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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I am willing. Let's go. Best regards, RA1
  2. Beavers one. The world zero. Best regards, RA1
  3. AS- Are you planning on taking this drug to fight your growing resistance to drugs? I believe this to be exciting news. Good for our side (humans). We need all the help we can get. Best regards, RA1
  4. This possibility seems only too real. Too many buzz words for me to assimilate . Best regards, RA1
  5. I have been to Iraklion but did not get around to any ruins. I was pretty ruined myself after 10 days of traveling to get there. So, I just camped out on the roof top of the Atlantis Hotel and had beer brought to me for one day. Best regards, RA1
  6. One can only hope that she will learn to come. Otherwise, one can only hope that everyone will learn to drink and enjoy. Best regards, RA1
  7. Don't we weigh less at least twice a month? Let's not get into that other stuff that happens once a month. Is Jeane Dixon still alive? Best regards, RA1
  8. I am not on any social media (unless you count such as Boytoy as a social medium). To quote a TV advert: zero, zilch, nada, Zamboni, etc. Best regards, RA1
  9. To clarify my remarks: The cockpit is a long way from various components on various aircraft and the pilots may not hear and certainly not see some serious things the moment they happen. Therefore passengers sitting over the wing may be more in tune with a flat tire while taxiing than the cockpit crew is. Ditto a fire or smoke from an under wing or tail mounted engine. The cabin crew and the passengers are invaluable in noticing and alerting some of these things. Cargo carriers such as FEDEX and UPS have many sensors in the cabin and elsewhere to alert the pilots of smoke, etc. The boxes will not volunteer any information, helpful or otherwise. Humor in aviation tends towards gallows humor. I have always thought this was because it was SO dangerous in its early days. Still can be, just like many aspects of modern life. I take all accidents and incidents seriously. They all have a lesson to provide. OTOH, like most pilots, I deflect things with humor to do my best to maintain sanity. Best regards, RA1
  10. The figure you cut is determined by the size of your scissors. Best regards, RA1
  11. The Concorde also made an appearance in MEM when BN (Braniff) was trying to do an "interchange" flight that would have the Concorde go from Dallas, TX subsonic to IAD and then go supersonic to Europe. Even with "free" fuel this would not have been feasible but then when did that keep the airlines from exploiting PR? Scratched soon after proposed. Still, it was fun to see it land in MEM. Best regards, RA1
  12. The poor condition of the runway and taxi-ways at this "foreign" airport? Sounds like something an "ugly American" might say or think up. The passengers might be more aware of this than the cockpit crew. Long night flight and I know they were eager to get to the gate and off the airplane. Not that I think there is ANY good reason but perhaps more than one excuse. The crew of the crashed Concorde didn't know they were on fire and had substantial damage for a relatively long time until the tower mentioned it. Best regards, RA1
  13. Where are the other three guys? Best regards, RA1
  14. Like Mardi-Gras in New Orleans (and elsewhere), one should experience it at least once. Thanks for these reports. Happy New Year to all. Best regards, RA1
  15. The "news" reports of this event mentioned PETA but failed to mention that the opossum was not really dropped but slowly and carefully lowered to the ground in a secure, safe cage. If only everyone would treat us humans so well. This reminds me of the turkey drop, now gone, at Yellville, Arkansas where they dropped live turkeys from a second story window. Now I think the drop frozen turkeys which, of course, are a hazard to the spectators. Can we not continue to observe obscure but updated traditions in rural USA which harm neither animal or human (also an animal)? We lose our national and regional identity day by day. Best regards, RA1
  16. He has more Crayolas than anyone. Best regards, RA1
  17. Limp wristed? OK. Straight? Now those might be fighting words. However, I love my booze in whatever form I can obtain it. Like now. Happy New Year, one and all. Best regards, RA1
  18. ".... college boys who actually like sex with old fat men." Thank goodness for them. Best regards, RA1
  19. If I had a choice it would be a chocolate covered penis but what do I know? I am very favorably impressed by this hotel and its rep. Best regards, RA1
  20. Blowing your mind is likely not what I would have on my mind. Best regards, RA1
  21. Not being normal, I wouldn't know but whatever is or is not on her mind is NOT what is on mine. Best regards, RA1
  22. Never mind. One bedbug is more than sufficient. Best regards, RA1
  23. Who am I to argue with Forbes? However, there are a few things not mentioned or perhaps mentioned out of context. One, being the Fed, right or wrong, did some things to limit inflation and stimulate the economy. Most think they are about to do more fairly soon. Let us not forget that Reagan fired 115,000 controllers who went out on strike. That alone could put a small pip in the unemployment rate. Best regards, RA1
  24. So, what else is new? There are a lot of US and other churches who do not and never will agree with much of "Catholic" philosophy. However, is not the "real" reason for climate problems the over population of the earth? I have a strong notion that Mama Nature can take care of herself and will, even if belatedly. What makes a "rich nation" rich? Is it simply the exploitation of the masses? Or, is there some human genetic structure that mandates some will get ahead and others will not. There is an old saying in the US that goes along the lines of if all the wealth in the US were to be distributed equally tomorrow, in 2-5 years, we would be exactly where we are now. In general, I believe that to be true. That does not mean we should not look after one another but capitalism/democracy is the only way to go. Best regards, RA1
  25. Sorry, the reference should have been Shark Tank. I never heard of this program before the holiday but was exposed to it while visiting my sister. Real wealthy sharks but no one knows it all. Certainly I do not. Best regards, RA1
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