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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Do you like Pete because he is gay or because he is more center than the "left" Dems? If I were looking for a Dem to vote for it likely would be Pete. Some think Joe is the moderate but he is fading and fast. Bernie and MS. Warren are way too far left for many, if not most. Pete is facing a lot of challenges to include not enough experience in politics, never mind his sexual orientation. I only have one comment on that subject and that is Jimmy Carter faced many of the same questions and, obviously, so did Barack Obama. Who ever thought the US could or would elect a Black President? Some thought the same about JFK being a Catholic but I could never understand that point. Bloomberg is kind of the elephant in the room. Who knows how he will fare? I personally think he is a wealthy central leftist. But, what do I know? One thing is for sure, it all will be interesting. Best regards, RA1
  2. RA1

    The Organ

    I thought the ad about flowers for your mom was more entertaining. I only wish I could give her some. Best regards, RA1
  3. And the bureaucracy. Best regards, RA1
  4. It appears that one does not become immune from such viral diseases as colds and the flu from previous infections. Perhaps one might become immune from the exact strain of Corona one was infected with before. Happily not immune from the Mexican beer. Best regards, RA1
  5. I have thought about this problem a lot and came to the conclusion that money will not insulate one from possible harm. Here I specifically refer to physical bodily harm. I concluded that anonymity was the best option. Many wealthy and public figures do not have that option. In the case of biological infection I think it virtually impossible to avoid. Remember salt shakers have more germs than a toilet seat. Etc. Even in the airplane that I was flying the pax were only safe while in flight. Before and after the flight there was contact with all sorts on the ground. Best regards, RA1
  6. Sure, let's make it a tontine. Every resident of the planet contributes one penny. Last person gets the equivalent of 75 million dollars and a "blank" earth to play with. Best regards, RA1
  7. I thought that gourmet was the "art" of food preparation and gourmand was the appreciative recipient. I stand corrected. Best regards, RA1
  8. This is so sad. Alcohol is the drug of choice for most pilots. I have always been afraid of trying coke because I assumed that I would love it. Perhaps the same could be said of meth. Best regards, RA1
  9. I think few people have "normal" eye sight. However, I think the so called normal is near sighted when young, then neither far sighted nor near sighted and finally far sighted when older. Good things are working out for you. Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1

    The Organ

    I have always thought so. Best regards, RA1
  11. We shall see. I suggest that few inheritors refuse "family" money if the number is big enough. Best regards, RA1
  12. How much money is enough? Best regards, RA1
  13. RA1

    The Organ

    As with most anyone or thing, there are parts with which I can readily agree and others not so much. My politics and sensibilities tend to lie with strict construction of the Constitution but I certainly agree that it is not perfect. I like the idea of amending rather than judicial changes. Best regards, RA1
  14. RA1

    The Organ

    I once heard Kemmons Wilson (founder of Holiday Inns) start a speech with this comment. George Washington was first in war and first in peace but he married Martha who was a widow so he was not the first in everything. Best regards, RA1
  15. I have been lucky. I have never worked a day in my life because I loved what I was doing. Sure there were days when things did not go well but there was always tomorrow if not yesterday to cheer me up. Best regards, RA1
  16. But 100% of people like money. Best regards, RA1
  17. As always, it is a matter of perspective. HNY. Best regards, RA1
  18. Virtually every President, well regarded or otherwise, has had his good days and bad. It is your constitutional right to complain about the bad, also to glorify the good. I am glad that you have seen fit to exercise your rights. Best regards, RA1
  19. As has been said by many in the past, no matter how many flaws, our system is the best we know of so far. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel, only suggesting that we all could do better. I take much solace in our system of 3 branch checks and balances, even though I think the system is out of whack now. Free everything produces lotus eaters and we would cease to advance. MX to all. Best regards, RA1
  20. Sorry, I thought my various answers implied that I would do the best I could with whoever was elected, regardless of my personal opinion of them and all pols. The system is "bent" at the moment with the entire country NOT doing what I suggested, going along with whomever. Half hate and half love, but these things are NOT graded on the curve. Best regards, RA1
  21. I think we are happy to have checks and balances via the 3 branches of government. Not a perfect solution but the best one so far. From time to time even this gets out of kilter but so far this nation has survived. However, some think not for long. Best regards, RA1
  22. NP. I mostly held my tongue during the administration of BO, among others. As you probably have gathered I view all pols as con men or women, immoral and unfit to lead the nation. They all have feet of clay. When it is said that one President or other so called leader is better than others, it is comparing one thief to others. Best regards, RA1
  23. My crystal ball is on the fritz and partly cloudy. I have no way of determining DT's motives, only his actions. The economy is humming along, we might soon have the treaty with Mexico and Canada ratified, we might be making some progress with China, probably not much if any progress with North Korea but at least they are on notice that we are watching them. Basically what I see is that most past Presidents did much the same (attend to their own agenda) but DT is doing it publicly. I hope some of these actions coincide with the national interests (and yours also), Best regards, RA1
  24. Is this another DT conspiracy or just a sad fact of "modern" society? Best regards, RA1
  25. Even when they coincide? Best regards, RA1
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