. I am very sorry that you and others seem to feel that way. It continues to have a very much "down home" feeling to me. Sure I would like some more travel "adventures" and some more escort escapades and some more posters chiming in on "whatever" but it seems that forums ebb and flow like the tide (not Alabama) and those cycles will begin and end again. That is what I predict and what I hope. Nothing is perfect and this forum is no exception. Those who wish to participate and post will find milk and honey by being here. If you don't know someone who is the south end of a north bound horse, your circle of friends is deficient. Best regards, RA1
  16. My life philosophy is keep moving. It is harder to hit a moving target. Subpart A is don't do "dangerous" things as a habit. That means I would take an airplane in that is too big for a 2,000 foot long runway ONCE but I would not be based there and do it every day. All that means I would go once. Years ago when I was flying routinely all over the place, I was advised if I delivered a plane to Israel to not get my passport stamped because it would cause problems when and if I needed to deliver one to an Arab country. That may still be good advice although I have no idea how accommodating Israeli officials are for "ordinary" tourists. Just a tidbit. Best regards, RA1
  17. Was that Scotch businessman a salesman for 3M? Best regards, RA1
  18. That did not occur to me because I knew the Egyptian "coin of the realm" was the Egyptian Pound, but I do believe that you are correct. The Egyptian banks apparently have already printed or issued 8 billion Egyptian Pound certificates for this project. Anyone for 12% interest payable quarterly? Best regards, RA1
  19. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending upon your point of view, tetraethyl lead is gone from car gasoline. It is an excellent octane booster and is still (barely) present in aviation fuel, called 100LL. It is planned to be banished from it within the next few years. Too bad. Aviation uses some 0.04% of petroleum products to make our planes go. Literally a drop in the bucket. But, like noise at an airport, aviation makes a highly visible target. Back to the picture. Ethyl certainly pumps up a high performance car engine and those guys can fill my tank any time. Best regards, RA1
  20. Don't forget the monosodium hydaulicized cat shit. Best regards, RA1
  21. Of course, catsup with pickles = Thousand Island. Best regards, RA1
  22. Of course we cooked veggies 'til they were tender. Nouvelle cuisine meant your neighbor showed you a new way to crisp lettuce. Best regards, RA1
  23. I wish I understood this but I do not. Sorry to not participate. Best regards, RA1
  24. Crisco and ketchup are among the main vegetables of the South. But, there are others, in season. lookin- I would be more than willing to bring my own sippin' whiskey. And, although I would not likely move there, I would be glad to call them friends. Best regards, RA1
  25. What is a reusable cup? All my cups are reusable, whether the kind one drinks from or the kind that offers "sport protection". I often wonder from where various pix and posters come but this one is from a "real" ball in Arcata, CA. I am not sure what to think of a town that has a statue of President McKinley on the square. Solidly Democratic aka the Green Party. I don't think I will be moving there any time soon. Best regards, RA1
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