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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Good for your dad. Best regards, RA1
  2. Wouldn't owners of stolen guns be felons by definition? And, would they not add additional felonies to their list of crimes using them for that purpose? Guns don't kill people as part of a crime without a felon to pull the trigger. Probably you mean that owners of guns who have them stolen should be subject to a penalty? Isn't this a version of, it isn't the criminal's fault, it is society's fault? Will no one take responsibility for one's own actions any longer? Best regards, RA1
  3. I am hoping you feel very safe there in CA. Best regards, RA1
  4. I suppose we will have to find a tree that grows in the ocean, if there is such a thing. Might cure a legion of ills. Best regards, RA1
  5. Yes, I have been to Melbourne and Sydney and there seems to be no diminishing of population there. I agree the wording seems entirely unAustralian. However, I do agree that when ordinary citizens have no guns, only the crooks will have them. Regardless, that likely will not prevent good Ozzies from protecting themselves, one way or another. Still, restricting law abiding citizens seems a bit much. Best regards, RA1
  6. I own several guns. I have a permit to carry a concealed gun (or openly in some cases). I fervently hope I never have any reason to use one BUT I am not willing to have another use one on me without a fight (fair or otherwise). The background check is somewhat of a political issue. I am against the interference of government but I know of no other reasonable way to screen out known crazies. Therefore some kind of background check seems in order. What I really object to is issuing a permit to carry or even own a gun without training. It is wrong that some states allow carry permits simply because one is not a felon or known crazy. That is not enough. I am pretty much on board with the TN law that allows gun clubs and shooting ranges to conduct classes that conform to the law but are not "controlled" by the government per se. After graduation which includes several hours of classroom instruction, a written test and a firing range test that results in a certificate from the school good to allow one to apply to the state of TN for a carry permit. This approach gives a multiple "look" at gun carry permit applicants to include the government, the school and the various involved folks (as well as any seller of a gun reputed to be used in this manner). Best regards, RA1
  7. I probably have mentioned before when a beaver flew me in a Beaver in Alaska. A Beaver being a de Havilland bush aircraft (pun intended). The other beaver being a female type pilot. I managed to annoy her a bit. I offered to help but she pointedly told me no. Oh, well. I really didn't care if she was trimmed or not. Best regards, RA1
  8. I don't know how I missed this before. As has been stated many times before the English and the Americans are peoples separated by one language. Did I miss the many other iterations possible? Folks in the South think that Yankees but really northeasterners say Jesus Christ all the time while Southerners say son of a bitch or motherfucker. I do not recommend using either one unless you are surrounded by good friends who happen to be Marines or everyone in the group knows what an asshole you are anyway. There are other things to be said but they are about as important as this subject itself. Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1

    WEHT Suckrates?

    I have multiple layers and a lot of heart (some call it fat). Do I qualify for at least a green or yellow star on my drawing? Silver or gold would be too much. AS- We all love you. Some more than others. Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1

    WEHT Suckrates?

    There is room for everyone but maintaining a modicum of civility is appreciated. Best regards, RA1
  11. Unfortunately, we seem to be headed that way. Best regards, RA1
  12. MsGuy- You cannot have it both ways. Best regards, RA1
  13. How old does one have to be to have enjoyed it first and always as an adult? OTOH being a decades old kid always counts. Best regards, RA1
  14. I quit hunting 40 years ago (even though I always ate what I killed) because of personal reasons. Killing for the sake of killing is against everything that I hold true. This guy deserves to be penalized. However, with all the serious problems we face as a nation and as a world this does not deserve the media attention or public outcry it is receiving. Best regards, RA1
  15. Zip- I didn't ask who paid for the plane. lookin- I am NOT a planeophile so it would have been a BIG Fokker. Best regards, RA1
  16. If this aircraft were a Beechcraft the control surface found would indeed have a serial number and be easily identified as being installed in whatever original aircraft received this part. I do not know what Boeing does but it would seem something similar would be feasible. I think it very likely that if the black boxes (orange in color) were actually found they indeed would provide the "usual" data. One can only hope. Best regards, RA1
  17. The last time I went through LHR one could just stay in the international terminal and avoid customs and immigration (twice). The massage, shower and nap sounds like a wonderful plan to me. Best regards, RA1
  18. The "best" interests of themselves personally? In my (very limited) experience I only delivered an airplane to one priest. No one has yet asked me to deliver one to that lunatic (preacher) in Georgia. Best regards, RA1
  19. This one or all of 'em? Best regards, RA1
  20. And, any other city? Best regards, RA1
  21. How do the "down and outers" stand either the weather or the prices in SFO? I was never so cold as one day in June at Candlestick Park. Best regards, RA1
  22. Rain-X for buildings or is it called Urine-X? Best regards, RA1
  23. I am sorry such a place exists/existed but until we solve "war" how can it be otherwise? Those who fly bombers or fighters will be shot at by the enemy. Ditto tanks, ships and the like. If a nation is going to design weapons that may harm others those very weapons will have the potential to harm the builders thereof. I see no other way. Best regards, RA1
  24. Being humble and loveable always counts AND there is still time. Best regards, RA1
  25. Is this in the wrong thread? I am thinking of "I want to be a porn star" but that is just me. Best regards, RA1 Otherwise, WOW.
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