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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I have been to places where the government, either ours or theirs or both, were issuing warnings BUT I was on business AND I kept "moving", something that I consider key to staying out of trouble. I am not so sure I would seek to "vacation" in "hot" places unless I had special knowledge of what and how to do. Of course, as Lucky says, do what you think best. Best regards, RA1
  2. I like cats (and all animals) but I am very allergic to cats. Just looking at those pictures almost makes me sneeze. Which reminds me of an old joke or story where two people refer to doing "it" in "polite" society by referring to "sneezing". However, enjoyed the pix. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
  3. Interesting articles and interesting commentary at the bottom. Obviously, you know I agree. However, I wish to comment on an aspect about alcohol fuel. A direct subsidy seems to be overkill. What I think we need would be a time limited tax concession, which admittedly is a subsidy by a different name but most of the "tax law" has tax advantages enacted to promote some activity or another. They have simply run amok or, I should say, Congress and other pols, have simply run amok. Allowing a tax deduction on the interest of a home mortgage is to promote home ownership. Tax deductions on new equipment for businesses, ditto. However, back to alcohol, I would like to see the promotion of alcohol fuel limited to non-food sources. If you haven't noticed at the grocery store, food is on a major way up in price. Partly because of the price of oil but also because of the never ending pressure of the world population increase. We will need fuel for the foreseeable future but we will always need food. There are plenty sources to make alcohol without using food; corn and the like were seemingly just too available and, for a while, cheap + the direct subsidy. Happy Turkey day to you all. Best regards, RA1
  4. Somehow, I don't think the time will ever come when we can get up in the morning, take a pill, and be "protected" from any and all diseases. I feel there will always be a need for personal responsibility. I realize that there are "other" points to this discussion and I am not trying to "preach" to anyone about anything. Best regards, RA1
  5. Thanks for the clarification. I tend to agree that can be the case, not always, but a tendency. Best regards, RA1
  6. You had me at, "everyone paying their full share". Best regards, RA1
  7. That is an interesting statement. I have tried to fit it into various phases of my own life, meaning did my parents "push" me into not being an asshole? Did my friends in HS? Did my friends in college? My business friends? Did it work? Do I still suck? (Of course I do but not necessarily as a "life pattern") If you wish, please extropolate what you think this means in your life and for the world at large. Best regards, RA1
  8. I agree. However, too many folks seem to follow the "other" golden rule. Those that have the gold, rule. Best regards, RA1
  9. Pity. Best regards, RA1
  10. We never were that much different, according to me. Pols would like to exploit these kinds of things to their benefit but reaching for and attaining most worthwhile goals can overcome such. MOC = member of congress Thanks for including unions. Unfortunately, there are many groups trying to direct the legislative process and NOT for the benefit of citizens at large. We are very much "holding hands here". Best regards, RA1
  11. I hate it when anyone panders to the "crazy Christians". I would personally much prefer that Libertarians become a recognized 3rd party and start "pandering" to whatever constituency might exist for them. That would generally but not specifically include me. Best regards, RA1
  12. Brown v. BOE might be politically correct but it has led to a plethora of no doubt unintended consequences. It might have even been the best for the country but, I am sorry to say, the jury is still out on the ultimate result of that ruling. It would indeed be wonderful if a SC ruling or pol edict could suddenly or otherwise lead to equality and justice for all. (Where is Superman when you need him?) However, laws do not make people mentally, physically, spiritually or economically equal and never will. That is not a negative comment on black folks, poor folks or any other kinds of folks, just a comment on how things "are". However, all we can do is keep trying to make things as good as possible, correct? After all, fairness is not a political doctrine but merely the attitude and actions of each of us individually to each other. Best regards, RA1
  13. RA1

    November 22d

    Lucky- I too remember exactly what I was doing the moment I heard the news of JFK being shot. Regardless of any political differences, I did not then or now wish JFK or RFK to be assassinated. I lived through some perilous times for everyone in the South( as well as the US as a whole) and listened to a lot of rabble rousing during those times. I was not interested in participating in those kinds of activities then any more than I am now. Peaceful political change is my aim. I do thank you for including in the rendition of your memories the facts that "Camelot" was not real, although interesting, perhaps even charming. I have no wish to "out" anyone whether they be cheating on their wives or whatever but I certainly perfer that they not be sanctimonious about it either. Here I am referring mainly to people who engage in homosexual activities all the while making political hay opposing any such. Hypocrites be damned. Best regards, RA1
  14. I have been told by folks who should know that Columbia is like most of SA in that one should not get in the way of any political uprisings and that one is as perfectly safe in Medillin as anywhere. Their attitude seems to be, one el presidente is as good as another, so don't get shot because you "interferred" the the "process". Interesting list. Wish I had the time to check each and every one out. Even if one has traveled to these places before, unless one is specifically looking at things as to value,etc. for retirement or semi-permanent residence, one might not notice how well suited any particular place might be. Thanks for the post. Best regards, RA1
  15. I suspect donor states would be glad to stop donating. I don't much approve of any MOC and was just using Jay Rock as a recent and somewhat typical example of silliness, except at this level of dollars spent, it isn't silly any longer, is it? I don't pretend to be a constitutional scholar and I wish some of our pols didn't either. I don't like the idea of "foreigners" owning much of any thing in the US, much less, as you suggest, controlling the news. However, we, meaning the elected leadership of this country, are very much headed towards "one world government" and such ownership is just one manifestation thereof. We definitely need to clean house. That should include (tired old song from me) term limits, sunset laws, eliminating corporate/lobbyists control of the campaign dollars thereby eliminating most lobbyists. Do you know there are 30,000 lobbyists in DC right now and they all, to one extent or another, have the ear of a MOC or staff member? There are many more reforms needed, but you all know that, don't you? Best regards, RA1
  16. Go along to get along? Fine for a boy's club but not suitable when there are trillions of USD at play. There is a difference between representing the interests of one's state and spending huge amounts of "other's" dollars or what were other's dollars a short time ago. Legislation to promote business and capital enterprise does not mean spending tax dollars. Not trying to be disagreeable but we need major reform to deal with these situations. We are broke and cannot continue as before. Best regards, RA1
  17. I don't intend to "pick on you, JKane", but you sound a lot like Jay Rock. Please pay attention to the US Constitution and let freedom ring. Best regards, RA1
  18. I am sure they don't, but they should, as should you and I. Best regards, RA1
  19. I would hate for the current Supremes to be "after" our personal freedoms. I am not a fan of either of the popular political parties now but I have to hope that we are going to "correct" evasions from what is "correct" and soon. Best regards, RA1
  20. Interesting and attractive. I was hoping it would be reported that this was a first step to changing things for the better but the story in the link says, "crime is not abated", a sorryful statement and comment. Best regards, RA1
  21. Who did he leave out in the other 49 states? In other words, who did he take FROM in the other 49 states? Best regards, RA1
  22. I suppose no one games better than the DC gamers themselves. I understand your comments and recognize them to be true but that does not keep me from hoping for better and acting in any way I can to promote "better". Did they learn all that pledge stuff from the Methodists? Best regards, RA1
  23. Isn't that one of the problems, gaming the system? I hear there is a strong effort to eliminate ear marks aka pork. I realize the total dollars spent on pork are just a drop in the bucket but it would show some leadership and make me feel better about the process and the participants. Best regards, RA1
  24. Isn't he taking money out of your pocket and giving it to someone in WVA? Best regards, RA1
  25. Apparently so and his mentor was Byrd. THE all time champ at manipulating the appropriation process. Best regards, RA1
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