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I could have gone all day, possibly all week, all month or even the rest of my life without knowing about this. And, I didn't even look at the video, just read about it. Or maybe Best regards, RA1
I have tried to have an "arrangement" with spiders, wasps, etc. and that is, if they leave me alone, I will try to do the same; after all, they have their place in nature. I have not been able to accomplish the same arrangement with Jehovah's Witlesses. Best regards, RA1
Enjoyed the joke. Even though I am not a hockey fan, good luck to the Canucks tonight. Best regards, RA1
The posters have given advice geared mostly to their individual personalities. Here is one more. Because you enjoyed your job I think it likely you will soon be bored with not working. You are not traditionally old enough to quit or to want to quit working. If you can substitute something else for working, why not make it profitable as well? Personally, I have no thought of retiring, I could not enjoy not working. But, I enjoy my job as you stated that you did. As time has passed, I seldom work 7 days a week any longer/364 days a year. Christmas Day is the only day I have never worked and/or been out of the country. I am not suggesting that you or anyone else do the same. As initially stated, these posts are mainly personal situations. Good luck. Best regards, RA1
Although I am not quite that old, I found a treasure trove of Tom Swift books in the attic of one of my realitives, probably my great uncles or grandparents, and was fascinated reading them. I must have been 10-12 years old and the thought of an electric rifle and all those other "inventions" really appealed to me. Best regards, RA1
I listened to an interview with Dale Brown a few days ago. I was singularly unimpressed with his aeronautical acumen, at least as presented that night. He has credentials but he was a bomber/navigator in the USAF, not a pilot. That is not a slight but merely a fact. I,too have had "trouble" getting into the books he has written that I have tried to read. Best regards, RA1
AT&T used operators, especially long distance operators at least into the 1960's according to my memory. My grandmother's sister aka my great aunt was a LD operator which was an elite position because they had to do so much "stuff" especially on international calls. I am sure several posters herein recall how high LD calls were up until fairly recently. 45 cents per minute was a "cheaper" rate and then steadily less until today, many have a fixed fee for almost unlimited minutes and we think nothing of calling anywhere in the US or even the world, just for fun. Best regards, RA1
I think he posted on the "other" site a few days ago. I think he has just been busy or, as they say, otherwise engaged. Best regards, RA1
I didn't realize we were being paid to post on this site. How remiss of me. Best regards, RA1
I am not sure that I understand your point, Lurker. Were you comparing and contrasting the "happy endings" one might receive from a massage to this car advert? Or, were you lamenting the fact and belief, held by all pet lovers, that it is a very sad occasion when one's pet must be put down? I have had to put down three of my beloved pets but I could not stand to see them suffering any longer and we have that "privilege and responsibility" with our pets that we do not, as yet, have with our human loved ones. I wish all of us, to include myself, a happy ending to this life but I do not know how or when it will end and I think neither does anyone else. Best regards, RA1
Thanks for the reply and for sharing your experience. I think you may have had the "best" of what could be expected. Best regards, RA1
I think you know better than I do that US Jews and Israeli nationals are interconnected far more than other nationalities living within the US. Therefore it does not surprise me that Israelis in whatever form would try to influence US politics, one way or another. The US was a proponent in the formation of Israel in the 40's. Should we just abandon them now? I realize many "political" iterations have come and gone since then but they have been staunch allies to us; should we not be the same to them? I don't think the Israelis are trying to have all US and world citizens become Jews, unlike some of their neighbors who seem to be trying to make all world citizens become Muslims. I have no problem with "others" making their views known in public forums. That is part of the American "way", is it not? I do object to "secret" funding of various political groups by person or persons unknown. Are you accusing the Israelis of doing that? Just curious. Best regards, RA1 Yes, I can imagine the uproar if BO made such a statement.
Interesting viewpoint. Thanks for posting. Reputedly, many adult males have difficulty being circumsized as adults, meaning a not lengthy but somewhat prolonged period of pain. What was your experience, if you don't mind sharing? Best regards, RA1
Thanks for the "peaceful" reply. I don't have a clue as to why you think I jumped to any conclusion about medical care, either here or in Canada. I am very much in favor of "enough" pain Rx to make one comfortable during "whatever". Please don't be so willing to assign blame for whatever. Best regards, RA1
I don't think this situation is unusual. Our vision changes as we age. Eventually, we are likely to need two prescriptions. Therefore, RK for "older" folks MIGHT eliminate one Rx or the other but not both. Sometimes we can choose to see OK with our far vision but need reading glasses to read. By that I mean with such as RK. Or, vice versa. Personally, I have been prescribed tri-focals. That sounds very intense but I can see my computer without any vision aid and I am now typing without glasses. A couple of years ago, I passed my FAA exam for near and far vision without using glasses. That was so even though I then had an Rx for tri-focals. My conclusion is that vision is like hair; one might have a bad hair day and also have a bad vision day and the next day might be entirely different. My opthamologist was not especially appreciative of this remark during my last eye exam but his nurse spoke up and said, of course. Naturally, I do not fly without being able to see well. Best regards, RA1
Very sorry to see Mr. Arness go but I have to think he did very well for himself. DDC aka Dodge City, KS is still a very small town and not likely to be very lawless; it also is not likely to have the many "dramatic" episodes now or even then that the series portrayed. Never mind, I enjoyed them all. Don't forget Mr. Arness was "The Thing" in a movie of the same name. Best regards, RA1
Did Dr. K leave this mortal coil "naturally" or was he assisted? I have not read that so far but I think he was in pain near the end and might have been a candidate for his own "advice". It seems the guy in MUCH pain was in Canada. Was he? I am not seeking to indict socialized Rx but this does not speak well for it. Ditto, uncaring and ignorant folks elsewhere, especially the US. His story was poignant. I have to think he would not have survived very long 100 years ago, plus or minus. I am somewhat forced to think that modern medicine does not cure one so much as it provides a longer period of time for Mother Nature to "take over" and do the heavy lifting. Regardless, we all potentially benefit. Best regards, RA1
Is the toilet made by the same folks who brought the $500 hammer to the US military? Do you have to have a child show you how to use the Zippo lighter? Usually, child-proof or in the new lexicon, child resistant items can only be worked successfully BY a child. Best regards, RA1
Apparently there is plenty of blame to go around for this entire fiasco. Once the "fight" started and the captain decided to dump fuel, the flight was going nowhere very far away. Airline pilots carry "portable" handcuffs aka tie wraps, usually in their hats, to restrain folks like one or both of these guys. Why did they not use them? Once there was an "official" problem and because they were in the vicinity of DC, it is not surprising that fighters were launched. No fighters likely would have been sent if this had been Des Moines, IA. All of the passengers were inconvenienced, UA dumped a lot of fuel, did not complete their trip, had to re-shuffle an entire crew and no one was arrested? One or both of those guys need to cool their heels a little while in a jail cell while they try to figure out how they are going to pay for the cost to UA, if not the military, etc. Best regards, RA1
Interesting article. I hate to bring this up but isn't there a tremendous difference between a cure and say a vaccine? Both seem far away at the moment. Even with a vaccine, what are the chances that it will be 100% successful? We have an influenza vaccine but people still get the flu, even those that were innoculated. We don't have either a cure or a vaccine for the common cold, another illness caused by a virus. We all know the precautions for avoiding a cold but they are still everyday and common. It strikes me that the human race will have to do things it has never been willing to do before, even with a cure and/or vaccine to really eradicate HIV. Best regards, RA1
Not a thing. Again, I was just using a little, apparently a very little, word play. Board-bored. Around- a round. Get it? Best regards, RA1
Just how bored are you? OK, please remember I was just kidding on both of my posts on this thread and they had nothing to do with Lucky personally. Just going for a play on words. Best regards, RA1
Is Lucky still a round ....what? I know I am more round than I want to be. Best regards, RA1
Well, the series is tied at one each. Who shall win the rubber? Best regards, RA1
Perhaps BBB wants you to explain what the more that does not meet the eye in the "this" he printed in the post is. Best regards, RA1