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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Yes, Mrs. Parker. Best regards, RA1
  2. Times change. CB used to stand for Citizen's Band (radio) and a handle I suppose then as now was your nickname when on the air (or, in this case, on line). Live and learn. Best regards, RA1
  3. As Sheldon asks: Is that sarcasm? Best regards, RA1
  4. Interesting article. A few things I don't understand. How can the surrounding ground be more contaminated than the contents of the dome (the source of the contamination)? Why are the writers at The Guardian (or anyone else) surprised that the US government does not perform on its promises? Don't we have a long history of that? Nevada does have more than its share of nuclear waste, some from testing and some from establishing a repository for spent uranium used in power plants. All of which does not suggest a solution. In fact, there is no solution. Only band aids. Would the inhabitants of the Marshall Islands be happy if we took them all to Wall Street and turned them into bankers. They could hardly do a worse job of polluting the economy than those already there. Best regards, RA1
  5. Which means that marriage has been a political and federal issue for a long time. If those who say there is nothing in the Constitution about marriage are correct, then there never should have been "rights and benefits" for anyone, should there? Best regards, RA1
  6. She and BO are two of a kind or so it appears. Best regards, RA1
  7. In your mind, in your mind. Best regards, RA1
  8. 16 is the legal age anywhere that you are also 16. Best regards, RA1
  9. Good report. Thanks. Advice is basically true anywhere and any time. Best regards, RA1
  10. Personally I prefer Shell. Best regards, RA1
  11. I believe that is a distinction without a difference. Best regards, RA1
  12. Did you skip over the T-12 Cloud Maker? Regardless of this and other weapons, the will to use them is definitive. Best regards, RA1
  13. In other words, politics as usual. Best regards, RA1
  14. I think the original writers of the Constitution wanted it "both ways". As you know, they had a great deal of difficulty getting it to one version and approved. Then they "immediately" amended it. It was a living, breathing "hot potato" then and remains so to this day. There is no right or wrong way to interpret it. However, there will be disagreements. The trick is to not be disagreeable. Best regards, RA1
  15. I read your #4. It used to bother me when I learned that attorneys did their very best to not have any moral judgments, at least regarding their line of work. In other words they were generally willing to defend a serial killer as well as prosecute him (not the same person, of course). I then and now realized that the Constitution demanded this treatment of everyone. In other words, someone needed to do it and someone educated in the law would likely be best. Equal and fair treatment under the law. During my adulthood I have always been able to follow the reasoning as handed down by the supremes. That does not mean I always agreed with it. Any majority opinion is not always right, whatever that might mean. But it is the majority opinion. In accordance with the US system, the majority does still have the right and ability to have their opinion prevail. It can be a long and arduous process, often involving electing new folks, but it can be done. As always, politics in various forms gets in the way. Now is no exception. Best regards, RA1
  16. Well they certainly decided the Obamacare question on politics, didn't they? Just one more large step towards socialism. At my age I would just go with the flow but I fear greatly for succeeding generations. So sorry. Best regards, RA1
  17. It would be extremely naïve of me to suggest that they might decide on the question of law rather than politics, wouldn't it? Best regards, RA1
  18. As per the old joke about what to do in the case of nuclear attack. Get under your desk, bend over and kiss your ass good-bye. Best regards, RA1
  19. I would have thought Trinitite was a threesome all fairly new to gay sex. I well remember bomb shelter plans being widely available. We all worried but did little. However, I did note that the local school that I attended did have the basement designated as a bomb shelter as did many public buildings. The old terminal at MEM was so designated and I certainly considered adjourning there during any tornado alerts or warnings when I was at the airport or nearby. The walls were 3 feet thick and full of rebar + there is an extensive basement. Best regards, RA1
  20. Then, God help us all. Best regards, RA1
  21. I suppose they send in a canary with a Geiger counter before the opening of the "tour season" at Hanford? The letter from Einstein to FDR seems too informal for the time but it does seem to be authentic. Best regards, RA1
  22. I freely admit that no matter how tasty, getting past the visual image of same would be daunting. Best regards, RA1
  23. KFC uses under sized chickens + over sized prices. Exactly what are you proposing in the way of violence? Best regards, RA1
  24. The sharks are in trouble ever since "we" discovered that they are tasty. Heaven help the cockroaches should we discover anything similar. Best regards, RA1
  25. So, are you suggesting that the US and the world can indeed survive a "limited" nuclear war or attack? It would not be fun but I think we can survive. Best regards, RA1
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