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Everything posted by RA1

  1. How very "progressive" of you. I do see your point but I don't think things work that way. As someone recently said, we should move to Canada if the capitalistic and democratic society is what we seek. Personally I have already spent way too much time being cold and have no wish to repeat. My point is that if any of the current democratic nominees were to be elected we would by necessity have much more taxation on everyone. Regardless there is not enough money to pay for these schemes (here I use the British sense of scheme). The very wealthy may agree to more taxes but some of their motives may be less than philanthropic. Those that have agreed to the "pledge" have done so fully realizing there is no dollar or time commitment involved. We have to find some other means of agreement. Best regards, RA1
  2. I realize some of these folks must feel guilty for having so much money and they have the right to give away all of their money if they so choose to do so. But the beneficiaries of government largess, what did they do to "earn" or deserve it? I have no wish for anyone to be deprived of opportunity or suffer health issues which might be addressed. But I do object to the government taking my money for these purposes. I am perfectly willing to donate but not to the government. There are a lot of other "free" ideas in play. Best regards, RA1
  3. I am sorry but I just don't get it. Once one accepts or maybe worse expects something for nothing we are indeed on a down hill slide as a country/culture. There are many things I do not like about Trump the man and Trump the President but I cannot imagine the Congress critter or the US electorate approving very many of the current Democrat candidate's proposals. They don't make sense, we cannot afford them and likely will not pass muster (meaning enactment). I like many of the candidates as people, I even like their ideas but regard them as Utopian and unachievable. Best regards, RA1
  4. They have a special attitude that says I can do anything I want or need to do. Plus they take life in stride even with setbacks. Lessons we could all learn or live by. Best regards, RA1
  5. I have not watched this yet but the promos show actual pictures of Memphis, TN. Best regards, RA1
  6. One reason you are favorably inclined towards BG is the fact that he has NC accent/culture going for him. I once made the comment that there are no atheists in fox holes and was soundly jumped on by many and several. Still my personal experience says those who are near and contemplating death are somewhat more receptive of spiritual guidance. I have seen life long atheists and agnostics crumple from same. Best regards, RA1
  7. Oprah is the "perfect" socialist. She gives away cars with other people's money and then takes the credit for being generous. Best regards, RA1
  8. I like Pete but can he win the nomination? Best regards, RA1
  9. Who in the "middle" might win the Democrat nomination? And, don't say Joe B, he now has too much publicized baggage. Best regards, RA1
  10. I sent an email to your last known by me private email. This site refused to send one from here. I am hoping you will receive and respond. Best regards, RA1
  11. From my limited experience with friends and acquaintances who have had gastric bypass surgery performed the "honest" surgeons suggest every thing else before surgery. Most insist on psychological counseling as well as intensive reading about the surgery before the surgery is performed. There is no free lunch. Your body will try to reject the imposition of the surgery with upset bowels and other traumas to your systems and schedule. You will need to eat multiple very small meals. The surgery can be overcome by your body and your lack of procedure. That will be painful and cause regaining some, if not all of the weight loss. You personally will need to decide if all this is worth the weight loss. Personally I "talked" my ophthalmologist into "early' cataract surgery because I wanted better vision and did not wish to wait until they were "mature". After a brief struggle he agreed. I am now very happy with my current vision. Best regards, RA1
  12. RA1

    The Organ

    I am a fan of Isaacson. Best regards, RA1
  13. I believe that Lincoln tried very hard to avert war until Fort Sumter, when, as you say, he launched forces into action with the approval if not urging of Congress critters. Of course I barely remember this being so young at the time. Best regards, RA1
  14. Yes, but Lincoln was overcome by the Congress critters and was unable to negotiate peace. Best regards, RA1
  15. As a son of the South (you) how can you be so callous about happenings herein? In retrospect it is easy to assume WE were lucky during the Revolutionary War. Of course, the Brits were "unlucky". I am hoping that not only you but I am hoping for much less than a revolutionary engagement of any kind in the USA. We deserve LESS. Best regards, RA1
  16. Praise be that you are still 'here". I am absolutely in favor.. Best regards, RA1
  17. This reminds me of the first time I flew to Europe. I was overnighting in Goose Bay, Canada at the Hotel Goose Bay. Then, the only hotel in town. I walked into the lobby to discover a man kicking another man while shouting, get out, get out. When the second man stumbled out the first went behind the counter, straightened his hair and said, may I help you sir. He was the hotel clerk. The second man was an Inuit who was only allowed to drink one night a week and apparently when I was there was the night. A very surreal experience and quite an introduction to international travel. Best regards, RA1
  18. One rule is the golden rule. Those that have the gold make the rules. One thing I learned from the internet (a likely place to "look up" rules) is that just because it is written does not make it so. Any time someone says to me, "be safe" I think they really mean "be careful" or that is what I am thinking at any rate. Best regards, RA1
  19. Actually life is just a game and it helps to know the rules. Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1

    The Organ

    Interestingly I play bridge with someone who once played with Bill Gates. Best regards, RA1
  21. Polls are interesting but not infallible. Best regards, RA1
  22. Even Obama wondered what he did to "deserve" the Nobel which, among other things, lowered my opinion of the prize. I don't think Gore's ideas are holding up. Best regards, RA1
  23. Again, I misspoke (got to quit having beer for breakfast). I meant helping Republicans re Clinton. Best regards, RA1
  24. I over simplified my comment by saying Clinton was re-elected after impeachment. As you state, it was the Democrats that were helped. I am willing to suppose that if Pelosi hangs around with socialists some of it must rub off. Gore is an interesting case. As sort of a native son of Tennessee his record has little to do with TN. He wants to make billions from carbon taxes while living in a 10,000 square foot house. In other words he actually is a product of DC. Best regards, RA1
  25. I thought Nixon was a national tragedy. Best regards, RA1
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