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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Target as a store has some good points as well as negative ones. That is an economic comment, not a political one. I wish they would do better but I also wish many other companies would do better. How do we accomplish this? Best regards, RA1
  2. Just to be the usual carmudgeon and "conservative", MSguy and others seem to recognize that the "powers that be" are not necessarily in our best interests. There are SO MANY examples of this to include the TSA, HSA and many others that I do not understand why "others" are not totally against the current regime (meaning not only BO but others) as well as pols in general, as they appear to be today. Sorry to be so negative. Best regards, RA1
  3. I sent BD wishes on the "other" site but now realize you are a BD boy on St. Pat's day + one. Any significance to that? Are you green with envy or for any other reason? Just kidding. Personally, I avoid any "celebrations" of the anniversary of my BD but, unfortunately, remember it myself each and every year; however, the alternative is not on my list of things to do anytime soon. Best regards, RA1
  4. The Thai drivers seem just like the ones I encounter every day here in MEM. One must be constantly alert for lane changes, "unusual" speeders, cell phone talking narcoleptics and "others". Sounds like a "normal" day to me. Best regards, RA1
  5. Philosophically speaking, is it "worse" to be a Doubting Thomas or Judas Iscariot? Just asking. Best regards, RA1
  6. A good movie is a good movie and a good book is a good book. Everyone has to choose for themselves which they prefer. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
  7. Which of us do you suspect of sending you that invitation? Of course, I don't know your private email address, so I plead not guilty. Isn't it common advice to refrain from using the unsubscribe "feature" which allows the sender to verify the email address? Just asking. Best regards, RA1
  8. There are probably plenty of other examples of how to make this worse but I will mention two. The AVI's vehicles drive on the "wrong" side of the road but have the steering wheel on the LH side. And, of course, the ubiquitous USPS vehicles with RH drive on the "correct" side of the US roads. It is bad enough to be on the "other" side of the road when visiting another country or area but at least in most the steering wheel and controls are a constant reminder. Not so with LH drive and a different side of the road. Best regards, RA1
  9. I have seen drivers here stop, more or less, in the middle of the street, exit their vehicles and duke it out. I guess it relieves their tensions. I have heard it said that there are 8 million cars driving around in Manhattan looking for one of the 7 million places to park. I have this image of 1 million cars (at least) in constant motion M-F. I once had business many years ago at 30 Rock and a friend drove me in. We parked in a garage across the street where I was amused to listen to my friend tell the attendant, to not bury it and we will be back in about an hour or so. We were back in about 45 minutes and paid the guy as I recall about 15-20 bucks. This was at least 15 years ago. Part of that was the parking fee and part of it was for not burying the car. Best regards, RA1
  10. If this guy weren't a "star" his story would barely make a small mention in a local paper. He obviously has problems but how many performers don't and aren't they magnified by the attendant publicity? I listened to a so called friend of his last night on talk radio claim he had been "clean" for a long time until recently when he started hanging out with the "wrong" crowd. The wrong crowd will do it every time, won't it? Best regards, RA1
  11. I don't think I said this works for everybody, just me. Also, I certainly am not about to claim that various characterazations by certain actors were not superior in and of themselves. However, movies have limitations and my imagination doesn't seem to have very many. Best regards, RA1
  12. I don't recall ever seeing a movie of a book that I had read and thought to be good or better being nearly as good as the book. My conversion via imagination of what I thought the author meant seems nearly perfect (for me) whereas the director of a movie is "showing" his interpretation or at least not necessarily mine. Best regards, RA1 The movie has plenty of flaws. I just liked the line.
  13. Oh, to be young, AND double jointed. I enjoyed this. Best regards, RA1
  14. MSGuy-- Remember, I am the resident curmudgeon. Best regards, RA1
  15. Interesting comment, caeron. I,too, was intriqued by the "idea" of this house from the first time I knew of it but I always wondered how anyone could "live" in it. However, I have never seen it in person, so I appreciate your comment. Best regards. RA1
  16. Very interesting. And, all this time, I thought 90% of our local traffic jams were caused by "rubber-neckers". (It is.) Best regards, RA1
  17. I watched this movie (again) last night and (again) was amused by the self description of the National Security Advisor to the president. "I am a politician, so when I am not kissing babies, I am stealing their lollipops. The point is I like to keep my options open." I realize this is not strictly a political comment but the quote does talk about politicians. Best regards, RA1
  18. Remember: They hire the rejects from these stores to be TSA agents. Best regards, RA1
  19. Not so sure Charlie Sheen is "getting away with" speaking his mind but, if left up to me, you are certainly welcome to do so. I certainly understand each and every one of your "rants". On "bad" days I am very likely to feel much the same way. I also have no kin that will succeed or survive me for very long and I used to think, there is nothing I can do and it doesn't matter (to me) anyway. But, I now know several younger guys who I do wish to "have a future" and that means I have to do my best to participate in whatever it takes to allow them to do so. So, from a friend standpoint, I do have a stake in whatever happens. They won't have the benefit of all the good stuff (and bad stuff) that I have learned once I am gone but, in the meantime, they do, for whatever it is worth. Besides, when the world ends or "rapture" comes along, we all have to account for "everything", don't we? Best regards, RA1
  20. Hooray for the citizens. They aren't as dumb as they look or act (sometimes), are they? I find that many even very many of the "ordinary" folks I work with are very well informed, at least about their opinions. They may be "wrong" but they can articulate and explain their views; ditto, when they are "right". One problem with human nature and Americans in particular is the tendency to just go along when they aren't hungry, out of work or sufficiently annoyed by pols and "others". Slow to anger. Live and let live. All cliches that many Americans have lived by for now centuries. Things are changing world wide and, as always, not necessarily for the better. Being aware of a problem is always the first step in solving it, isn't it? Best regards, RA1
  21. I know I am hanging out with the wrong people. First, I thought the author cited was Charles Gerber, especially after I saw the baby; then, when I read the piece, it said she said, meaning Charles. That put me into a different orbit, although I should be completely used to he's and she's being one and the same or whichever by now. Bleach and hot water are wonderful for killing germs but hell on colors. Best regards, RA1
  22. I have been told by more than one straight friend that there is "nothing like a reformed Morman, as a snow bunny", whatever that might mean. I have to think that "reformed" Mormans of whatever stripe are glad to be free of whatever they think is constraining them, religion or other things. That is not necessarily all good but I prefer to not judge. Best regards, RA1
  23. As the resident curmudgeon, I don't trust anyone to draw those lines. What I want is my friends and family + the attending to decide, if any of them are still alive when I go. Best regards, RA1
  24. RA1

    R.I.P. Jane Russell

    I, too, hate to see MS. Russell pass. She was/is one of my favorites. TY---Don't you mean lack of immortality? You always had pending mortality, no? Best regards, RA1
  25. I have been asked once or twice if I am having a bad day (before a flight) apparently under the idea that a passenger likely won't affect more than him or herself while having a bad day but the pilot could affect the whole plane load of passengers. My reply is basically a variation of my announcement when we arrive back at the home airport. "Be careful driving home; the safest part of your trip is now over." To carry the "how" to an extreme. Suppose I told you today that you have 5 years to the minute to live. You now know the "when". You start thinking of "things" to do. However, tomorrow you are diagnosed with an incurable disease; one of the nasty cancers or MS or ALS, etc. Now, you also know you will be in misery or worse for 5 bleeping years. Not a pleasant prospect to me. I certainly understand your point but I have not been persuaded to be unhappy not knowing anything more than I already know. Best regards, RA1
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