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Everything posted by RA1
I fail to see the fun in it. Best regards, RA1
Thanks for not tarring and feathering me and riding me out of town on a rail. Times are changing. Your 88 year old very likely does have a birth certificate if she was born in the USA. In addition, at least in TN, she has a "permanent" absentee ballot because (hopefully) she doesn't drive any longer and has trouble getting around even with help. The federal government and state governments have sometimes peculiar ways of dealing with each other. Yes, virtually everyone is in some kind of data base but these are often not shared. This is slowly and sometimes not so slowly changing as the federal government usurps state's rights. And, like so many of the individual citizens, the states are standing in line to give them up. When I first voted I walked to the precinct, visited a moment with my neighbors (on the election committee) who knew me and pulled my voter registration, got my signature and then voted. In today's urban and suburban lifestyle with many moving every year or so, that is not always possible. And, with today's "instant" registration there is no reason for anyone being disenfranchised. I think a simple government issued picture ID is not an unreasonable requirement. Personally I think gerrymandering is done by the political parties to develop conclaves of similiar minded voters into what they hope will be a cohesive bloc. I don't think the main or sole purpose is to deny any individual anything. I view them as political ploys to promote a political agendum, likely to elect a partcular party member. If you think the US should elect via strictly one man, one vote on a national basis, then a Constitutional amendment is in order and you have your work cut out for you. Best regards, RA1
Are you going by the comment, "surrounded by friends and family" for your remarks? I see that frequently but have never quite understood it either. The exact moment of death is not predictable so do large numbers of folks just hang out during a "death watch"? I was nearby when my father passed away. I had participated in taking care of him during the last few months of his life but other members of the family were resting else where at that moment. They were physically and mentally exhausted from the ordeal of those months. I suppose the idea is that the person passed relatively peacefully and those who cared and were caring were nearby for support, of each other, one might presume. One reason I am posting is to lament how serious pancreatic cancer is. It is literally a death sentence that will be "carried out" in 6-12 months, more or less. My father passed from the debilitating effects of pancreatic cancer and I don't think treatment has improved all that much in the suceeding 40+ years since then. Best regards, RA1
Jerry Falwell had a lot of things going for him. However, I cannot think of one at the moment. I once met him in BNA (Nashville, TN) and was very impressed, unfortunately not favorably. Best regards, RA1
Who can forget MS Romano? RIP. Best regards, RA1
I have done all the "family" cooking for many years now because my mother was willing but not necessarily able to do the cooking during holidays, etc. I was willing. Therefore I have cooked the holiday turkey or ham or whatever for at least the last 20+ years. I enjoy cooking and do it almost every day that I am at home and also if I am at a city for more than one day. I then choose a hotel with a kitchen. This makes my stay more healthful, cheaper and gives me happiness in doing so. I am SURE there are a LOT of recipes and friendly meals to be discussed and shared herein. Let the breadcrumbs fly. Best regards, RA1
This "ingredient" is used in a variety of ways, not only on or in beef and Bloody Marys, but also in many other concoctions. I certainly use it in my "home made" BBQ sauce + several other recipes. It is a staple in my home. Best regards, RA1
TN seems to go out of their way to have some silly laws but in the case of voter ID they offered free DL picture ID cards. Many DL stations were open on Saturdays before the last election. A picture ID is required to buy beer in a grocery store and it is enforced, even for those "well over" 21. I would have to opine that some are never satisfied. The South has come a long way from having to be a property owner to vote (an original Consititutional requirement). Gerrymandering apparently is a time honored political ploy nationwide. Best regards, RA1
If the Southern states (and others) have not gotten the message after 47 years, they never will. I am positive the message has been received and acted upon. It would be a blessed event if this were not a political vote and situation. Best regards, RA1
If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself. An old but still relevent saying. Best regards, RA1
Wow. I didn't think the Radar Range came along until the late 60's. The college industrial version must have cost a fortune. The Amana home version was expensive enough. The margarine was a white solid block the size of one pound of butter but not in sticks. I remember seeing my great aunt mixing the powder in a large bowl. I have to suppose she let it warm up a bit beforehand. After all, I was just a wee lad, so I have memories but not necessarily details. I could easily imagine today that margarine provided in white solid block form might slow down the average consumption of it; a good thing. Of course, Kleenex and Xerox are prime examples of generic names for products. Tissue paper and elctrostatic copies would have been very passe. Best regards, RA1
Totally Oz Visits Brazil for the Month of March!
RA1 replied to TotallyOz's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Not to worry about too many details, at least as far as I am concerned. I have been east and west a lot but not South America so I would like to learn from others as much as possible. I am hoping the German passenger was drunk or otherwise incapacitated. Why would any thinking person want to inconvenience someone who has the safety of the passengers and aircraft in their hands? Nothing like having one of the pilots hopping on one foot and then the other because they need to piss. OTOH, one would like to think the pax would willingly let a pilot go to the head of the line (no pun intended) so they can immediately return to their duty stations. There should be no need to lock the door to make this happen. Many times I think the world has taken leave of their senses. For instance, why should the TSA bother a pilot other than to verify his credentials aka ID as being real? He or she does not need a weapon to fly the aircraft into the ground. Only the ill will to do so. Have fun and keep the reports coming. Best regards, RA1 -
Ah, the Frigidaire. Funny how different products became generic names for same in different parts of the country. FEDEX spend a lot of money to avoid having overnight package delivery called FEDEXing it. Hoover is generic for vacuum cleaner for many and I am sure with little to no prodding various posters can remember or cite others. Frigidaire was a GM name. I also remember my grandmother's sister and husband having an ice box although refrigerators were certainly in existence then. My great aunt also bought margarine which was white in color and came with a packet of orange powder which she mixed to make it yellow. A fair trade law at work. BBB- You may be 44 and remember many of these things but do you actually (for instance) remember BEFORE microwave ovens? I know I bought my first one in the late 1960's (Amana by brand) so you were not born then. Best regards, RA1
To remember "before" some of those things you have to be a good deal older than 40. Of course, I am younger than 40 (at heart). The thermos bottle is being neglected as the greatest invention. How so? Well, it keeps things hot that are put into it hot and it keeps things cold that are put into it cold. How do it know? Best regards, RA1
Using the Word Fag in Articles and Stories on Boytoy
RA1 replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
Please don't encourage me to comment on that group. Best regards, RA1 -
Using the Word Fag in Articles and Stories on Boytoy
RA1 replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
I just re-read my own post and your reply. I was not so much offended by what you said as I am by John Travolta in general. I didn't overstate my opinion but likely overstated a reaction to your post. I certainly see what you mean. In aviation circles, JT is regarded by some as a spokesperson for pilots, etc. but, according to me, his only qualifications include having the money to invest in aviation and being a "movie star". I do think his interest in aviation is sincere, just not realistic. Best regards, RA1 -
Oh, those Pentecostals. I must have been thinking of the hard drinking, pot smoking guys in local 386. Best regards, RA1
I am waiting to hear where the snake handlers fit in this recitation of religiousity. Best regards, RA1
What if you are poor and insane? Does this preclude you from being a Jehovah's Witness, Morman or boring Christian (assuming you are among the naturally boring)? Aren't there any other choices? Best regards, RA1
I never had the oppotunity to hear him live but I certainly remember his outstanding achievements. Best regards, RA1
Looks just like my next door neighbor. He is about that friendly. However, we are able to resolve any differences. I provide him with protein and he provides me with young guys. A resolution made in heaven. Best regards, RA1
Using the Word Fag in Articles and Stories on Boytoy
RA1 replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
I hesitate to make a reply. John no doubt is gay and "something" of a pilot, so are you calling "us" fairies? I doubt it. I think I see your point. However, as a pilot, I do not and cannot easily identify with John Travolta in this regard. "Stars" and other wealthy folks do not often make superior or even average pilots. It is too easy to not engage in the "real" world of aviation. If the weather is bad, just don't go. ETC. No problem with not going when the weather is bad but "real" pilots aka professional pilots HAVE to go unless it is dangerous to do so. Then, no one should go. I would very much appreciate your definition of what a "Travolta" really is. Best regards, RA1 -
Of course you did. I can see you now, walking your bat on a leash, with it flying and dragging you along. OK, I have mixed metaphors and TV ads to a faretheewell but trying to decipher life is very much the same. Best regards, RA1
All of those kinds of things are a variation of AA with their 10 steps. In other words any remedy for a human ailment will work IF you work the remedy. Don't drink definitely elminates the problems of alcoholism. Don't gamble definitely remedies a very negative addiction. However, not everyone wishes to give up a pleasure entirely to avoid each and every side effect. The "trick" is to live moderately. Not necessarily easy but a laudable goal. I was once interested to read a treatise that suggested that if one only drank wine there would be no alcoholism. Interesting but not scientific. If you put $100 or whatever you can afford in your pocket and go to a casino and leave when it is gone, do you have a problem with gambling? Perhaps but it seemingly is not out of control. If you don't have any debts, obviously your financial situation is better than if you do. After that is an individual evaluation. Best regards, RA1