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Everything posted by RA1

  1. So it only seems like it is lasting that long or are you the lucky recipient of the much bally hoed 4+ hour erection? Best regards, RA1
  2. We have "real" dumps here in MEM where even the police refuse to tread. Best regards, RA1
  3. Daddy surrounded by naked boys. In the end, they will get it. Best regards, RA1
  4. Where is the description? Best regards, RA1
  5. I believe you are possibly referring to statistical insignificance? 10 points ahead with 2 minutes to go in an NBA game can be overcome, statistically speaking. 6 points ahead in a political poll 18 months out may not be significant. Best regards, RA1
  6. The last several times that I visited CA (long before the current water problem) I had to ask for a glass of water with food, the shower heads were ultra low flow as were the toilets. MsGuy is absolutely correct. No one wants to deal with the problem with anything more than a non-effective band aid. Pricing and competition works. Best regards, RA1
  7. Is there some reason to think Moonbeam has or had changed? Only in CA..... Best regards, RA1
  8. I agree that presently there is no formidable candidate against Hillary, R or D. However, choosing the least negative among negatives is not my preference. We shall see. Best regards, RA1
  9. So, politics as usual? Best regards, RA1
  10. I pretty much agree with the Iraqis about prayer before flight. We US pilots have a saying, when the weight of the paperwork equals the weight of the airplane, we must be legal to fly. It is thus we make our supplications to the gods at the FAA. Best regards, RA1
  11. Ice-nine. As you know there are all sorts of materials that only exist under "extreme" conditions of temperature or pressure. Dry ice for one. Liquid Nitrogen for another. The common refrigerants. Etc. Isn't it "lucky" that the Earth is generally so accommodating to us poor fragile humans? We do quite well at "standard" temperatures and pressures, don't we? Slight change of subject. I am particularly attracted to the performance of dry ice. It does not melt, it sublimates. The ability of various solids to do this under various conditions has been very useful to me when flying an aircraft that for some reason or another was unable to shed ice from the leading edges. When clear of icing conditions, eventually the ice will sublimate even in temperatures far below the freezing point. Best regards, RA1
  12. Aren't they all already? Best regards, RA1
  13. We have so far although the US is singing economic peace songs. Before someone starts, I will agree that "big business" wants "cheap labor" in the form of legal and illegal immigrants BUT the US cannot afford the poor we have now/before. Similar to the Israel questions, there is no easy answer for the US either. Best regards, RA1
  14. Practically harmless? Best regards, RA1
  15. So, the young man "feels" 40? Best regards, RA1
  16. Please, please at least one lowly point for pee. Best regards, RA1
  17. Pinehurst #2-- Shades of Scotland and playing golf as Mother Nature intended, more or less. Less is always more, isn't it? And natural is better than whatever else. Of course you are correct that almost all of our food is oil in one form or another. However, I really enjoy the Olathe corn from early August for the short season it is available. I am sure the land there in western CO is irrigated. At least I am not "wasting" it on a cow. I have no night soil. I try to do all my defecating in the daytime. (Easier to do during DST.) Does not flushing the toilet after "only" peeing count for something? Best regards, RA1
  18. Not to beat Israel's drum too loudly or too often but they seem to have one of if not the most efficient desalination systems extant. By efficient, I mean cost of operation. As explained elsewhere, big plants are potential political traps. Spend a lot of money now to have enough water 5 or more years into the future, then it rains, and where are you (politically)? In the dog house is where. That kind of question is supposedly answered by having a republic form of government vs. democracy but it has not worked any time lately, has it? Best regards, RA1
  19. By Pal state, do you mean PLO? OK, Israel was created by "outsiders" who decided it would cure some of "their" problems. Regardless of whatever the so called Palestinians want and possibly deserve, does that solution have to be adjacent to or from a part of Israel? There are enough crazed adversaries around without inviting another one into your back bedroom. If this can be solved, then I have hope for Muslim-Christians and Irish-English and Pakistani-Indian and several others here and there. I am not holding my breath. Best regards, RA1
  20. We all have personal reality distortions, no? So, the answer is yes. Best regards, RA1
  21. If you mean that citizens who obey the law and diligently work for a living, then yes, many of the Jews are privileged. Otherwise, please re-state the question. Best regards, RA1
  22. I don't understand this. I have never been a naysayer. Best regards, RA1
  23. With all the Muslim countries where it is not only the preferred religion but the only one accepted why not have Israel be a Jewish state? The only reason I can think of immediately is that Israel has been the only democracy in the Middle East in the last 70+ years. No matter how difficult to do so, it would be nice to have a good example there. Best regards, RA1
  24. I probably watched Letterman a total of several minutes spread over years. If by the Tonight Show you mean Jay Leno, I agree, I never watched him. I did watch Steve Allen, Jack Paar and Johnny Carson "some" but then, TV was so limited then. Best regards, RA1
  25. Good for you. However, it seems that miles/rewards/upgrades are getting harder and harder to obtain, doesn't it? Also the service is getting poorer and poorer or so it seems. Now to answer the question of am I envious? Actually no, although I would have accumulated 1.5 million or more miles during the time in my career when I traveled on the airlines 2 or more times per week. But all this was before deregulation and before awards were in practice. Those of us who were "road warriors" in those days enjoyed empty airliners, relatively cheap fares and, early on, no security. I could walk directly to my gate, write out a DL scrip ticket and go on board. No worries about the plane being full, no worries about security. Just go. Seems like a dream, doesn't it? Well those days kind of still exist. I no longer ride the airlines and go by corporate aircraft whenever. The plane never leaves without me (the pilot) and I never leave without my pax. Seems to work out just fine this way. Best regards, RA1
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