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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Very sad indeed. And, I know of no way of knowing if the authorities have the correct person in custody or not. How can anyone in the public tell? Of course, the retainee is a previous felon and caught on video but is that conclusive? Good enough for me but then I don't know any of the "hidden" details. Lurker--- How can any of us know what to do in all of the various situations and what good is a paper trail if one is found dead? The best result is the arrest and legal sanction of the perp but how does that help the victim? It obviously might help the next victim but that might be scant consolation to the family and friends of the current one. I am not pointing fingers but merely trying to figure out what the deal is and how we can improve it. Best regards, RA1
  2. Lurker- I have to agree. Best regards, RA1
  3. Yes, hardcore, softcore and in person all have their place. And, yes, it depends upon one's mood and situation at the moment. Best regards, RA1
  4. RA1

    Walter Isaacson

    For once, we completely agree. I have enjoyed the biographies of both Albert and Ben, although I have to admit they read like very readable term papers. I have not read the SJ book and have no plans to do so at the moment. That may change. Best regards, RA1
  5. Low heat + patience is the key. A little milk + butter also is good. Best regards, RA1
  6. It depends. Yes, I think they can be dangerous if one puts too much stock into them and the "reading" has unfavorable portents. But, why do you ask? Best regards, RA1
  7. Ouija boards are dangerous, so, just be careful. Best regards, RA1
  8. This looks like the guy in LIT, Little Rock, AR who was chastised for annoying his neighbors and causing traffic jams for miles around during his Christmas lighting display. It is a strange situation. In the first place, I am all for allowing folks to do their own thing. But, I am also in favor of not annoying one's neighbors. Somewhere in between is a compromise for all or so I hope. Live and let live seems a good deal to me. Best regards, RA1
  9. I have read both of the biographies by Walter Isaacson of Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. I thought them very good and I enjoyed them but they reminded me of a term paper. There was redundancy and all too many listed references. I consider many of those not necessary in a "modern" account of long dead illuminaries. Therefore I view his biography of Steve Jobs with a little caution. Not that I think he is insincere or covering up "negative" items, just that he might be a little too close to the subject and perhaps treating the subject all too "academically", so to speak. I have not read the book. After and when I do, I shall report on my feelings then, if anyone cares. In the meantime, let us just cruise along with our personal thoughts about life in general and deal with life as it exists and we know it today. Best regards, RA1
  10. Is the Steve Jobs depicted on 60 Minutes yesterday anyone you would want to meet or have as a friend? He was portrayed as cheap, vindictive, hard to get along with and possessing several other negative qualities. Also, there is no doubt that he could sell ice to a native Alaskan but that just makes him a snake oil salesman, doesn't it? Also, how do you feel about money putting him to the head of a list to "buy" a liver? Of course, he isn't the first to do this, Mickey Mantle comes to mind as one, and I do not begrudge him another 1-2 years of life but I personally had an employee who got 20+ years of extended life with a transplanted liver, raised a child and had a successful marriage, all without benefit of having lots of money or public acclaim. He might have prevented another such from this benefit. Someone suggested in another post something about speaking ill of the dead. I have to suppose he means something akin to not kicking a dog when he is down because we all frequently speak ill of the dead. For instance and not comparing these folks to Steve Jobs but Hitler, Stalin and many, many other political as well as business folks, etc., etc. I guess what I am trying to say is that great products do not necessarily make a great man, do they? Best regards, RA1
  11. Are you the one on the left or right? I would say left. Best regards, RA1
  12. Is this not true of most any identifiable group? Blacks, whites, Irish, Ozzies, you name it, if pushed hard enough they all are "sensitive", aren't they (we)? Know any gay folks who take rather instant offense at remarks? Other than everyone on this and other MB's? Do you have a pill to cure human nature or shall you try psychoanalysis? Best regards, RA1
  13. RA1

    TIN TIN ??

    Rin Tin Tin? JK. I have heard of Tintin but don't know much about it. Best regards, RA1
  14. I did not know of Dennis Ritchie and have not so far bought or used any products of Steve Jobs. However, in capitalist USA I have to think both those who can sell a product and those who can invent same are very much to be applauded; perhaps not to the extent of their egos but, still applauded. I do know that they are both human beings and have the attributes and negatives of all of us. I have to think that Thomas Edison who had plenty of faults of his own was not in the same league as these guys but far above. But, things were very different then and now. It could be similar to comparing Babe Ruth to Mark McGuire. They both set records for home runs but in some ways they are not similar at all. Times change. As far as I am concerned we can all honor every one of these folks for what they accomplished but not elevate them to "sainthood" or anything similar. Best regards, RA1
  15. RA1

    New York's Finest

    Just curious, but how did he manage to stop you? Was he in uniform and you recognized that he was indeed one of PSP's finest? Around here the cops just ignore you if you are only going about 10 MPH over the speed limit and if you are "camped" in the passing lane, they just go around you, much to the annoyance of law abiding motorists. Generally, if you pull in front of them as you describe they just ignore it. Once, while departing from the terminal area of the airport, I mistakenly thought the 4 lane street I was entering had a "joining" lane but it did not at that very point. I accidentally pulled in front of a patrol car which followed me about 1/2 mile and pulled me over. After fussing at me for a few minutes and smelling my breath and, no doubt, observing me for possible drug use, they let me go. I did not endanger them or their car, more or less like what I assume you did. Between and among civilians hereabouts, if there is a "nuisance" traffic situation such as pulling right in front of someone, the various cars involved just pull off the road and "duke" it out. For the young and headstrong, a fairly satisfactory method of relieving tension. Otherwise, most who are not readily identifiable as cops are reluctant to interfere with others. After all, we have a "carry" law here. Best regards, RA1
  16. I "complained" about the time settings because there is no such thing as 0600PM. Also, I would prefer the time to be in military time, used most everywhere except the US to avoid confusion. No such setting for either in the "drop down" menu. Apparently the program requires a 4 digit display for the time and it would be simple enough for 2 PM to be displayed as 1400 rather than 0200PM which is silly and confusing. However, no doubt I will stumble through and manage. Best regards, RA1
  17. Care to share how you managed to lose 130 pounds? It would be an inspriation to several of us and especially if you mention how you plan to keep it off, not an easy task. I know of many of the foibles of the human race personally and therefore am not making any kind of fun of your situation, merely asking a question. Thanks for your reply and consideration. Best regards, RA1
  18. I wouldn't know, having never been one myself. Best regards, RA1
  19. Translating Portuguese definitely could be useful to various posters on this board. Is this the same device that is used in the advert with the boy mentioning to a villager that his grandfather was from there? Best regards, RA1
  20. I am very much a dog lover but here is my usual "negative" post. I wonder what went on to train the dog to do that stuff? Virtually none of it is "natural" for a dog. I have no reason to suggest the trainer in this case did anything harmful but harmful things are used to train dogs and other animals to do "un-natural" things. Otherwise, without a doubt, it is cute. Best regards, RA1
  21. Let us not forget ZAP Mail which cost FEDEX over 300 million which was more money 25 yeara ago than it is now. In retrospective a very flawed idea that depended upon "controlling" the sale and use of fax machines (which were new then) and a legal precept that faxes would not be viewed as "binding". Of course, fax machines became very available and faxes became at least evidence of intent. I have heard many Europeans and others call Coors Colorado Cool-Aid because it is so mild in taste so no wonder folks wouldn't buy the same product described as "water". Best regards, RA1 I realize Kool-Aid is the brand name but continuing the "C"s seemed to make sense.
  22. Perhaps I am influenced by a memory that has something but not much to do with Al Davis. I went to the 1981 Super Bowl XV, held in MSY, New Orleans. The Philadelphia Eagles were a 3.5 point favorite and the town was loaded with Eagle fans. After all, it is a long way from OAK, Oakland, CA to MSY. I really did not have a favorite team. I was working as the pilot who flew 8 people to the game. But, after observing the obnoxious PHL fans, one walking around Bourbon Street wearing long johns with the rear flap half open and his entire body painted green, I decided to support the Raiders. Much to my delight, the Raiders won and handily so with Jim Plunkett, the quarterback, being named MVP. Just a personal memory. Best regards, RA1
  23. Do you mean personally or technologically? SJ likely provided a lot of impact on many folks lives to include my own, but only indirectly. I have never owned or used any of his "products". Ditto, AD had no "real" impact on my personal life, only indirectly. I enjoyed his personality and the resulting "sports" games. No doubt I also enjoy some of the technology of SJ. However, both indirectly, as mentioned previously. I enjoy and appreciate your point of view but it is not necessarily mine in this case. Best regards, RA1
  24. He always did things "his way" and was a true rebel. I think many on this board are also "rebels" and do things "their way"; therefore perhaps some would like to remember Al Davis? I realize football is not everyone's forte. But, such is life. Best regards, RA1
  25. Are there bars or drinks offered or allowed on these trains? There is a parallel in smaller "cabin class" General Aviation aircraft. The entry level version of on board "facilities" is a potty seat on top of a "box" which has a plastic bag in it. The "door" for privacy is usually a curtain. Most flights don't last more than 3-4 hours (usually less) but, with the option of drinks being available, if you have to go, you go in the facility provided. The next step up is a so called flushing potty which has a holding tank + pump + a chemical. This is very similar to what you might have seen or used with camping toilets. Both of these style toilets are dealt with by someone at whatever airport is one of the destinations. In other words, someone takes the tank or bag and disposes of it, hopefully in a hygienic manner. The next step up is a remote holding tank with flushing potty that is cleaned in the same manner as airline sized equipment and that is a truck that puts the waste into the truck tank via a large hose and replenishes the chemicals. On many aircraft there is a "relief tube" which has a funnel on one end and a venturi tube on the other. Generally only used by men, the liquid is sucked through the tube by the venturi effect and atomized into the air. I have never seen any result of this procedure on the surface of the aircraft and I firmly believe that the atomized liquid just becomes part of nature and never hits the ground in its' original form. I think there would be complaints if otherwise. Best regards, RA1
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