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Everything posted by RA1

  1. And, yet thousands of cruises set sail without this kind of difficulty. We all have our favorite cruise line or lines but any one of them can and will have some difficulty at one time or another; some more serious than others. A cruise ship is after all a self contained small town with far more amenities than the average small town. In some ways it is perhaps a minor miracle they don't have more problems than they do. No fatalities and no serious injuries that I have seen reported. So, is the glass half empty or half full? OTOH, refunding their fare seems a minimum. I think I would offer them all a free further cruise or at least a heavily discounted one. If they never showed up for same, at least you got some fairly free PR. Best regards, RA1
  2. I thought it was part of my job description to worry. Someone has to or should. OK, I will leave you two love birds to your own devices but I also advise anyone in the area to continue to wear body armour. Best regards, RA1
  3. I guess I don't follow your logic. I have to assume he wasn't an outlaw when he obtained his weapons, otherwise, the checks are worse than useless. But, how does the law of the land or any other supposition keep anyone from becoming an outlaw? I am not defending this guy. He obviously is an outlaw and needs to be corralled. Good guys today; bad guys tomorrow. How do we decide and protect against any such? Not by passing laws against weapons but by passing laws against the illegal use of same, regardless of the previous "credentials" of the perpetrators. Are you crazy? I thought not and I am hoping you will never be so and therefore misuse a weapon. Best regards, RA1
  4. AS- You making life too difficult for hitoallusa. You are suggesting that he must choose which of those two images is or might be The Beib. A difficult choice and no doubt too taxing a task. I would be among the last to suggest photoshop. Not likely. Best regards, RA1
  5. You don't think this guy is an outlaw? Best regards, RA1
  6. Has anyone else heard that if the new pope is named Petrus Romanus he will be the last pope and Rome will be destroyed and the apocalypse will begin? This is from a prophecy made long ago. This is all "public" knowledge so why would a new pope choose that name? Best regards, RA1
  7. LOL. Best regards, RA1
  8. Why? Haven't you already "engaged" him in order to be in the hypothetical relationship? Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1

    The Grammy's 2013

    I love it when folks are completely stalwart in their convictions. Best regards, RA1
  10. Most of this advice would apply to straight guys who don't want to get married either; if not directly, then in reverse. In a straight relationship usually it is the gal who wants to "make it all legal" so what is the "boy toy" trying to accomplish? Financial security, if there is such a think and it is available, can be presented in more than one way. Marriage seems a very elusive way to accomplish this but I suppose we have to support lawyers one way or another. Entertaining and interesting to read regardless of how practical. Best regards, RA1
  11. LOL. He couldn't do worse than Gerald Ford who, although a very good athlete, managed to hit numerous folks with an errant golf ball. Your speculation of a quiet villa in Italy or Germany had not occurred to me. I was thinkging of an apartment in the Vatican but as various have mentioned, that could bring on protocol problems, couldn't it. I mean he isn't your crazy old uncle but the recently ex head of the Catholic Church. Back room politics are always the most important, aren't they, whether it be the politics of US political parties or those of the Catholic Church? It will be interesting, although I don't think we are quite through with budget and other crises here in the US. Best regards, RA1
  12. Isn't it likely that every pope, at least during the last 100 years or so, became too ill or frail to carry on the duties of pope? So, why is this one being "so sensible" about his health and the advice of his doctors? Is there more to it? Where does a retired pope live? Some of these questions and more could be answered in the near term future but some of them may not be answered for decades, if then. Best regards, RA1
  13. I tried but without success. Best regards, RA1
  14. Of course it is central to the "American experiment". How could the US have survived without the Post Office to include the Pony Express and other notable "experiments" ? There are many folks who should be appreciated for their service to the Post Office to include your family members and my grandmother's second husband. That in and of itself does not eliminate any blame (or credit) for those "managers" who have taken the USPS to its' present position; that does not exempt the Congress for their transgressions. The worker bees always take the blame and the brunt of the criticism and the economic burden. I am afraid such if life as we know it. Best regards, RA1
  15. Of course. aka, yes. Best regards, RA1
  16. Cool. Best regards, RA1
  17. Very likely it is but in what context? In other words, in the grand scheme of things, how long is near? Best regards, RA1
  18. Isn't one of the problems that the post office did morph into a bureacracy as mandated and supported by the Congress and then when the public didn't like all the "cost over runs", Congress "invented" a quasi public corportation pretty much unique in the form of the present day USPS? Of course, Congress still has its' franking privileges and oversight of the operation, when it chooses to do so. As a result, the USPS is the leading example of all that is wrong with government run entities with none of the "benefits" in law to "wiggle out" so to speak. GM, Chrysler, all the flag carrriers (airlines) and many others simply ducked their responsibilities (legally) when their labor and/or other costs got out of control. Congress won't let the USPS do that. At least not so far. The US taxpayer cannot presently support these kinds of schemes. There is a whole long list of same either already proposed or just waiting in the wings for a moment when we are vulnerable to allowing such. Best regards, RA1
  19. We could go on with an analysis of this for a very long time. There are parallels in the "spy game" and the military, at least to the extent that if one is dealing with bad guys or terrorists or criminals all day long, there is a tendency to view a disproportionate percentage of society as being one of "them". A completely understandable opinion but one that must be guarded against, if not by each individual, then, for sure, by those in charge. Leadership is everything in these matters. Each and every one of the above mentioned groups needs a change in leadership periodically. On the federal level, that is usually acomplished with a change of administration or more often. On the local level, not so much. Likely the LAPD needs a change in leadership, if not a bit more. Best regards, RA1
  20. I certainly could not imagine it but it is happening. Best regards, RA1
  21. If you are fortunate, you will never understand gloats. Best regards, RA1
  22. There is no "relief" from civil servants who have done wrong, is there? I have never been an apologist for the police but they are the new centurions who stand between us and criminals at large, are they not? These guys will have to take the consequences for their actions but that does not make the police force bad, does it? I think the guilty should be punished and we move on, with them doing their best to protect the public. Best regards, RA1
  23. Shame is for the innocent. No way herein. Best regards, RA1
  24. I love them all. I have made many friends in this part of the world even though I am a life long Southerner. Best regards, RA1
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