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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Do you not see something inherently wrong with this statement? Not picking on you, but if the US or elsewhere has the service in a timely fashion and it is NOT available likewise within the medical "care" offered, what good is it? Or, to put it another way, what is it worth? Best regards, RA1
  2. I tried to check out Memphis's health care approach through Wikipedia, and so far found only this snippet: Memphis is also home to the Memphis Medical Center, which is locally referred to as "The Med". In recent years, the hospital has experienced severe funding difficulties that nearly led to a reduction or elimination of emergency room services. In July, 2010, The Med received approximately $40.6 million in federal and local funding to keep the Elvis Presley Trauma Center operational. Perhaps the free clinics in your area indicate that Memphis is also shifting its emphasis away from emergency care and toward preventive care. As others have said, emergency room care, even if free and readily available, is often too little and sometimes too late. I think we all need affordable medical care that keeps us well and lets us avoid the emergency room whenever possible. lookin'- One of the problems about funding of medical care in the MEM area is that people flock in from very nearby MS and AR but those states either don't pay or don't pay their share (a common complaint it seems among many taxpayers. However, the MED emergency room is still open. Unfortunately, it is widely thought of as an excellent place to go with trauma because they have "patched up" so many "Saturday night" woundings as well as car crash victims. A parallel to surgeons getting the "best" training during a war. I don't believe they ask for dollars or insurance when you are unconscious and bleeding. Of course, I agree the best care is that which precludes going to any hospital or clinic because you are "healthy" until the day you die. However, the best from the government seems to be the threat of "get healthy or else, we won't treat you" or something to that effect. Best regards, RA1
  3. I have no wish to get into a argument on this point with you. As previously stated, I am sorry for your daughter's condition. I am neither a scheduler or advisor about individual medical treatment, however, I am sure that if your daughter were a local resident and showed up at one of our medical facilities with or without money or insurance, something would be done. There are several well known and excellent eye doctors in town. Best regards, RA1
  4. MsGuy- Have you personally seen folks turned away from medical care? I never have. I have seen multiitudes of uninsured cared for when they just showed up needing care. We only live a few miles apart but I do know a lot of folks from MS and AR and surrounding communities in TN come into MEM for "free" medical care and, they get it. Again, I will readily admit we all need to take better care of ourselves to avoid needing "sudden" care of any kind or having routine care at the emergency ward but that is not only insurance or lack of it, it is education and a sea change in life style, something you and I will not see in our life times, sorry to say. Best regards, RA1
  5. I am not claiming any unusual situation or treatment in my community. It is only what I have personally observed and what seems to be common knowledge among my friends and acquaintences. One seemingly obvious problem with what I have described, other than routine "pre-medical emergency services", is a possible logjam at an emergency ward which can lead to sometimes silly "triage" situations. One thing I mean is a better life style would likely benefit each of us which presumably would preclude some emergency treatment. I hope I am making sense here. Best regards, RA1
  6. Doesn't every wrong doer think he has been punished enough? That was my point. I don't know about kin seeking retribution. I do think they are all angry. You might be right about pols, meaning after they have been convicted, they seldom seek office again. However, I can cite several instances to the contrary in Memphis and Shelby County, TN. Amazing to me. Then, we have the cases of the mayor of PHL "serving" while in jail and others of the same situation doing the same. Best regards, RA1
  7. I am sorry for your daughter's problems. I do not know where you live but here what I said is correct. I may be ignorant of a lot of things but I see with my own eyes what I have stated. There is a treatment center just down the street from my office where mental problems are addressed at taxpayer's expense. No insurance or cash required. I would LIKE to agree with you that emergency rooms are for emergencies but they are NOT. They are for everyday treatment of everyday medical problems, at least where I live. Sorry to disagree. Best regards, RA1
  8. It depends upon what you mean by "health care". I don't believe anyone in the US is turned away from medical treatment because they have no money or no insurance. Some of this treatment is delivered in the emergency room when it should have been dealt with in another setting and this needs to be changed. For my entire life time and likely before that there was a "saying" that the best medical care delivered in the USA was to the very wealthy and the very poor. The "middle class" suffered because they had to "pay" for their care without being wealthy. To some extent business sponsored health insurance ameliorated this "situation". Now, we are seeing changes in this approach. I don't see any existent or proposed plans that "cure" the problem and I don't see that socialized Rx as practiced in Canada and elsewhere is a permanent solution either. I have personally seen Canadian medicine as practiced in Labrador to have been very helpful and efficatious to someone I know but curing a sore throat in the middle of nowhere is not the same as "modern medicine" being delivered in a timely manner to "everyone". I only wish it to be so. Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1

    Wikileaks Again

    But, they hate the Israelis more? Life could be so much simpler without ALL the politics involved, couldn't it? I have wondered for a very long time why the various Semitic folks did not recognize how much alike they are and de-emphasize how different some of them are. The Bible says these folks will never get along, how can the rest of us think otherwise? Best regards, RA1
  10. I have loved convoys since the days of CB radio. Am I beginning to sound like a certain poster whose name starts with "G"? Best regards, RA1
  11. RA1

    Cam 4 Token ?

    I have to go when my mom comes home but she is 90 and I am (barely) over 18. Best regards, RA1
  12. RA1

    RIP Leslie Nielson

    As a pilot I love Airplane. Most "airplane" movies, even the ones with good technical advisers, have technical flaws, but Airplane had each and every technical feature "wrong", perhaps not as difficult as almost getting the features correct but, because I have seen none that do, I give this movie full credit for being "backwardsly" correct. RIP, Mr. Neilsen. Best regards, RA1
  13. TY- One thing you left out and that is, in those days, we didn't have enormous payouts for medical malpractice. If we have single payer "insurance", will the government provide malpractice insurance or legislate some "relief"? Best regards, RA1
  14. They just manage to have a lot of "other" bullshit, like unions complaining about, and all but closing down the country, retiring at 62? I only wish I could retire with a full pension at 62, but I am not willing to go to France to do so. Best regards, RA1 My real point is I perceive no country to have a complete answer to every social problem and they never will.
  15. TY- I am not defending this guy. I was only suggesting what you spelled out, that he had achieved a high position in our political process and then, lost it all. I am relatively sure HE thinks he was punishied enough. Incarceration does not seem to affect the recidivism rate among "common" criminals and I have not noticed any such among pols either. They MIGHT tend to be more careful, but that is about it. Best regards, RA1
  16. Are you speaking of my hero, Sheriff Joe Arpaio? Best regards, RA1
  17. I have never eaten a frozen dinner but aren't the "enjoy by" or "use by" dates the suggestion by the manufacturer that the product will have full flavor if used by that date? That does not mean the product "goes bad" 5 minutes or even 5 weeks later (depending upon the type of product)but it might lose some flavor or texture or whatever during that interval. Best regards, RA1
  18. He has suffered the highest penalty usually offered to a pol and that is being removed (in this case, resigning) from political office, the ultimate source of their fame and fortune. Going to jail might just be adding insult to injury, rather than injury to insult. I once read that crimes of passion, such as murder, are often just one time events and the perp is most likely to never committ another crime. That might lead one to wonder if this catharsis and ultimately regret is not sufficient at least mental punishment. Of course, society is generally not that forgiving and murderers usually have to serve some time, not always. I am sort of comparing pols losing their political power to that of a murderer committing a crime of passion; the result is punishment enough. Best regards, RA1
  19. RA1

    Palin Again

    Do you suppose she is from the 57th state? She must be from somewhere cool if she can see Russia from her back porch, therefore it must be one of those states over the usual 50 that BO mentioned while running. No one is immune from gaffes such as this but it certainly would be "comforting" if they were, wouldn't it? I suspect this is exactly why BO wants the teleprompter so he can avoid most of these. He certainly isn't stupid or ill informed, maybe misinformed but that is a different topic. I am no fan of MS. Palin. I am wishing for a candidate to rise head and shoulders above the rest. I suppose I will take just a "hair" above. Best regards, RA1
  20. True. Always have been and always will be. I don't see how, as some suggest, even a 90% drug will change that one way or the other. Best regards, RA1
  21. BBB- That is a little too much imagination for me. Nothing is or likely ever will be that fool proof. I know at least two people who have the flu right now and both of them got flu shots earlier this year. I understand the economic point you are making but there are way too many other negative points that bear on this issue. Best regards, RA1
  22. Is drumstick a euphemism for another body part? Happy Thanksgiving. Best regards, RA1
  23. It is never easy, is it? Some might just be easier than others. There is always someone, if not you yourself, who is unwilling for you to go "at this time". Please be nice to those "others". No one wants to see themself or others suffer but until we are there, how do we know what is going on? I have wondered more than once when observing dementia patients or those with Alzheimer's whether we know what their quality of life really might be. If they smile are they recounting experiences we know nothing of? If they eat without being force fed, are they happy just having that small, simple pleasure? I certainly don't know. As my mother has said, when we go, I hope we all go together and it is quick. I sort of understand what she means but as my sister and I are many years younger, I have wondered what she is wishing for us. I am all but sure she means for her not to suffer and us not to either, whether grieving or whatever. Life is NOT that simple or so it seems to me. Regardless, I only hope for the best and simplest and quickest outcome that each and every one of us might desire. Best regards, RA1
  24. How many pols might say, there, but for the grace of God, go I? Best regards, RA1
  25. Always good that we agree (but not always necessary, as I am sure you will attest). Happy turkey day. Best regards, RA1
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