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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Here is the "real" outcome of the corona-virus; it will be with us forever more just like the Spanish Flu of 1918 is still with us in one form or another every year. Best regards, RA1
  2. RA1

    Pete Butts Out!

    Make that 4. Best regards, RA1
  3. I have no interest in Roe vs. Wade to be overturned. As a Libertarian, it is not my place or the governments, to dictate what a woman does with her body. As far as NY Republicans, should I paraphrase Goldwater? Best regards, RA1
  4. Apparently all discussions eventually go silly, especially when the site is so one sided. I can understand some of the view points of various posters, whether I agree or not. There seems to be little reciprocity but I still enjoy the conversation. Of course, Trump is full of it but not so revolutionary as some of the Democrats seem to be. Like some others, I pay little attention to what Trump says, only what he does. I realize that is not perfect also. Still, among several "difficult" choices I choose Trump. Best regards. RA1
  5. Firstly there seems to be a certain amount of hooliganism present among Sanders' supporters. Secondly, are you suggesting that the police are unified in their support of any one political party? Blacks and other minorities are accused of this but it isn't so. Thirdly, I meant the ones attacking might be Sanders' supporters, not the hungry/destitute. Best regards, RA1
  6. Conservative commentators are also suggesting that we all prepare with food, extra Rx, etc. mainly, for the threat of being quarantined for 14 days. So far the most troubling thing that I have heard is that one patient recovered and then came down with the virus again. Say it isn't so. Best regards, RA1
  7. Do you think Trump has caused the influenza pandemic also? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
  8. Are these Sanders supporters? Best regards, RA1
  9. During the early days of my life churches, charities and other local groups were doing a lot to help others. Today's climate seems more oriented towards let the other guy do it or the government. In other words it seems that too many seek to limit personal responsibility for others. Money, especially tax money, is the way for "others" to take care of any unfortunate. Sad, really. Best regards, RA1
  10. No, I am very much in favor of civil rights but those championed by the public, not the Congress. I love minorities, invalids and others who seem less fortunate. But I think society should take care of them, not the government. Best regards, RA1
  11. Yes. Best regards, RA1
  12. I don't know about you guys but I have fire insurance and theft insurance. Some don't seem to know that the mission of the fire department is not saving your structure but preventing the fire from spreading to other structures. The more I know about LBJ and FDR the less I like them and their legislative agenda. I have heard all my life that any reputable insurance company could take the tax money collected for social security and double or triple the benefit. Much of what you report is political propaganda or political opinion. I understand that and we all do it. However, I do try to see other points of view even if they contradict my own. Best regards, RA1
  13. Insurance is supposed to spread the risk among many. There are plenty of things wrong with the current insurance industry. But the basic premise still applies. We all should benefit if the insurance industry were allowed to enlarge the pool. One of many problems. Not everyone is suited to be as altruistic as you suggest. Still it would be better if they were. Best regards, RA1
  14. Tell the doctors that the government does not run Medicare. It dictates what procedures and the cost thereof to them. Obviously the medical delivery system can do better, but at what cost? I see little difference between the government deciding which procedures are OK and political policy doing the same. Best regards, RA1
  15. Also unlikely that he could get the Congress to pass many of his reforms. However, he still can change a lot of things. I don't wish to take that chance. Best regards, RA1
  16. I think you are an intelligent human being. However I have to think that Bernie is close to being a Communist. I am hoping that the US is not wanting socialism as expressed by Bernie. Many problems are likely to be solved by party combination. Best regards, RA1
  17. Then, we just have to agree to disagree. Not every happening is a conspiracy. Best regards, RA1
  18. At least we agree that all pols are crooks. Best regards, RA1
  19. I agree with who among us could stand up to having our private veil stripped away for public consumption? In addition, I offer witnesses observing a traffic accident. Independently reviewed and when reading a media account of same, one might wonder what did happen? The stories will have at least some differences if not many. I look forward to tomorrow's debate offering "something". Best regards, RA1
  20. So the reports of sexism, racial enmity, etc. about MB are just fake news? Stop and frisk is effective, but is it constitutional? Best regards, RA1
  21. Money may buy publicity but seeing him debate might be the clincher. Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1

    The Organ

    Lebensraum localized but intergalactic? Best regards, RA1
  23. RA1

    The Organ

    A common saying among pilots is don't touch any switches unless they are shiny. Best regards, RA1
  24. RA1

    The Organ

    RE: 737-800 Some airliners are complicated enough that such as captains have written a book to "explain" the "proper" flow. This simply means that they have discovered that the flow goes better either left to right or top to bottom, etc. I have had friends who are transitioning to new to them aircraft visit with such a book in hand, knowing I would be interested and rehearse informally with them. The 757 and 767 series seem to be two aircraft needing a book. Most sophisticated aircraft allow the "full" preflight to be done first flight of the day with abbreviated check lists used later. This vid obviously was the full preflight check. Thanks for presenting it. Best regards, RA1
  25. I think Pete did well but I also think Amy "won" the debate. Best regards, RA1
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