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Everything posted by RA1

  1. This senator recently commented that cable "news" networks and shows should be eliminated by the FCC. As many have pointed out, the FCC does not have the authority to do anything to or about cable TV. Is he off his meds? What would make a senator make these kinds of comments? Doing what he suggests is clearly unconstitutional as well as silly. Are the Rockefellers so inbred that they are now simpletons? Why is he being elected or re-elected? Best regards, RA1
  2. Your rant could make perfect sense if it had a chance of being true. How can a state, a city, an individual send $100 to Washington and get $120 back? Not possible. This is like a pyramid scheme; someone has to lose. The ONLY hope of getting 99 cents worth of value for 1 dollar invested (in government) is to invest and spend it locally. The more local, the better. I hope you will think this over and realize that it has to be true. Best regards, RA1
  3. LOL. Best regards, RA1
  4. Bragging or complaining? Best regards, RA1
  5. What do you think has "prevented" or allowed the US to escape terrorism since 911? If you say the TSA or HSA, I will say, buzz. If you say luck + informants + most US citizens (to include most visitors who have no desire to participate in terrorism), I will say, ding, ding, ding. I have said this before and, sorry to bore some of you, but passengers need to take responsibility for combating terrorists, if necessary, during flight. Profiling + minimal metal detection (conducted with a modicum of decorum, if not fellowship)+ informants should do most of what we need doing or so I think. This would be part of the "new, all vounteer" army; the army of citizenry against terrorism. Now, we are mostly leaving it up to "others", mostly meaning the feds who have taken things a lot too far. Are you careful when you drive? Do you take into account what fool drivers might do to you or others nearby? Most folks do. This is little different. Cars are very lethal weapons used incorrectly. Life is full of "modern" ways to kill, maim or injure one another. Shouldn't we all take as much responsibility as we are physically and mentally able to do so? Best regards, RA1
  6. I agree that there are very likely a few who will do most any thing. Would you be willing to believe that most, no such thing as all, of those could be profiled? While we are worrying, what do you think of MS. Napolitano's assertion that monitoring all cargo would be too difficult? "Cargo comes in all sizes and shapes, while humans are mostly the same." As we can easily see from the events of the past several days, it does not take a US citizen, disgruntled or otherwise, to send explosives via cargo. Best regards, RA1
  7. I don't know about Republicans but as an independent I am against the Terrorist Act. This being just one "stupid" example. Best regards, RA1
  8. I would like to hope that a US citizen with anti-government sentiment would not easily be a willing dupe for very criminal and terrorist activities, such as carrying a bomb on their person which will kill them first and then some around them. I realize we had a couple during the OKC tragedy but just how representative of the general population were those guys? Not very I am thinking. I have a lot of anti-government sentiment which I am sure some of you have noticed but when cut I bleed red, white and blue. In addition to be patriotic I also tend to be law abiding. I simply consider it one of my duties to complain about public policy that seems counterproductive. I have been pointing fingers at the TSA for years and just now they take notice that pilots do not need weapons to bring down a plane. At this rate of comprehension, none of us will live long enough to see any sweet light of reason from these folks, to include the feds at large. Best regards, RA1
  9. It wasn't that difficult or traumatic, was it? Best regards, RA1
  10. My "private parts" are not junk, at least to me but I have to whole heartedly agree with CK's column. We have been abused and mistreated far too long when "proper" profiling will indeed work. Sorry but that might be PIC to some. So be it. Best regards, RA1
  11. You left out white men. Best regards, RA1
  12. I think most people are wondering how intimately the government should be involved in our health? So far, what I can tell is that the BO plan is for everyone to be insured, by force. That strikes me as a double whammy. The government not encouraging, not suggesting, but forcing big business to "control" our health care, whatever might remain of it after all this settles. Could this just be more of our pols at work screwing the average Joe? Best regards, RA1
  13. RA1

    Did You Know?

    They need some more light reading? Couldn't resist. Best regards, RA1
  14. We are all human beings and "personal preference" is not JUST racial or body weight or cultural or religious or educational bias, it can be something that is so deeply ingrained that it might as well be genetical in basis. Otherwise, it is "cultural upbringing", more or less. I suspect we cannot always account for deep seated reasons to not "like" someone else. But, the superior person will continue to try. Best regards, RA1
  15. One can only hope but first we must look at the off spring. Otherwise, I would like to be in his "jeans". Best regards, RA1
  16. I guess I need to be executed on the spot. For sure, Tom Brady's body is attractive but his personality and performance is NOT. So, shoot me and get it over with. Best regards, RA1
  17. Aren't these required by law to be "off the shelves" and under the direct supervision and control of the pharmacist? In the grand scheme of things that may not be much of a deterrent but it tends to keep folks from shoplifting these drugs and buying a dozen at a time. Best regards, RA1
  18. One of the problems is that all too many people would rather substitute dollars for caring. Even folks who make relatively modest amounts of money seem to want to give someone a couple of dollars rather than actually do something to help them. Even if that means buying a cup of coffee and listening for a few minutes or just letting them know you care. Unfortunately, it either started with or spread to the federal government as well as the state governments. Those chickens are about to come home to roost. I view it as a wide spread loss of "old time" values. Clerks are surly, drivers are mean and abusive both in language and hand signals, etc. It doesn't take any longer to do the job right than it does to waste time and wish you were somewhere else. I especially have a problem with "society" giving money to folks. That does not give them self esteem, a sense of accomplishment; it only enforces the idea that they can get something for nothing. I don't look at charity as looking down on folks. We all have needed help of one kind or another before and will again. I promise. Have I personally been quilty of some of the above? Yes. I have been known to give gas money to a stranger who gave me a sob story in a hospital parking lot. I have no idea if those persons were lying or not and don't spend much time worrying about it. But, if they truly were in need because a relative had just died, I should have taken more time and tried to comfort them. But, I didn't. I don't know if we can go "back" or how to do it if we can but I don't like "now" very much or the foreseeable future. Not everyone can be or needs to be a millionaire. However, we all do need honest work and the emotional support that we are doing something worthwhile. Best regards, RA1
  19. I assume you mean politically? I think it would be easy to come to a meeting of the minds. You just admit you are wrong and agree with me. How silly is that comment? I am afraid you make some that are just as silly but I "wonder" if you know it at the time? Best regards, RA1
  20. For some reason we seem to have a problem agreeing some percentage of the time even though I am thinking I agree when I post a reply. But then you reply suggesting otherwise. NP for either one of us to do so, but it is sometimes disconcerting to think that another does not "get" what I am trying to say or vice versa. Best regards, RA1
  21. If the 400 pound comment was directed to me, I don't think I suggested two people might not have a good time regardless of "private" thoughts. Let's compare it to traveling around the world. I have been many places that I would not choose to live or even necessarily spend much time, BUT, I don't ever recall being some place that I could not find "something" good to experience or notice about it. I think you are suggesting attitude is everything and I whole-heartedly agree. Best regards, RA1
  22. Slight change of subject. How did this kid know he was gay at 14? Do most kids know it then (yes or no)? I certainly didn't, although in retrospect I can recall how I felt and now know how things were headed. Of course, dealing with it is an entirely different matter. I think I ALMOST came to grips with my situation day before yesterday. Best regards, RA1
  23. Do you think it is possible he is thinking of "another"? Are his eyes closed? Best regards, RA1
  24. Of course we are. But, I still drink "Zero" for the calorie content and the "reasonable" taste. Best regards, RA1
  25. Charlie- Obviously we are simpatico. I hate to know or tell you this but we are "OLD". Nevermind, we are still "in the loop". Best regards, RA1
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