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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I have never been able to figure John McCain out. He is a war hero. He is like any politician in that he will change his position to suit whatever. But, he is no Goldwater (for sure). Won't we all have a little dementia if we just live long enough? Best regards, RA1
  2. Just try wearing the "wrong" combat boots and see what happens. You know, the ones that don't match your rifle. Of course, gay folks are just like everyone else in being scared, not scared, dependable, not so dependable, etc. Gays won't "fold" any more or any less often that any other "group". These are largely individual traits regardless of your military training or lack thereof. Best regards, RA1
  3. Is this a real review? I am expecting clients to be more ........ something. Best regards, RA1
  4. I wonder what the limit is on individuals bringing back goods and how they "control" it. Best regards, RA1
  5. THIS is why the Westboro kooks were "riled up"? What has happened to freedom from religion? I agree with what you wrote, Zip. Personally, when I pray, I pray for "acceptance". Thanks for posting this, AS. Best regards, RA1
  6. According to the testimony of some folks I know, "reformed Mormons" provide some of the hottest sex around. Whatever cranks your tractor. Best regards, RA1
  7. How do we, as voters, allow pols of any party get away with such as this? I am referring to the article where various state the SS will have difficulty reverting to the old rates, etc. Just for starters, there is NO MONEY in the SS "reserve" now, it is all IOU's. How did WE let them do this? Best regards, RA1
  8. RA1

    Palin Again

    lookin'- Thanks for the reply. It is always "better" if we have some idea of the motivation behind a reply, isn't it? I never think you to be "mean". Yesterday was a long day for me and I likely "over responded", at least a bit. I would also like to think that I am as compassionate about our fellow human travelers as anyone. However, I have to admit, I don't always agree with what pols think is the cure. We seem to have fallen into a methodology that money will cure any and every thing. It will not, else we would have solved all the world problems a long time ago. Here I am particularly thinking of medical care and education. Yes, money is required. But, unlimited amounts of money will not cure people from eating the wrong foods, waiting too long to look after their health and certainly not provide care givers and facilities who do just that, give care. I think it likely you will respond with something about those who cannot afford medical care. I am not sure exactly what that means without more context but I am referring to folks who have plenty of money who do not take care of themselves (in the first example). The education system that I know the most about is the one here in MEM. We spend at least the "average" amount per student and get inferior results. Why? First, I blame the parents. Second, I blame the "system" for thinking money and more money will solve the problem. I do think we have a large quantity of involved teachers who are also required but they are not being supported properly by the parents or system. Notice, at no time, did I suggest that any involvment from the "government" would be helpful in the least. In fact, it is the main problem, by fostering such views as money is the cure. Sorry to rant. Again, thanks for the reply. Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1

    Palin Again

    lookin'- I read the blog and I read a lot of stuff. I am not trying to have anyone take the exact same position that I might have but I would like for others to at least read what I have to say, just like I read what they have to say. It should not be a surprise that most "gay" MB's seem to be at least liberal if not very liberal. OK. But that is not the only point of view or the only thing that "works", is it? Just because various posters don't agree politically or otherwise does not mean they are being hateful to one another or don't care what the other(s) have to say, does it? Aren't we willing to have and at least consider every point of view? As before, I am not a fan of Palin, but that is also something I have to say about most, if not all, pols. They suck, at least some of the time. However, they are part of our system and we must limp along as best we can, don't you think? Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1

    Palin Again

    RE: RM. Yes, at least thinking about what he (and others have to say). I also think the electorate has dismissed what BO and ilk have to say. I am not fond of politicians of any stripe and that includes the media. I did not think it was a random blogger and I don't think much about Pravda regegardless. How could I and why do you? I don't mean this to be personal but just general comments about the situations as they happen. Best regards, RA1
  11. RA1

    Palin Again

    I am not about to defend MS. Palin but doesn't anyone see something wrong with pushing the commentary provided by a Russian blogger as being something "great"? Have we gone that far "left"? Mussolini made the trains run on time, but, so what? I do not want to live in a fascist society, on time trains or no. As US voters we are certainly free to provide our own opinions about most anything political (or otherwise). We even give leave for those who are not US citizens to provide their own views, but, should we pay much attention to them? Best regards, RA1
  12. RA1


    Perhaps BBB, as a resident, can shed more light on this but my take is the French system wants to assign blame. If that can include foreign nationals or companies, especially US, even better. As we all know, that is different from the US and some other systems. In the US the plaintiff wants to assign blame and the courts/laws permit it in various ways. In this day and time it seems that no one wants to accept blame which, in this case, includes CO, the mechanic, those "cleared" by the French courts, the French equivalent of the FAA, the operators of the Concorde and, of course, the manufacturers. But, the French system insists. And, it takes "forever", in this case 10 years. In the US, most likely this whole affair would have resulted in a civil suit or, if criminal charges were pressed, over and done with in months, not years. Of course, we also know a civil suit in the US can take years as the many varied interests have their day in court, etc. However, spending years and perhaps going into bankruptcy and/or spending magabucks on attorneys is far different from waiting years to see if you are going to the pokey, something the Supremes said was not constitutional in the US, speedy trial being the law, etc. I don't see justice being served in this case by the result or the time delay. But, the frogs are frogs. Again, I get zero pleasure from spectacular crashes and certainly not from the loss of life. Best regards, RA1
  13. RA1


    They are frogs. Best regards, RA1
  14. RA1


    Either because you did not read of the French court that convicted a CO mechanic as well as provided for monetary penalties for CO today regarding the Concorde accident OR you departed the earth for Mars on the evening shuttle. Best regards, RA1
  15. RA1


    It is difficult to know what the frogs are doing and why. I have to say that CO, like other American corporations, is fighting the situation with every thing they have and that does not include self revelation. It is a non-starter to charge a low level mechanic with fault when there is nothing to little to point directly to him. Please go for the top of the management if there is fault to lay. In the US there would be lots of civil lawsuits and very little accomplished, other than to pay out sums of money to the remaining families. I want my family, not dollars, so this is not sufficient but seemingly the American way of doing things. However, let me state that is is NOT uncommon for airliners to leave parts behind when they take off. This is NOT necessarily the fault of maintenance or the manufacturer or anyone or company in this loop. It is just a fact of life in the aviation industry. Let me recount a recent FEDEX situation. A 777 took off from MEM and was climbing to their enroute altitude when there were notified to return. The control tower noticed that they had left some parts on the runway. These turned out to be engine parts. The air crew was unaware of any problem. The guages were all normal. The first they knew about it was when FEDEX maintenance called them on the "bat phone" and told them to return to base (MEM). They told radar they wanted to dump fuel and were asking for a place and altitude to do so. While this was going on, the management toad in charge of 777's told them to just land over weight. The captain, rightly so, said, fuck off and continued to dump fuel and then made a normal landing with no further incident. I recount this non-event just to mention how management and others (like the FAA) get involved with what should be a routine aircrew decision and result. It is indeed unfortunate that AF lost this Concorde in this accident, not to mention the loss of life, both on the aircraft and on the ground. It might have been prevented and, most likely was an economic decision to "avoid" the things that would have prevented it. The Concorde has been and was economically doomed for quite some time before this accident and in today's fuel price context, it definitely would be a non-starter. So sad, so sorry. Just FYI. Best regards, RA1
  16. Of course, I jest. I have no time for either Marion Berry or the sheriff. Shall one overcome the other? There is a lot of room for advancement, isn't there? Best regards, RA1
  17. I, too, mourn the loss of bookstores but my expectations are increased by a report that the "top" magazines are doing well in their printed forms. A comeback that might not have been expected. I fear that we are becoming a world of lessening expectations regarding the printed word and will be "unduly" influenced by the blog or electronically dissemanted "word". So sorry, but, so be it. Best regards, RA1
  18. One never knows what an amateur is focusing on when they "report" on a blog or whatever. I have a 40+ year ongoing career in aviation. No one, not even Captain Smith knows everything, and I don't claim to either. Sorry if my "tone" has offended you. There is no doubt that I am likely a little "touchy" when aviation matters are addressed and seemingly or possibly attacked. There is now and always has been a lot of confusion about what aviation is really about. Bizjets are not just for fat cats, they are real business tools. The TSA IS really usurping our personal freedoms. These and other ideas are part of my "contrarian" thoughts. I don't recall your previous comments about the "chainsaw". Best regards, RA1
  19. Interesting article. Did you read it for the sensational bits or did you notice the, "A near disaster? Not quite....."? A good bit of the problems were "software issues" and some of the others need to be evaluated and addressed. An uncontained engine failure is something that definitely needs to be fixed. The Sioux City UA DC-10 comes to mind as well as the Concorde which threw a piece of debris into the wing/engine with catastropic results. I am not defending the Airbus. I am a Boeing fan. And, they are not and never will be perfect. However, when extremely unusual events transpire then unusual results are common. Fix the engines, do some homework on the other issues and get back in the game, so to speak. As you summarize, flying is very safe and safer than it was "before". Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1


    Sounds like poison pen writing to me. Best regards, RA1
  21. RA1

    Palin Again

    Who told him? Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1


    Not unless these dragons have to be viewed under a microscope. It is interesting that we have had the opinion that all life had a few elements in common but none of them were arsenic. Best regards, RA1
  23. But, so far, the US does not have single payer aka socialized medical care. That is the difference I was pointing out. Where shall WE go when and if we do? Mars? Best regards, RA1
  24. You are correct Zip, Marion Barry. I am sorry to say he was originally a citizen of MEM. I cannot understand why he is not permanently in jail. He was caught doing all kinds of illegal drugs, bribing various officials, accepting bribes himself, etc., etc. But, here he is, now a council person in DC. How awkward. Best regards, RA1
  25. RA1

    December 1st

    Even I, who lives in a backwards and very conservative US state, have been aware that this is World AIDS Day. My "local" sources have mentioned that there are 30 million folks infected world wide and that much needs to be done about it. They also mentioned that the local GLCC will offer free HIV testing today with a 20 minute result. So, if your lament is that many "gay" organizations or gay publications are not going full speed ahead, I have to agree, but, I don't necessarily follow their activities or public outcries anymore than I do the "national" news. However, the "straight" news in a very conservative area of the country seems to be carrying more than absolutely required, whatever that means. Best regards, RA1
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