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Everything posted by RA1

  1. After first firing the basketball coach for "teaching" his team by beating them up, Rutgers today fired the AD. That reminds me of a lesson I learned several years back when the owner of a BizJet fired his captain. The captain complained often and bitterly about his co-pilot aka co-captain until the owner "explained" that the captain was supposed to "take care of" personal problems and fired the captain. If you take care of what you are supposed to be doing, likely you will be left alone and will succeed in whatever you are doing. Best regards, RA1
  2. WTF. First our munificent Congress enacts Obamacare without knowing what it contains and no one understands it and then, suddenly, there becomes a need for 100,000+ civil servants to interpret it. At best this is a travesty of the blind leading the blind down a road to havoc and ruin of our medical care delivery system and maybe our already shattered economy. At worst it was a political ploy from the beginning to hire more federal workers for their votes and to seemingly stimulate the economy. Some federal workers are obviously necessary but none of them produces a product or increases the productivity of the economy. They do not pay more taxes, they only require that more be gathered and spent. We desperately need to clean up the fraud and abuse of the medical care delivery system, not burden it with more costs. Best regards, RA1
  3. I think this is a wonderful project and this young man is doing something significant for himself and others. However, I cannot help but wonder who is paying for his efforts. It is very expensive to mount an expedition to climb such as Mt. Everest. I have a client whose wife made such an expedition and I thought I would never hear the end of how much it cost in time and money. Best regards, RA1
  4. Don't many game birds resemble judges at first glance? Best regards, RA1
  5. Half a league, half a league...... Best regards, RA1
  6. Why didn't they have these when I was a kid? Best regards, RA1
  7. Is that something found or excreted? Best regards, RA1
  8. RA1

    Deja vu

    I hate products that are full of ingredients. Best regards, RA1
  9. Good luck to the legislators of NC. I have no problem with prayer so long as it is personal and reserved to oneself. I actually have no personal problem with public prayer except for the fact that it might step on the rights of others. No doubt it is wishful thinking to suggest or suppose a moment of silence might suffice. Some time back I thought only the Democrats were out of control, now I know it is all pols (and has been for quite some time). Best regards, RA1
  10. Marriage almost always has its' own penalty moments with or without federal "help", does it not? Best regards, RA1
  11. You mean like Roe vs. Wade is a closed issue? Or voter ID's? Etc. Etc. I would suggest that the only semi-closed issues are ones like the federal income tax law without which all of our wonderful politicians would be helpless in so many ways. Best regards, RA1
  12. Phil Jackson has made more than one inane and incorrect comment. He might well benefit from the old adage that it is better to be thought a fool than open one's mouth and prove it. He should stick to coaching "straight" NBA players. Best regards, RA1
  13. I didn't realize you were left handed. Best regards, RA1
  14. So sorry you feel this way. Please consider the "record" of Chicago which has very strict gun laws and one of the worst gun murder and crime rates in the country. I understand that folks think that banning guns makes folks safer but statistics do not agree. However, I also agree that everyone having a gun is NOT a good answer either. Best regards. RA1
  15. I do believe there is a group that state federal taxes are illegal and therefore unconstitutional. I am hoping and also thinking you are NOT a member of that group. Best regards, RA1
  16. Probably that isn't constitutional either. Best regards, RA1
  17. RA1

    Monsanto Law

    Anyone care to comment on the so called Monsanto Law recently "slipped" by Congress and signed into law by BO ignoring a 250,000 signature petition to veto it? Basically this absolves Monsanto and others who are genetically modifying grain and other food crops of any and all current and future blame when and if any negative effects are found. Long term effects are not now known. Best regards, RA1
  18. Having sex with a horse is different from marrying one which is what some silly folks offer as a comparison. As the farm hand says, stay away from that cute little sheep at the far end of the pasture. Best regards, RA1
  19. In order: Nope, yep, yep. Best regards, RA1
  20. I think I understand what everyone wants but that may not make it a constitutional issue. The federal government cannot just take over every issue for just any reason, although they seem to be willing to try. The supremes should not try to legislate from the bench. Congress should legislate and the supremes should adjudicate. All else should be left to the states. Obamacare has to be modified. The US cannot afford it in its' present form. We are already 16+ trillion dollars in debt. Do you really want to pay $25 for a Big Mac? Best regards, RA1
  21. Any chance any of you guys would consider the idea that gay marriage is not a constitutional question? In other words, why not let the states decide what to allow and why? I realize that such federal questions as income tax deductions, etc. ARE federal issues but many of the "other" issues are not federal issues. If a preponderance of states provide for gay "unions" then eventually the feds will accommodate us. It isn't simple, is it? Best regards, RA1
  22. You are so correct. Thanks for the reminder. Best regards, RA1
  23. Yes, I observed that possibility. Best regards, RA1
  24. No, just all "dicked" out. Best regards, RA1
  25. The bunny seems surprised but maybe he is just happy to see a supplicant. Best regards, RA1
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