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Everything posted by RA1
The Iowa straw vote garnered no delegates and thus was just a popularity contest. If MS. Bachman, who grew up in Iowa, spent a lot of time there soliciting these votes and no doubt spent the most money, did not win, she would definitely be out of the running. Not so sure she is in the running anyway. It is a long way to the Fall of 2012. Best regards, RA1
Was Flying Down to Rio before or after the "road" movies? The picture looks like something Hope, Crosby, etc. would have included in one of the road movies. Best regards, RA1 Otherwise, I don't have the legs for such an entrance.
Maybe not bat shit but merely on a different planet. Best regards, RA1
ihpguy- I am more than sure that you are correct. This comment may be about 10 years or so out of date but at that time it was commonly said that to live in NYC the first 25,000 was just a "living tax", meaning the extra cost of being in NYC. Many large cities around the world have the same "tax" and Rio and others in Brazil doubtless are the same. It seems that where ever there is a lot of "activity" there is inflation, one way or another. However, Brazil does have a lot going for it at present. A seemingly stable government, an increasing economy, large, recently discovered oil reserves, a reduced dependance upon oil, an aviation industry and many "forward" looking investors, business persons, etc. Sounds like a good place to be. As a pilot and aviation business person, I wonder what my opportunities might be? If the US economy "tanks" I might have to find out. Now where is my Rosetta Stone Portuguese language lesson? Best regards, RA1
And, unanswered? Best regards, RA1
Perhaps we could put a smile on his face? Nice looking lad. Best regards, RA1
Oink. JK. I have very deep emotions or feelings but am not a very demonstrative person. I suppose that comes from years of traveling the world alone. Best regards, RA1
I KNOW the 18 yo guy was pissed and everyone who wanted to know, knew it. Best regards, RA1
Are you suggesting we walk instead of drive? Certainly that would be better exercise. I always feel safe. I never feel safe. A connundrum? Actually, it is just a life practice. I keep moving, rarely staying more than a day or so and mostly less in any one place. Of course, that is made easier by my job description. Best regards, RA1
As a boy, I was entranced by Asimov, especially the I, Robot series. I like the list and see there are a few on it that I NEED to read. Best regards, RA1
Yes, the gang of 60. Resented by many but loyally supported by FS. Most are retired or dead by now. It has been said many times that FS was/is a victim of the Peter Principle and should have stepped aside many years ago. In other words a great entrepreneur but not a good manager. However, it is difficult to depose someone with that many shares of stock and who is not yet ready to leave; not impossible, but difficult. FEDEX has survived a downturn or two since those kinds of thoughts were circulated, so, maybe he is a better manager than some suppose OR he is listening to those who are. Best regards, RA1
I have lived in MEM all of my life so this was not before then. I contacted a friend at FEDEX who confirmed your account. So sorry for FS as well as the victim. No one ever wins in these situations. Actually, I had an office at MEM before FEDEX moved here from LIT. I remember when they were trolling for pilots and one had to show up with all of their VA benefits available in order to get the Falcon 20 type rating and then, apply for a job at FEDEX. Not everyone who did so was hired. I personally know of a P3 driver who, after getting out of the military, did all that but was not hired immediately. He took another job as a general aviation insurance underwriter which allowed him to continue to fly. Several months later, FEDEX offered him a job which he refused stating that he had been hired elsewhere and would stay with those that hired him. I have always admired him for that, even though most likely it cost him money in the long run. Best regards, RA1
At least it wasn't being repossessed by the people of France. Best regards, RA1
Do those comments make you a Princetonian? Best regards, RA1 Never heard those rumors and you KNOW how small MEM is, gossipwise. However, I did see him in the congregation of Christ Methodist when Mrs. Kemmons Wilson passed away.
As most of these replies seem to be tongue in cheek, I hope yours are also, Lucky. Fred Smith is the CEO and principal stockholder of FEDEX Corp. I am unaware of any of his driving habits. He is the largest employer in the MEM area and an ex-marine, as well as a pilot, although I have no idea how current. Best regards, RA1
I am amazed at the MEM statistic. I thought we shot more folks than that on a Saturday night. Wait, this is traffic fatalities, isn't it? I thought I-240 aka the race track, killed that many on a bad week-end. The speed limit on 240 is 55. If you drive 65, you will pass no one. At 70, you will pass a few and at 75, you are basically keeping up with the pack but not passing "everyone". Isn't 20-25 over the speed limit an automatic reckless driving in most states? Actually, the stat is slightly improving. There have been more than 100 traffic fatalities in MEM for at least 50 years and, of course, today there are many more cars driving many more miles. Perhaps the congestion is slowing them down enough to preculde many deaths, accidents notwithstanding? I wonder how the count drive by shootings? Best regards, RA1
And, hurry; before they stop taking USD. Best regards, RA1
Wasn't that the original intent, to have citizen lawmakers? Now we have professional polititicans whose thoughts and words and deeds are crafted by their staff and lobbyists. We need part time "amateurs" who are not feeding off the public trough and running popularity contests. Best regards, RA1
That is under the present "system". If you are a one term Congress critter, why should anyone think you continue to have any influence? Already there are movements being floated to limit the ability of ex-government employees of any sort to work for private industry, especially any that had any dealings with your department or sphere of influence. Again, if one is limited to one term, why should there be an lingering influence? Best regards, RA1 In addition, if Congress critters who are limited to one term come to a consensus, aka compromise, how bad can it be?
And, the negative part of this is............? Best regards, RA1
As is the plan of the Democrats, but in a different way. We cannot all work for the government. Some have to have "real" jobs and pay those taxes that provide "fodder" for the government to be able to pay those who don't work or have real jobs. Do you think that "rich" folks made their money with the "help" of the government or in spite of it? Obviously, there are members of both groups but the ones who made it with the help of government did it through lobbyists or bills passed to promote various activities. That means that Congress critters participated. Shame on them. For instance, is there any reason to have tax relief for the fact that oil is a limited commodity? If, in fact, there is a certain amount of oil in the earth, then why not provide tax relief through a depletion allowance? The answer is both political as well as economical. If there is plenty of oil and the oil companies are making profits beyond belief, then perhaps there is no or limited reason for a depletion allowance. However, so far, the Congress critters have allowed for same. If you disagree, vote them out. In fact, I am in favor of voting them all out anyway and starting over, with term limits and sunset laws. Best regards, RA1
Thanks for your reply. What I meant by the military is not able to do that now is that they cannot feed, house and provide medical treatment for $2500 a month. Never mind the $500 into a savings account every month. Brazil looks better and better and not just for the guys there. Maybe they can use a pilot. Best regards, RA1
Enjoyed this. I would have liked to have seen more than just them walking onto the stage but it is rather impressive to be able to gather this many stars in one place at one time. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
I guess it is a moot point now. The IRS has said no refunds and just left the money in limbo or I should say in the hands of the airlines that collected it IF they had not already paid it to the Treasury. It seems that Congress can make the FET retroactive which seems illegal as well as wrong. I would hate for them to tell me that I had to pay even 1% in increased taxes from the day I started working though today. Best regards, RA1