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Everything posted by RA1

  1. A Brazilian airline pilot? Best regards, RA1
  2. I agree but how many cats need to be stolen? Best regards, RA1
  3. Amazing lady. Thanks for your input. Best regards, RA1
  4. My mother (an avid golfer) loved Tiger. Had she lived that long she would have been devastated to learn just how much clay his feet have. OTOH I have no doubt she would have forgiven him and relished his return to competition. Good luck to him. Best regards, RA1
  5. This is exactly why I propose that wars be only fought by old men. If they are unwilling, there will be fewer wars. If they are willing, it might be a "true" cause. Best regards, RA1
  6. The feds don't hold all the power, just more than their share. Best regards, RA1
  7. If one works at an airport, sooner or later, one will see "everyone" from race car owners/drivers to rock stars to astronauts to CEO's. I have always tried to know who they were but never said anything to them unless they spoke to me first. Most deserved at least a modicum of privacy while traveling. Best regards, RA1
  8. But does that really mean you have no skeletons? Not even Red Skeleton? Best regards, RA1
  9. Fresh is everything. Best regards, RA1
  10. The double nickel was the term applied to the federal mandated 55 MPH speed limit. According to the Constitution this was a matter for the states but "leverage" in the form of reduced or zero money from the feds caused all the states to give in, one by one, some later than others (especially out west, where driving 50 miles for lunch is not uncommon). There are many other examples. How did Eisenhower call out the National Guard for the invasion of LIT (Little Rock, AR)? Supposedly only the governor can do that. Etc. Best regards, RA1
  11. Here you go praising AL for freeing the slaves when it was really LBJ. Do you deny that it is the American way to build public narratives and pay off Congress critters? A long ago but early in my career example is the double nickel which was imposed by the federalies on the states. Best regards, RA1
  12. https://nypost.com/2018/03/17/how-mcconnell-and-chao-used-political-power-to-make-their-family-rich/
  13. I don't know if Jones can take down McConnell but someone needs to do so. The rally cry should be his family connections to China. Best regards, RA1
  14. State's rights have been stomped almost into oblivion. However, what you suggest must be correct. There have been no slave uprisings of which I am aware in the US any time recently. Best regards, RA1
  15. I shouldn't have thought that it would take "all night" to cross Scotland by rail but, of course, if one starts in the south of England (London) then traversing two "countries" might indeed take that long. I once took a train from Newcastle to Cheltenham which pretty much goes from NE England to SW England but that took only a few hours (3 or so). And, no, I did not bring any coals when I arrived in Newcastle, only a little airplane. Trains are amazing and so is Scotland. Best regards, RA1
  16. Every other place in the world has one or more problems, maybe just not "this" problem. I don't look at the second amendment as a right to own guns so much as a "freedom right". Most of those "other" countries don't have the freedom that we do. Why else would many of them wish to move here? Just to be a victim of a shooting? I am glad to have an open discussion about this issue. As said before I am in favor of protecting our children (and other citizens). However, remember that once when I was annoyed at work by MADD soliciting funds I told the lady that I am in favor of drinking. She hung up in a huff. Best regards, RA1
  17. I am very sympathetic to the idea of stopping gun violence and especially as regards children. However, what do they or anyone think can really be done to accomplish this? New laws will not work. It is already illegal to shoot or kill anyone. Our constitutional rights can easily be at risk. Some have suggested turning schools into a variation of airports. As one should know, this is mainly window dressing and not really effective. Just look at the number of guns and other illegal weapons that get through during any test of the TSA. This could be a constitutional issue were it not for the fact that airline travel is not a right. Going to school seems to be a right. I don't have a solution either but I am very leery of any that are likely to be proposed. Best regards, RA1
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/wonder/top-5-thoughts-by-stephen-hawking/vi-BBKj3f5
  19. RA1

    Question for AS

    The grass is always greener................ Why do we worry so much about what is between the neck and feet when the real turn-on is between the ears? Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1

    Question for AS

    So, you think sex and alcohol should be the only things on campus? I was watching March Madness and admiring Grayson Allen when I remembered that you are a native Tar Heel. Otherwise, just a random thought. Best regards, RA1
  21. Why did you forsake your homies, the Blue Devils? It has had such luminaries as Grayson (you wanna fuck?) Allen. Sincerely this place seems loaded with friendlies. Best regards, RA1
  22. And I thought footmen had a certain fetish. Live and learn. Best regards, RA1
  23. RA1

    The Organ

    Went to SB, IN several years ago and saw AL lose to ND. Very interesting to see the "old style" stadium and "Touchdown Jesus" . Regardless, liked the choir. Best regards, RA1
  24. There Is no doubt that we cannot have enough beauty in this world. I am hoping that no wall can keep beauty out. Best regards, RA1
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