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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Charlie- I think it makes a great deal of difference how you die. Look at the limitations again. If you are bed ridden for 6 or more months, how you die takes away many if not all of the opportunities to do things before you die, even if you know when. That plus the rest of it makes me not wanting to know any of it. Best regards, RA1
  2. Disregard. Why would I want to know any of this information? With the additional limitations mentioned, planning would likely be a waste of time, would it not? Best regards, RA1
  3. RA1


    One or more of our retirement plans might show us the way to San Jose, Costa Rica. Best regards, RA1 Otherwise, isn't this on the left coast?
  4. RA1

    Math Problem

    I think it very likely you would have much better luck getting an escort to quote Elizabeth Barrett Browning rather than solving a differential equation. However, somewhere out there must be a left brain escort who can accommodate you. Interesting comment. Best regards, RA1
  5. If I had wanted "mother's milk" on a regular basis as an adult, I would have been hetero. Best regards, RA1
  6. As a possibly interesting aside, I have seen it argued that in the US it costs more in dollars to put someone to death than it does to imprision them for life. That would partly be based upon the endless mandatory appeals, the "special" housing, the additional appointment of attorneys, etc. In other words, the "machinery" of our justice system. It is the real world practice of perhaps letting one guilty man go free to avoid executing an innocent one. Certainly we have a plethora of human foibles built into our justice system. Eye witnesses are all too often wrong or can be persuaded by the prosecution or defense or both. I think today often it takes several eye witnesses to convict someone. Regardless of all that, we are advancing rather well technologically. DNA evidence in general is very persuasive to me. Best regards, RA1
  7. That is what I meant. Best regards, RA1
  8. Charlie- Although I dearly love the OZies and the Kiwis they are in the middle of nowhere (or we are). Let's face it, we love the place we live now (if we freely chose it) and like to visit elsewhere but don't want to live there. Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1

    Baseball So Soon?

    HS and college seasons are well under way. They have to finish before MLB is barely going well. That fact has made me wonder before how any team based very far north of FL, TX, SOCAL, AZ and that line could really ever be contenders for the CWS. And, I don't think there are any or very many. Best regards, RA1 FB and BB are my favorite seasons. Basketball is just something to do in between.
  10. Where has this gal been all this time? There have been speed traps whose primary aim was revenue as long as I can remember (Henry and I used to race). True this reputation was largely in small towns but with the advent of radar, "mobile" speed traps had come to the big city. No longer was it necessary for a squad car to "clock" or match the speed of another car while both were on the move. A car with radar could be set up most anywhere, stop a half dozen speeders and be miles away doing the same thing in a very few minutes. I am not a fan of being technologically "spied" upon but, in a way, those devices are fairer than a cop with a radar gun. They are capable of generating tickets for each and every speeder (or traffic signal red light runner)with no allowance for friends, neighbors, pretty girls or pretty boys, etc. As the article suggests, the "leadership" of various communities may or may not be responsive to where such devices need to be placed and for fair speed limits (and fair traffic signal changing rates)to be extant. However, they should respond to "popular" complaint. One has to complain, frequently and often, however. Best regards, RA1
  11. This was very funny and I NEEDED a laugh today. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
  12. When can we get together and do some non-political tomfoolery? Best regards, RA1
  13. Of course, we are on the road to ruin. Weaker is just a variation of this. And, it has been thus since the beginning of the revolution or the origins of the US (et al). We consistently seem to have lost our values of helping each other, letting others continue with their own life styles, being afraid of "big government", etc., etc. Personally I have no faith in MS. Palin. She seems to be just another pol looking after herself while spouting BS which she hopes will appeal to the conservatives among us. I do not look forward to her being a so called candidate for the US presidency. I also do not look forward to having BO continue. I hate to say it but we apparently need a third party who will look after the folks who are working and have some equity in our future but are not obscenely wealthy, all too often at the expense of the rest of us. I realize this all may be hopeless but we must try, mustn't we? Best regards, RA1
  14. It shouldn't be in the political forum but on everyone's refrigerator door (if that were possible). I miss Red Skelton and I definitely miss "old fashioned" patriotism. Best regards, RA1
  15. We might all have different requirements for our traveling "home away from home". Personally I have been very pleased with the Marriott Residence Inns because I want a fair amount of "room", but, mainly a kitchen. After 3,000 nights traveling, I am tired of restaurant food and wish to do my own cooking. Therefore, I am pleased by being able to "spread out", get on free wifi, have many things in the frig and cook my own meal. However, I am very willing to admit, that is just me. Best regards, RA1
  16. Expedia has a standard room listed for $107. Best regards, RA1
  17. RA1

    Super Bowl Time

    I certainly am no singer but I have been told that the SSB is one of the toughest songs to perform BUT that does not mean one can take liberty with the words (where is the teleprompter or index cards or ink on the hands?). It has been butchered many, many times by various performers and, you may have noticed, today, few have musical accompaniment because they are unable to hit the notes. I have to suppose if it were not for the "honor" of performing at such venues any "smart" performer would demur. However, smart may not be part of their repertoire. Best regards, RA1 PS---GB won and I was wrong and not for the first or last time.
  18. RA1

    Super Bowl Time

    Mentioning that you will watch the game but very early in the morning reminded me that during one super bowl broadcast I was in Christchurch, NZ. They rely heavily upon satellite TV coverage there but the game was only slated to be broadcast at one or more bars. Now, I have nothing against watching a game at a bar but the broadcast was going to be on Monday at about 1230 PM local time, a bit early to be drinking for me. The hotel we were in very kindly arranged to have a technition send the game to one of our rooms. I don't remember the game but I do remember the circumstances and having lunch while watching. Yes, noon thirty Monday in NZ would be a live broadcast and the same time as 630 PM EST Sunday. Best regards, RA1
  19. RA1

    Super Bowl Time

    Many, if not most, super bowls have not been "good" games but I am hoping this one will be. I am picking the Steelers. Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1


    Isn't the US the perpetual "whipping boy"? No matter who we support, when they go out we are blamed and often regardless of whether they go out or not. If we support change or support the current administration, we are still "wrong" in the eyes of so many. I think we are saying the same thing in different ways. I completely agree we shall not know the "real" result for some time to come. Best regards, RA1
  21. RA1


    MS Guy- I hope you are mainly correct. The army does seem to be trying to remain somewhat "neutral". Very likely it will take more than a few days or weeks to know what has really happened. Lucky- Isn't Giuliani pretty much a one trick pony? Best regards, RA1
  22. Charlie- In Memphis we generally do have more than one tornado alerts or warnings during the "season" but we have many more violent thunderstorms than tornados. I know from experience and from the reports of friends who live in CA that one becomes "accustomed" to the reality of small or larger earthquakes. However, msny of those folks have had at least minor damage to their dwellings from such without any real fear of being "hurt" physically. Tornadoes usually destroy whatever in a path and not much more. There are obvious similarities. One might suggest that everyone just take their choice, so to speak. I am used to the thunderstorms and the occasional tornado and am perfectly willing to abandon ship if one approaches too close but that seldom happens. I have been "on alert" personally a very few times but have never actually done anything beyond being alert. Regional weather or climate information is there for anyone to view and decide for themselves what is "reasonable" to deal with. I am happy dealing with the local weather and I am sure you are happy dealing with your local situation. A toast to whatever. Best regards, RA1
  23. Yes, I enjoyed Andy Pettite, especially during his term with the NYY. I was not happy when he was traded and amazed when he returned. He certainly had a wonderful spirit for BB and will not soon be forgotten. Best regards, RA1
  24. RA1


    What is the difference between "interferring" in another country's politics in "favor" of a dictator and in favor of a possible theocracy or something completely unknown but very likely that will not be favorable to the US, Israel and the world? Or, to put it another way, if you really mean to allow "them" to choose and do whatever they want, let them do so. There are those who suggest that BO provided the "spark" for the current protests. There are some who think this will be another "Carter" by BO as in Iran with "another" country lost to being friendly to the US. Does anyone actually think the Iran result is a good one? I mean that for them as well as for us. Control is control and a dictatorship is a dictatorship whether grounded in one person's ego or a theocracy and its' own brand of ego. I will certainly listen to other opinions. I hope you will do the same. Best regards, RA1
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