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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Interesting how annoyed some people get when they start getting shot at, isn't it? Not to make too light of this serious Federal crime, but the WH is virtually impervious to small arms fire. It does provide work for the painters and other construction type workers. In this case the emperor has no clothes, meaning the SS officers in charge neglected or refused to see what had actually happened. The SS is charged with protecting the President and it is an impossible task. In the first place someone determined to do harm with only a little luck can do so. In the second place, being on constant alert is humanly impossible. In general the procedures do a lot but are not perfect. Being nearby and "watching" the crowd or surroundings is useful but far from perfect. Many years ago I had occasion to watch the SS up close simply because they wanted to be where I happened to be. It was easy for me to see faults in their system. Generally the President is safe just as airliners are safe and that is because so few wish to do harm to either one. Eternal vigilance to prevent such is impossible but I suppose a worthy goal. Best regards, RA1
  2. SR- Thanks for the reply. I am trying to decide which is the most annoying about DW, the timbre of his voice, his RI accent or his physical mannerisms. Certainly taken all together, they can grate on the nerves. Best regards, RA1
  3. If you hate DW so much, why do you watch him? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
  4. Now if the proud grandparents would just retire from the political scene................................ Best regards, RA1
  5. How does one gauge the economic effects of sex, drugs and smuggling? Is there an illicit index? What is its symbol S-E-X? If the US included these items + political chicanery, we never went into a recession. Best regards, RA1
  6. Still like purple socks? Best regards, RA1
  7. When my father's sister, my aunt, decided to switch from Camels to a filtered cigarette, she switched to Winston's. The only problem was she always removed the filter before smoking them, something I never did understand. Best regards, RA1
  8. I am simply amazed at this initiative. I refused to fly Air Trance aka Air France all these years simply because of their smoking permitted policy. 40 years to fully implement a policy. Wow. I suppose they need to let all the current smokers die whilst they work on preventing new ones from starting. Sorry, but I would be willing to suggest that even if they imposed an immediate ban on any tobacco products period there would be such a black market it would make "drugs" look like small potatoes. Almost every thing the Chinese produce in one form or another is toxic from dog food to the atmosphere in general. Best regards, RA1
  9. Who are we deporting, the Americans in Cancun or the Mexicans in Texas? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
  10. A 1951 Ford, an Airstream and a vacation in the Valley of the Kings. What could be more historically forward thinking? BTW, the "still" of the vid makes MO look like MS. Newman (as in Alfred E.). What do you think? Best regards, RA1
  11. I don't think I had a log before, but now I do. Never thought about splitting it before but it could be fun. Best regards, RA1
  12. I think I can, I think I can. But, I was wrong. Oh, shit. Best regards, RA1
  13. I was not eager to compare you to Hamlet. I don't even know if you are Danish. I am the oldest male on my father's side of the family. My younger male cousin isn't even respected by his 95 year old mother, so how reliable is he? However, I can count on my sister. She will give me a proper send off, complete with beer, wine and tears. Best regards, RA1
  14. I quite agree that it is an Americanized tourist trap kind of like being in south Texas except more people in south Texas speak Spanish. Watching college kids doing vodka shots and wasting their money and perhaps minds is not my idea of fun. However the food at the Sheraton (at that time) was very good. I also took the opportunity to ride the local buses around town where almost no one spoke English and I saw all the gritty places and all the folks who take care of the lovely gardens, hotels, etc. The other and more real side of Cancun. Best regards, RA1
  15. Which way are you going in the time machine? Best regards, RA1
  16. Those certainly are among the oldest US men. Best regards, RA1
  17. How do we know he is a John, although he certainly looks like a typical one? However, none of the rest of us Johns think we look like that or do we? Good caption. Best regards, RA1
  18. AS, you are sick, sick, sick but we already knew that so why am I wasting everyone's time? Know what you get when a Rottweiler eats a weeny dog? A Bratweiler. Best regards, RA1
  19. DW is DW. Take him or leave him. Your choice. The last time I was in Cancun, we first tried to find good places to eat around and about but somehow quickly discovered the hotel food which was fabulous, Never ate anywhere else thereafter. Very unusual for hotel food to be this good or so I think. Best regards, RA1
  20. Other than the dialogue, how can I tell which one is the escort? Typical when? First time you hire an escort? First time you meet a new to you escort? The answer to any and all of those questions is entirely up to the personality of the hirer. Most of my hires have been for what I believe is commonly called the BF experience. That is what I wanted and, eventually, that is what I got. Took several hires to get there but worth it. Best regards, RA1
  21. One problem with "deciding" to die at any advanced age is that one does not wake up "old" one morning. It creeps up on one on little cat's feet as we become used to slight inabilities day by day. Therefore by the time of the advanced age one may have been "practicing" being old for several years. I can certainly understand an early (or late) decision to not use extraordinary measures after a certain time of life. My mother firmly informed me, "do not resuscitate" or go to unusual measures to keep her going should a serious immediate health issue befall her. She lived to be 92, did crossword puzzles with me the week before her passing and went quietly early one morning. Did she enjoy the last year of her life? I would like to think she enjoyed parts of it. No one's life is filled with joy and contentment all day, every day, is it? As someone else suggested, when life isn't fun any more and if you are not able to be mostly independent (no one is truly independent), then it may be close to time to hang up your spurs. Why pilots wear spurs I do not know. I have never worn any or seen another pilot wear them but it is a common expression. Best regards, RA1
  22. The Queen certainly does not purr. Those other mentioned gals certainly did. However, one must remember that even the pussycat with the loveliest purr can still have claws. Best regards, RA1
  23. Two ahoy's with lots of boys. Best regards RA1
  24. I would have thought DC. I never know what to think about "new" energy producing schemes. They almost never go beyond the miniscule sized lab experiment. And, after all, I need 2-4 D cells to power a decent flashlight. I think I have kind of given up on fusion in a glass and a few others. Where are the TAE assistants when you need them? After all they actually produced the great volume of his work. Best regards, RA1
  25. I cannot think of a better fate for Timmy, although I have never before thought of Lassie as a serial killer. Best regards, RA1
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