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Everything posted by RA1

  1. The "new" work force will get uppity now there is no threat of deportation. They will want more money for less work. It is the American way. I am just kidding with those comments. I hope it works out exactly as lookin thinks it might. Best regards, RA1
  2. As one of the usual nay saying suspects, I basically agree with what BO said, however, always a however, I reserve judgment until I see what actually happens. There are several possibilities some of which are not all that pleasant. One being we may soon have a "new" legal workforce equal to all the jobs created since 2008. Will their taxes equal the cost of benefits? Etc. Best regards, RA1
  3. We do but it takes a very long time to take effect. Best regards, RA1
  4. Gizzards and a neck do not a dick make. However, funny. Best regards, RA1
  5. Who do I have to kill to get married? Best regards, RA1
  6. Somehow your post reminded me of Beluga whales who dive and dive as well as emit sounds of various descriptions. Not sure what sounds they might make when bottoming. Of course, their bottom may be different from yours. Best regards, RA1
  7. Why would this not be relevant? I hear tornado sirens every Saturday at noon without any tornadoes. Everything is relevant to something. One only has to ask or know to what? Otherwise, thanks for the link. Best regards, RA1
  8. Native Asians who migrated to North America were always kindly. Best regards, RA1
  9. I would say something about bluff and blubber but that is too obvious. I think you must be thinking of that other publication, Aviation Lies and Liars. Best regards, RA1
  10. To state the obvious: all this time I thought it would be Navy volunteers having fun with "proper" birds. But, no, this has to do with raw animal sex. How can this be? OK, it can be and it will be and it shall be, etc. Best regards, RA1
  11. Yes, I have a friend in CA who owns an African Grey by the name of Big Bird and an Amazon who just does whatever it wants to do. They are amazing in their interactions with not only the owner but guests. They walk around and sit on one's shoulder or whatever. They insist on being part of the action. I found out that the reason that bird cages are covered at various times is so that "others" can get some peace and quiet. "Big" birds are amazing and I enjoy and respect them a lot. Best regards, RA1
  12. OK. I have a few questions. Why was a parrot at the funereal? What did it know? Could it not recite the TN Waltz in 3/4 time or any other? Was it present at the battle of New Orleans? Why or why not? Why would not a parrot swear at any funereal, never mind it's owner's? Can anyone own a parrot? After all they tend to far outlive humans. What would a cat say? Best regards, RA1
  13. We will need global warming when the ice age currently starting gets serious. However, the main thing staring us all in the face is the availability of fresh water. I think that will be much more politically adverse than the oil crunch or the currency crunch or climate change. Without a serious reduction or control of world population, water will certainly be the next war subject. Best regards, RA1
  14. I think you are confusing Suburban Assault Vehicles (SUV's) with Very Large Party Boats (with dancing). The recent bout and perhaps continuing bout with infection among pax notwithstanding, cruise ships are an excellent way to get away from it all. One simply brings it with. And, then, is away from all else. There is no doubt there is dreariness with the same old ports and the same old sights to see and the same old excursions on shore but that is mostly a mental limitation. After I have seen a port several times, I simply stay on board and enjoy the (included) food and entertainment the price of the cruise offered (presents). Just enjoying looking at the flat horizon at sea + the sea breeze + no cares or worries seems about enough for me at least for a few days. Best regards, RA1
  15. I don't disagree. Seems strange to say, urban legend at sea, although the meaning is perfectly clear. Would like to meet the guy with the tongue. Best regards, RA1
  16. I don't know about flat asses but there is a story about a fat lady on board a ship who, suffering a sudden urge, hops out of the shower and sits on the vacuum toilet, flushes it and is stuck there until her husband (when he quits laughing) rescues her. Best regards, RA1
  17. I remember this ad when it appeared. I was probably smoking a cigarette at the time and probably continued to smoke it during the ad. I also remember seeing an MD in a similar ad who was smoking a cigarette just before having a lung removed (minutes before). That ad made more of an impression on me than the one with Ham Burger. Not enough to make me quit smoking which I finally did in 1984. A friend of mine said, if you are smoking into your 40's it isn't a matter of IF you will have emphysema but WHEN. Not sure why that finally registered but I quit soon after that. We all know people who either died directly as a result of smoking or suffered additional debilitating effects of whatever disease actually did them in. This includes driving while smoking. A good friend of mine who was a King Air 200 captain and smoker died suddenly two months after retiring at 65. He never got to enjoy his new fishing boat or retirement. Best regards, RA1
  18. My straight doc said, don't worry, unless you feel both of my hands on your shoulders. Best regards, RA1
  19. Not at all. I was just curious about what you were saying. Best regards, RA1
  20. Yes, I have heard/read all those and many more. However, I have to add that once when I landed at a high elevation airport in New Mexico a very small aircraft which barely had any climb capability at that altitude, tried to take off with full fuel and passengers aboard. It ran down the whole length of the runway and did not make it into the air. A few minutes later, it came taxiing to the airport. It had barely flown for a few feet and landed on the highway just off the airport, taken the airport exit and came back to the airport, whereupon the crew/pilot decided to wait until a cooler day to try again. Good for him. Best regards, RA1
  21. Hams from "either" location can be very fine. BBQ is excellent. However, the cooking is about 50% of the process, the sauce is the other 50%. You all be careful now. Best regards, RA1
  22. Drawing the ire of many is an interesting comment. Are you "flamboyant"? The point I am getting to is that I don't draw the attention of many in any regard so far as I know. Are you doing something to draw attention or ire? Just curious. I have always lived my life as who I am and that is a very varied person. Like many folks, I first answer the question of who are you by stating my profession which may or may not be the answer to that question. Afterwards, if pressed by someone interesting, I may continue with Earthling, US citizen, TN citizen, male, interested observer, etc. Best regards, RA1
  23. They both look like nice young men and I am so sorry they had to experience this. They were not physically harmed, so there is worse out there. But, still.............. Best regards, RA1
  24. Was that before, after or during total immersion? Best regards, RA1
  25. Is she atop a wishing well? I know that I am. Best regards, RA1
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