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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I suppose a corollary to the statement that those who do not know history are going to repeat it is those who do not understand history will surely repeat it. Totally paraphrased, I know. Best regards, RA1
  2. I was on a flight pre-911 when 4 guys were removed. The "explanation" was that they did not wish to be 12 hours over water. The most memorable result was they had to find their luggage among the "C" containers and return them. That took a little over an hour. Yes, drinking is a favorite pastime or problem in the northern climes. Iceland increased their alcohol tax to very high levels over 30 years ago which prompted the delivery pilots to bring vodka or something to our favorite officials who made life easy for us. Every passenger airline pilot I know carries a tie wrap in his hat band. That makes it simple, easy and convenient to "secure" an unruly passenger to his seat. I am wondering why such was not used on this flight? Best regards, RA1
  3. Wonder why I wasn't banned? On the same thread I posted that HooBoy had interferred during a trip with an escort. Obviously it is all personal and likely the "truth" will never completely surface. Best regards, RA1
  4. lookin'- Even though I have a carry permit, I have zero interest in shooting anyone and less than that in having anyone shoot me. But, I am serious about having only older folks go to war. I seriously think that might limit future wars. If old pols might be subject to the draft, they might not be so willing to start or agree to start a war. We have to start somewhere. Best regards, RA1
  5. I have said it before and I will say it again, we are doing at least two things wrong in pursuing wars as we have recently. One, if we are going to fight a war, then we need to go on a war time footing. That means the draft, increasing taxes and delaying "normal" business until the war is over which might include rationing and other measures used previously. Two, we need to quit "sacrificing" our youth. If we go on a "real" war footing I will be among the first to volunteer. In fact, I think no one under 50 need apply or be considered for service. If the above were two primary "rules" for declaring war (and it should be declared or non-existent), I think we might get somewhere limiting or eliminating such. That would be my ferverent hope. Best regards, RA1 The letters are indeed heartrending.
  6. Yes, but are they accompanied by the "queen in waiting", Prince Charles? Best regards, RA1
  7. I too remember seeing the coronation on TV. The school I was attending set up a TV in the cafeteria and interrupted classes so we could watch. I also happened to be in England in 1977 but I was on business and did not observe any of the celebrations. I do seem to remember the pound sterling was at a near term high that year, around 2.25, when before and after it often traded around 1.50 USD. One time in the next few years it actually hit par and briefly traded at I pound for 1 USD but that was for just a few minutes. Best regards, RA1
  8. RA1


    I agree with the idea that the election might be part of the end of the world as we know it but that has been predicted before and, so far, even with some very nefarious candidates elected, the end has not happened. I don't know if that is good or bad, probably both. Best regards, RA1
  9. I believe that you are correct, Lurker. He was the first "poster" child featured on milk cartons. I have not seen and I cannot think of any "reason" why this child was murdered by the suspect or anyone else (without evidence of why). Indeed I hope the mystery is resolved and the family can have some (very late) peace. But, I am not holding my breath. Over the years, there have been many confessions of various crimes and this might not be an exception but I am hoping if this guy did do it that the authorities will go the extra mile to verify whatever happened. Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1

    Amendment One in NC

    I have lived in the South all my life so I probably know better than most what is wrong as well as what is right about it. However, i travel a LOT so I am exposed to more than grits and fatback. I know that a lot of folks in the South regard anyone who is or from north of the Mason-Dixon line as being a damn yankee but, of course, historically that is not true, as you mention. Sorry that you are having difficulties but NC likely can cure at least some of your ills. Best regards, RA1
  11. RA1

    Amendment One in NC

    Welcome back to the "real world". Yankees are fun to know, but I wouldn't want to BE one. Best regards, RA1
  12. RA1

    Jet Lag

    There is a lot of so called "wisdom" about dealing with jet lag to include get on the local time, start adjusting to the local time "there" before you leave home, adjust your day/night time appropriately, etc. If any of these or others work for you, then use them but nothing seems to work for everyone. If I am 8 or more hours different from home and especially if there is a season change, it takes me many days to "completely" get over it. Basically I just cope with feeling "low grade" tired much of the time and try to get up when it is day light and sleep when it is dark and go from there. Naps but not longer sleep periods during the early days can help. Best regards, RA1
  13. He was morally and spiritually "broke" from the get go, wasn't he? Best regards, RA1
  14. DW is an interesting enough kid but he does proselytize a bit too much and, in spite of trying to sound or be serious, he really doesn't reach beyond his "age group" or 'limited" experience level. In other words, he is 28 and acts every bit of it. Nothing really wrong with that but I wonder if he realizes it. Best regards, RA1
  15. James Doohan, Scotty on the original Star Trek, wished to be cremated and have his cremains "beyond the earth's atmosphere" had his wish granted a short time ago. An unmanned space shot took 300 cremains into orbit where they will remain for about 1 year before burning up returning to earth. A fitting tribute for those wishing to do this. Cool. Best regards, RA1 I know AS and others will be interested.
  16. You MUST be visiting your mom. I hope she and you are doing well. Best regards, RA1
  17. Just getting home from Saturday night? Interesting blog. Thanks for sharing. Best regards, RA1
  18. RA1

    Facebook IPO

    They will have to change their business model to make any money, won't they? And, doing that almost always "annoys" some users if not many. However, I am certainly not a good judge of their possible value because I never have wanted to know minute by minute what anyone else is doing and I am not presently on FB and have no thoughts of "joining". Best regards, RA1
  19. I had no idea that EXPAT was a possible disgruntled New England fan. Congratulations on out flurrying everyone. Best regads, RA1
  20. If we aren't created in His image how did we get free will? If we don't have free will, how can we choose being "right" and "wrong", never mind how would we know the difference? Should we all have made "perfect" whatever that might mean and, if so, would there not b a great chance we would all be perfectly sad? Again, how would we know? Best regards, RA1
  21. Of course I can deny that she is right in this case but that is beside the point. My point is that "movie stars" and others in the public eye are often believed to know more than the average citizen, a point that you assert is not true. At least we agree that they know no more or no less than "others"; now can we agree that they sometimes have "undue" influence? Best regards, RA1
  22. I am a fan of Betty White but I wish celebrities would stay out of politics. They seem to know little about anything and even less about politices. However, they have every right to express their opinion, like everyone else. Best regards, RA1
  23. I have never had a "real" job but, on the other hand, I never intend to retire, either. Question: Do you want to have regular hours, regular pay, vacations, holidays, days off, a "normal" family life and happy, predictable relationships with others? Answer: What and leave aviation? Best regards, RA1
  24. OCD- You decide if you want to be in this collection of posters or not. It seems the population herein listens to almost whomever and, no doubt, will listen to you but you have to provide your own bona fides in order to "climb the ladder" of excellence or pitifullness, so to speak. The owners and monitors will regulate this site but whatever you do to enhance your ID will be up to you. Best regards, RA1
  25. I am sure that I know what you mean but what would be a "fitting" tribute to you when and if you lost your life? A fitting tribute to me would be one that identified my life and career in aviation. I am hoping that is not "just a hole in the ground" made when an aircraft that I was flying no longer was capable of flight. In other words, any tribute is nice but having or deciding how to have a "fitting" tribute is difficult, don't you think? Not picking on you or asking you to provide us with your chosen tombstone wording, just thinking about the words you actually used. Best regards, RA1
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