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Everything posted by RA1

  1. So. you are addicted to both? Best regards, RA1
  2. Likely if both participated. Best regards, RA1
  3. Letterman or his writers are often funny. This was not. Best regards, RA1
  4. Like most things, there are always at least two sides to every story. However, this sounds very much more like an excuse rather than a reason and by a man gone round the bend. Best regards, RA1
  5. Pure economics. But that works both ways. As the old saying goes, what goes around, comes around and likely Carnival will reap their reward, just or otherwise. The foreign flag issue is also two sided, at least. Yes, the companies are avoiding some rules and regulations that would be imposed by the NTSB or other US officaldom by having the ships registered in other countries but our unions have also "pushed" themselves out of the running with asking for too much and getting virtually nothing. We could just prohibit foreign ships from using our ports if they don't "measure up" and to some extent we do that but not as completely or effectively as in aviation and that is going the "wrong" direction itself. Best regards, RA1
  6. I have always thought it strange that a human being would have to eat 400 pounds of sugar substitute per day to be the same as what they were feeding the rats. It seems they continue to raise the quantity of whatever they are testing until the rat succumbs to it. I am sure enough water would do the same. In fact, last night I heard someone claim that they used the scientific method to determine that microwaving was unsafe. They took one cup of water and brought it to a boil in a microwave oven, let it cool and then watered some plants with this water. Their "control" was to boil a cup of water on an electric stove, let it cool and then water some plants with it. Conclusion: Within a week all the microwave water plants had turned black and died; therefore microwaving food is dangerous to humans. I suppose their reference point or calendar must be slightly off. I have been microwaving food for 50 years without known bad result (other than to my waist) and so has virtually every US family. Whatever "they" claim to be bad for you now, just wait a while and it will be shown to be good for you or at least not harmful. Best regards, RA1
  7. It is difficult to know if DT deserves to be rich. In any case, that is a judgement of fellow human beings, not an absolute. If it makes you feel better, many have speculated that DT (and others) could not liquidate and have left over enough money to buy a cup of coffee. Of course, that is true also of the USA at the moment. Best regards, RA1
  8. I don't think I would be alive if I got what I deserved. You get what life dishes out whether you deserve it or not. Anything else is just an opinion from your fellow humans. Best regards, RA1
  9. I appreciate your comments and see the logic thereof. However, nothing is perfect, is it? We read and try to consider their perspective as well as ours and then decide what might be worth noting. Anyone who reads my political posts knows that I am skeptical about ALL pols. This is an advantage when trying to decide what might be correct or worthy of consideration. Best regards, RA1
  10. Carnival claims they will "award' a free cruise + "this cruise" + $500 + ground transport + a hotel stay as partial compensation for the "inconvenience" of this cruise. We shall see. I suppose it is only human nature to "suddenly" be much happier once an "experience" is over. Passengers started praising the crew for their efforts throughout. A hot shower, a "comfortable" toilet and a good meal can often do wonders, can it not? Without denigrating the passengers, I have to comment that limited food, being trapped on a "stalled" cruise liner and doing without "appropriate facilities" is NOT the same as older or deceased relatives suffered during WWII or many other wars. This was an inconvenience that was not bargained for without a doubt but it was not SUFFERING in the "true" sense of the word. I think many of the passengers would now agree to this comment. Compared to "ordinary" urban or suburban life in the USA this was the pits. But, no one was shooting at them or forcing them to unburden their family possessions or making them do manual work before they were executed. We are all spoiled by modern life, aren't we? Best regards, RA1
  11. RA1

    A Question for RA1

    You can hardly go wrong with a Gulfstream. Recognized worldwide as a premium aircraft. After you win the big one, I would be more than happy to help you find a good one, meaning worth the money (a relative term). That is what I really do these days, manage business aircraft; flying them is just icing on the cake. Best regards, RA1
  12. I don't know the answer but it seems I have heard of this problem before and the "answer" was to call them directly. Best regards, RA1
  13. RA1

    A Question for RA1

    The safety of flight is largely dependant upon the crew and their training and attitude about safe flying. After that the vagaries of weather and sometimes unforecast problems enter into the equation. Generally speaking the larger jets have a better safety record. That includes the Gulfstream series as well as several others to include Bombardier as well as Boeing with their BBJ series. This is partly because of the capability of the aircraft and the usual experience and temperament of the crew as well as the wishes of the passengers to avoid negative situations (bad weather, political uncertainly, etc.). I think you can be perfectly safe in a Cessna 150 with one pilot and one passenger during very good weather and lacking any other adverse circumstances. You can also be at extreme risk in a 747 with a foreign crew flying an approach during very bad weather to a "difficult" airport. The biggest advantage to private aviation is the ability to "know" the crew and the aircraft to include its' maintenance program and history. Once you are familiar with these variables you can assume the relative safey extant. I hope this somewhat answers your question. Thanks for asking. Best regards, RA1
  14. I can't speak for JKane but he sounds pretty sane to me and I don't think he is angry. Best regards, RA1
  15. SW acquired Air Tran in May of 2011, almost two years ago. So far there is little difference. Both are still operating under their previous names with basically the same rules, for instance, AT charges for bags while SW does not. The complete integration of the name, routes and rules of transport are still many months away, at least. There will be a toe in the water expansion of AT routes late this coming summer. I expect AA and US to proceed at the same kind of pace. You just can't snap your fingers and have thousands of folks move, routes change, signs change, logos change, etc., etc. I suppose you can do all that but not without spending a LOT of money and having a bigger PR nightmare on your hands than already in place. I have posted this before but to repeat, when deregulation was adopted in 1978 it was widely predicted that there would only be 3-5 flag carriers after a couple of decades or so. We now are about to have 4. We got "cheaper" fares, at least until the price of oil went out of sight, but much worse service in every definition of the word. Cabin service, route service, non-stop service, equipment changes and much more has deteriorated steadily. Many suggest there is no such thing as "F" any longer meaning all are cattle class with the only distinction being in which end of the plane is your seat. Obviously I could go on but I will resist and desist. Best regards, RA1
  16. Anyone herein think factcheck.org has any credibility? I do. Best regards, RA1
  17. I agree about the designer. Best regards, RA1
  18. Don't be in a rush to give up enjoying your preference just yet. First the boards have to agree, then the US has to approve, then it will take 2-3 years for much to happen that is noticable. However, yes, there will be consolidation, etc. and reduction of competition is never good for the consumer. This likely will be an inconvenience, perhaps an expensive one but an inconvenience just the same. And, it won't happen tomorrow. Best regards, RA1
  19. You almost make me think I am not gay. Most of the folks I know basically fit into your description or at least my version of it. Perhaps the fact that I not only realize but appreciate the fact that the brain is the largest sex organ goes a long way for me and for him. Maybe I am just too easy to get along with. Do it the way I want and we both will be happy. Interesting folks come in all sizes, colors and sexual orientation, so appreciating others is not "different". If you want an easy and inexpensive way to have relationships, long or short, I do not have that answer and it has little to do with paying an escort. Wives, BF's and others always cost something, if just reciprocity. Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1

    Is our MsGuy ok?

    I am relatively certain MsGuy does not live as far south as Hattiesburg, MS. The property damage was pretty much limited to that town. I was in Jackson, MS two days after the tornado hit Hattiesburg and even though the weather was rainy and stormy, there was no damage there. However, I have no idea why he has not posted lately. Best regards, RA1
  21. The "boys" didn't seem very happy to be showing off their wares. But they were attractive regardless. Attitude may not be everything but is a lot. Best regards, RA1
  22. So, your ex was a ragin' cajun? It could have been worse. He could have been an "actual" frog. Therefore I have to suppose that you did not actually enjoy enormous cajun cooking else you would still be together? Don't misunderstand, I do not mean that you are incapable of enjoying such cooking, only that it was not provided in sufficient quantity for your relationship to survive. Otherwise I think we both enjoy the fruits of the "south sea" regardless of petroleum influences. Best regards. RA1
  23. With the port city being pronounced MO BILE, as in the stuff your gall bladder makes, by at least one "reporter". I wonder how the guy on camera would have done with Ouachita? For those who have never been South or are otherwise ignorant, it is pronounced "Wash i ta". I always look forward to LA aka Lower Alabama. Best regards, RA1
  24. AS- Do you actually know hito or do you just happen to live in the same state (of delusion)? Hito actually sounds Japanese and AHA sounds like something a Japanese might say. Perhaps you can work in some Ninja scenarios between the Bewitched and Lizard Lick? Best regards, RA1
  25. I doubt that Carnival advertises to hire "stupid captains'" which is what the guy was on the Costa Concordia. I am not about to defend Carnival but things happen. Life is full of relatively minor inconveniences, isn't it? Many have spent the night and longer in an airport terminal. Been stuck in traffic behind a wreck for hours. Missed a bus. On and on. Now if it is proven that Carnival is seriously under maintaining their fleet or some such, then that is a different story. However, the US Coast Guard and others do inspections of cruise ships that use US ports. There are no guarantees but offialdom is watching. Have you ever bought a "cheap ticket" on an airline? Did it cross your mind that perhaps their maintenance was not on a par with other airlines? Why not? The FAA is certainly not perfect in their oversight and various airlines do have different reputations for the quality and extent of their maintenance. Keeping an open mind but your eyes and ears open should go a long way towards making your various decisions the correct ones, at least for you. Cruises may not be for everyone but millions have enjoyed them and will continue to do so. Best regards, RA1
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